/ / The best quotes from games

The best quotes from the games

A good work is not only a plot,but also by the thought embedded in his lines. A beautiful cover will not give the book a popularity, even if it is performed by the best designer of the planet, because a truly valuable novel makes sense inspiring creativity, causing a desire to learn and live a full, interesting life. With computer games it does not happen otherwise. A good schedule will not lift the fun to the top of popularity, if its plot does not cling. Quotations from games are worthy of attention, they strike with their accuracy not worse than statements from literary works.

"Freedom is not without problems, but it is priceless"

This statement is certainly familiar to fans of the game "Credo of the murderer: Revelations." Once she headed the list of the best games, but modern novelties replaced it, and now it looks like this:

  • World of Tanks;
  • Black Desert;
  • Neverwinter;
  • Point Blank;
  • Tera.

Any game series "Assassin's Creed" worthy of high-profileapplause. The meaning embedded in the plot makes one think about every person who was carried away by fun, not only about why he lives, but also about the correctness of his ideals, about honor and valor. About freedom. If you think about these lines, you can understand that most people live in captivity of their own illusions, afraid to get out of the framework established by society, because it's easier. So it's safer. But in practice such an existence does not bring pleasure. The hero of the game believes that he will better experience difficulties, constantly struggle with the environment and himself, but will remain a free person. It is hard not to agree with the correctness of this statement.

quotes from games

"Man creates. The parasite asks: "Where is my share?"

Another excellent statement included inlist "The best quotes from the games." "Bioshok" - in itself, a masterpiece. Any game of the series is a real treasure from an interesting gameplay, a unique story, a spirit of adventurism, a struggle for freedom and, of course, an infinite sense invested in every line and action. To understand the statement from different sides will not work. People have always been divided into those who with pride can be called a Man, and those who are not worthy to wear this name with a capital letter. The real hero does not stand still, he develops, achieves the set tasks, benefits not only himself, but also close people, perhaps, the society. The parasite is not able to go forward on its own; under any pretext, it sits on the tail of the toiler and, when he feels guilty, begins to take from him to the full. The quotes from the games are really full of great meaning.

list of the best games

"Gears never see the whole picture"

Quotes from the game "Mafia 2" are filled with bittertruth, reflecting our real world. Those who are accustomed to blindly follow others are not able to see anything except the back of their guide. Not all people have the courage to take a step to the side, get out of the shield and start living their own lives.

quotes from the game Mafia 2

Quotes from games are popular inpresent time. They are in no way inferior to literary utterances, and sometimes completely eclipse some of them. While there are games that develop people's correct views on life, the new generation should not be completely lost.

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