How to Forward a Message "VKontakte": Secrets of a Social Network
Today we will learn with you how to forwardthe message "VKontakte". In addition, let's try with you to think about how convenient this function is. In general, to implement our today's task, there are two rather interesting methods. So that's exactly what they are about now.

Why invented
But before sending messages to the "VC", it is necessary to understand why there is this service in the social network at all. Perhaps, in it there is absolutely no flush?
In fact, it can be used. As a rule, this is a great helper, if you are sent an advertisement in a personal message. In just a few clicks you can easily and easily transfer it to your friend or friend in another dialog. With all this you do not need to constantly reprint the ad again and again. So let's finally see how in "VC" send the forwarded messages.
Getting Ready
The first thing you will need from us isto conduct the correct preparation. Without it, we will not succeed. True, you should not be frightened - you will need at least a minimum. For example, the availability of a working account in a social network. Naturally, it is necessary to be authorized.
Next, if you think how to forward a message"VKontakte", then we will also need "material". It's about the post that we will redirect. Any phrase from any dialogue is suitable. The third integral component is nothing else than our future recipient. That is, a person who will receive a "transfer" from us. In principle, that's all. When you make sure that everything is ready, it will be possible to proceed directly to the matter. Do not be afraid that you will not succeed - even the novice user can handle the question posed.

The "long" method
Well, here we are and started to analyze our topic. Now we'll figure out how to forward the message "VKontakte." In fact, for now, we will consider the least popular method with you. It slowly loses its relevance. Nevertheless, it has a place to be.
First, log in to your account. Now go to your dialogs and select the conversation that interests you. In it, you should find a phrase or ad that you want to forward. Select it with the mouse. It is necessary to cover the whole text. After - copy to the clipboard (you can press ctrl + c). Then proceed to the next stage.
Now, if you want to understand how to forwardthe message "VKontakte", it is necessary to find our future recipient. We will need to enter into a dialogue with it, after which paste the text from the buffer there. In this you can use the combination of the keys ctrl + v. It remains only to post. That's all. True, now there is a more suitable method. This is what most users of the social network use it for.

So we got with you to a more suitable step, which will help us in solving our problem. It is him, as a rule, used to use many people who have accounts "VKontakte".
First of all you need to log in tomain page. After you get into your profile, you can think about how to forward the message "VKontakte." Just like last time, visit the so-called dialogues and choose there that conversation that you want to send to a friend. Now select the ads you need. To do this, simply click on them once with the mouse. As a result, you will see a tick in the left side of the phrase. When you mark in this way everything you just wanted to "redirect", pay attention to the upper right corner of the window. So you have to find the "forward" button. If you click on it, you will see a list of added friends in your profile. Select the recipient, and then click the "send" button. That's all the case. Now you know how to forward the message "VKontakte."