/ / What is RAM in the computer and why is it needed?

What is RAM in the computer and why is it needed?

Often beginning owners of personalcomputers are asked the question: what is RAM in the computer and why is it needed? It seems like there is a large hard drive on which a lot of data can be stored. And then there's some kind of RAM. The difference between them is that the former stores information for a long time, and even if the power is turned off, it does not disappear anywhere. But the second one is a fast memory, in which there is only what the processor is working with. With the loss of electricity, it is completely reset, that is, it is volatile. And now we will understand in more detail what RAM is in the computer.

What is RAM in the computer?

What it is?

First of all, let's look at what RAM is incomputer. This abbreviation is interpreted as follows: "O" - operational, "Z" - memory, "Y" - device. Physically, this is a very fast memory in which the information processed by the CPU at a given time is stored. The basic unit of measurement is a byte consisting of 8 bits. In each of them, only one value can be stored: "0" (no signal) or "1" (potential is present). Now RAM is measured in gigabytes. Basic PC models are equipped with 4GB, and more advanced - 8 or more. It is installed in expansion slots in the form of separate boards.


After we figured out whatRAM in the computer, find out how to clean it. And then there are two options. In one case, it is the removal of dust from the memory strip. For this we dismantle the case and find them. We remove them and blow them gently with a fan, wipe them with a dry cloth. The contact group is then wiped with gauze moistened with alcohol to remove the oxide film and allow time for it to dry out. Similarly, it is recommended to clean every other PC expansion module every six months.

And in the second case, how to clean RAM oncomputer, it means stopping unnecessary processes. To do this, go to the "Start", then in the "Control Panel". Here we find the "Administration" and the label "Service". In the window that opens, select the desired service by clicking the left mouse button and then clicking the button with a small square on the toolbar. It is important to understand that all services can not be stopped and before performing this operation, you need to make a list of those with which you can perform actions.

How can I clean RAM on my computer?


Now let's look at how to install RAM incomputer. First you need to study the documentation on the computer. More precisely, specify the number of specified installation locations and the maximum supported amount of RAM. All this is in the manual of the motherboard or laptop. Further, we specify the size of the installed modules. To do this, load Del or F2 at boot time (this can be found at start of loading in the message: Press x to setup, where x is the key we need). After entering the BIOS, go to its main page MAIN. Here you need to find Installed memory. Opposite him there will be a number - this is the amount of RAM in megabytes.

Now we compare the obtained value with that,which is specified in the documentation. If they are the same, more modules can not be installed. Otherwise, we determine the type of memory supported. For example, DDR3 with a frequency of 1866 (this information is in the manual). Then we buy a new module with a large volume (if all slots are occupied) or a new board with the same amount of memory (if there are free seats). In the first case, remove the bar and install a new one, and in the second - just put it in an empty slot.

How to install RAM in the computer?


This article described what RAM is incomputer and why it is needed. Despite the fact that it is considered more important to buy a more productive processor or a powerful video game card, you should not forget about RAM either. Its drawback can lead to the fact that applications will slow down. Any modern computer should be equipped with a minimum of 4 GB. If it is planned to solve more serious problems, then its size should be doubled - 8 GB.

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