/ / Hyde to Voyda ("Dota-2"). "Dota-2": a new model of Vojda

Hyde on Voyda ("Dota-2"). "Dota-2": a new model of Vojda

As already well known to everyone, there is no "DotA"imba, that is, the character that would be stronger than others under any conditions. In this regard, the game is as balanced and honest as possible. So you can not be afraid that someone will be in the process who can spoil your pleasure. However, it is by no means impossible to say that all the characters are the same. There are those that are easy to swing, there are those whose management is a real challenge. Feisloss Void (or simply Void) is one of them. He can become an incredibly strong and dangerous opponent, but to achieve this, you will have to carefully study everything about him, and also very delicate to feel the game and his opponents. If you sharpen your skills in dealing with this hero, you can create real miracles on the battlefield. In what this guide to Wojda will help you. "Dota-2" is a game in which you can win by controlling any character. But before that you have to study and practice.

General information about Wojde

assault on the porch of pillbox 2

Who is this mysterious character who canto be the weakest in inept hands, and the strongest when you study the Voida guide? "DotA-2" offers you a general choice between two types of heroes: those that attack from long ranges, and those that go into close combat. Naturally, everywhere there are differences. For example, in close combat, there may be a tank character who has a lot of health and collects all the damage in order to untie the hands of the allies. And maybe a hero who is good at attacking, fast and clever, but is also vulnerable to enemy attacks. It is to the latter type that Void belongs. And so it will be extremely difficult for you to achieve serious success without proper preparation. As already mentioned above, this is a great guide for Voida. "DotA-2" is a fairly simple game at first glance: the characters have only three main characteristics (they depend on parameters like life or mana), as well as four abilities that this character can apply. It would seem that it could be easier? But for victory you will need to know perfectly everything about your character, as well as possess information about the heroes of the enemy, so that everyone can find an individual approach.

Characteristics Wojda

Dot 2 new model

As already described, each characterpossesses a set of characteristics. Three of them are basic, and the rest are secondary. Some secondary characteristics depend on the basic ones, others - no, but all of them are very important for building a competent character. Given the fact that you can not influence them in any way other than as objects, you'd better just figure out what you have to pump out your character based on knowledge. This will help guide you to Voyda. "DotA-2" is a game in which the basic characteristics of the characters can be almost the same, but can vary greatly. Another important parameter is the increment, that is, how many points are added to one or another characteristic per level. In this plan, Voyd's first place is dexterity, on the second - strength, and on the third - intellect. The character's last characterization is low at the very beginning and a weak gain. But as for strength and dexterity, here they are the same at the beginning of the game. But then dexterity gets a much higher gain than strength. This you need to use in the game, "Dota-2." A new model of Voyda will allow you to pump it in various directions, which is what will be discussed now.

Roly Voida

things for an inside

You can pump your character by anyconvenient to you, but at the same time you will not be guaranteed success. It's best to focus on the roles that were secretly identified by the gaming community during thousands of hours of gameplay in the Dota-2 project. The new model Voyda gives you a unique chance, which many heroes lack - choose one of the four ways of pumping. First, Void can be a kerry - a character who is very weak at the beginning, but if he is well guarded and protected from enemy encroachments, then in the second half of the game he will reach a completely different level and will be able to show all his power. Secondly, the hero can become an initiator. Such characters are usually the first to rush into the battle, attacking and debuffing a large number of opponents at once, so that the allies can then finish off them, thereby winning an impressive part of the round. Thirdly, you can try on your Voida the role of a disablebler - a hero who specializes not in an open confrontation, but in the disabling of a specific enemy character. Well, the last development path for Voyda is escape. These characters are characterized by the fact that they suddenly engage in a fight, do everything in their power, and then just as suddenly quit the battle. As you can see, here you have the widest choice. But do not forget about things at Wojda. This character is incredibly dependent on his set, so take care that you have everything that is vital for him.

Time Walk

new entry DotA 2

The first skill you need to activate as possiblerather, but then forget about it until you pump all the rest. Things at Wojda play an important role, but Time Walk is the base for this character. With the help of this ability, the hero instantly moves to the specified point, slowing down all the enemies that fall into his path. And you do not need to pump to the maximum, because you have enough of what this skill gives at the first level, and other abilities will be much more useful to you. Naturally, the character in question here is the new Void. "Dota-2" was updated more than once, during which constantly changing skills. So if you have an old version of the game, then update it to the latest version. Otherwise, this guide does not make sense to you.


dota 2 how to play on the go

A very important skill that should be activatedeven before the fifth left, but to sweat already to the tenth. It is necessary to understand that for many evasion characters it is a way to survive in the Dota-2 project. How to play the Go-Go? You will need this skill, as it permanently gives you a certain chance to evade physical and magical attacks. At the first level, this is only ten percent, but to the latter this figure increases to 25 percent. It is thanks to this ability and survives quite weak in terms of health Void. Photo "DotA-2" will allow you to see it in action, but it's better to try it yourself to feel what advantage Bettrek gives to opponents.

Time Lok

Photo of DotA 2

The most important skill in Wojda is Time Lok. It needs to be pumped first and as soon as possible, but do not forget that you need to activate the other three abilities. So, this skill is also passive. He gives you a chance that when attacking your opponent will receive additional damage, as well as stun for one second. By the fourth level, the probability of success is already 25 percent, so now you need to understand how important this ability for the character is - in much the same way as the sets for Vojda. "DotA-2", however, is not limited to three skills. You still have to get acquainted with the character of this hero.


sets for the inside of DotA 2

With this powerful skill you getthe opportunity to create a fairly large sphere, within which the invisibility of the opponents is revealed, any actions that they were making stop. And Void himself gets a serious acceleration in the speed of movement and attack. So this is an impressive trap. Of course, it is recommended to use it only on creeps, so you can pump faster. But in the confrontation with the opponents it will be a dangerous weapon.

Items for Wojda

As already mentioned, subjects for thisThe characters play a huge role. Without them, you are unlikely to achieve any success, because Wojda has very low health and mana. Therefore, concentrate on getting things useful for him, and then it will be much easier to play. It is difficult to imagine a more dependent on the hero's subjects, so know the minuses of Voyda and try to turn them into pluss.

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