/ / When the Computer Brakes What to Do?

When the Computer Brakes What to Do?

Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questionsof all that relate to any problems in the work of computer technology, you can call it: "Brakes the computer What should I do?". Unfortunately, there is no universal answer for each specific case and it simply can not be, because every time, when examining the problem, the specialist will find all the new reasons, even those that he has not previously encountered.

And this is quite understandable: the computer hangs for various reasons, different operating systems can be installed on different machines, and in different versions, there is no absolutely identical package of installed programs on two different computers, even if they are in the same office, naturally different and used on machines " iron ", and the packages of installed drivers are completely" mismatched ". That is, any system is unique, so in a nutshell it is simply impossible to answer exhaustively and absolutely unequivocally to the "cry of the soul" of the user "Brakes the computer. What to do?"

But still there are a number of "standard" for the OSWindows reasons for which the computer slows down What to do in this case, too, in principle, is known, so we will now disassemble this issue in sufficient detail.

For Windows to work, it is necessary thatsection where the operating system is installed (usually it's a C :) drive, there was enough free space. The thing is that the OS uses free space on the hard disk as virtual memory to work, as opposed to physical memory. The less space on the hard disk for running virtual memory, the slower the operating system, until the computer crashes.

What to do if the computer is crashing onthis reason? First, you need to take certain steps in order for the computer to start working again. Usually, a forced reboot of the operating system is done by pressing the Reset button on the case. Or on the laptop, press and hold the power button for a long time. After the operating system has been successfully launched, you need to clear the space on the system partition of the disk, removing the old unnecessary files. As a rule, these can be temporary files in the Temp folder, the Recycle Bin can be full, you can clean up unnecessary unused programs often with a lot of space on the computer's desktop. You can transfer the desired files to other partitions of the hard disk or save them to external media. After cleaning, the system will probably start working faster.

If the computer hangs and after cleaning hardyou can clean the system registry. The point is that in the process of constantly installing and removing programs in the registry, a lot of "tails" accumulate, which remain from different programs. These "trailing tails" are often accumulated so much that they begin to significantly slow down the system. You can also cope with this problem. But you can clean the registry yourself only if you know well what you are doing. Understand all the real keys and parameters, because if you do something wrong, then you can say goodbye to the system - you need a complete radical reinstallation.

In Windows, there is certainly such a usefulan option called autoload. This means that there is a whole list of programs that run simultaneously with the OS load. Often in this list of programs fall "at will", that is, during their installation. The more programs are running and running in the background, the more brakes the system has. You can edit the startup list by removing from it those programs that you can start manually later when they are needed. Quite often such applications are typed quite a lot. To leave in the list of startup, you need only those that should run immediately together with the OS, for example, an antivirus.

But if everything is still slowing the computer what to do? If no measures taken do not help, there remains a completely radical remedy called reinstalling the system. If the reinstallation is performed with the formatting of the system partition, then the computer will, as it's called, "fly". But before this radical action it is necessary to take care of saving user data, and the entire package of necessary applications will have to be reinstalled.

But the phrase "hung computer" can be forgotten. Until next time ...

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