WHOIS: Domain information
The Internet web is built from uniqueelements that have their own numerical designation in the form of an IP-address and its symbolic designation - a domain name. Information on the structure of the Network is formed and used in a decentralized manner in special databases.
Domain names are listed by zone. Basically this distribution is by country: .ru, .by, .ua, .kz, .eu, ... There are international designations: .com, .gov, .org, .info, .edu, ... There are also geographical Options: .eu, .asia, .berlin, .london - and the names provided by special servers. This is the first level.
Domain name
The address and symbolic designations on the Web are issuedprovider or regional Internet registrar (Regional Internet Registry, RIR). There are five RIRs that provide the issuance of second-level domain names and ensure their compliance with physical elements on the Web. Owners of second-level resources, if necessary, create and provide symbols for the third and other levels.
You can always find out about the domain information if italready works, and after some time, if it's just registered. The appearance of a new domain initiates the dissemination of information about its actual location on the Web. This happens in a special way and takes some time. By registering the resource, you can see it from a computer on the other side of the planet (ie, updated information about domains became available) in no less than fifteen minutes (which is rarely possible). Usually this process lasts from 24 to 48 hours.
As a rule, information about domains is providedservices that are commonly referred to as the WHOIS term. Information is provided from virtually all regional registrars, but some zones (some countries) have their own characteristics. It is enough to type the word WHOIS in any search engine and you can get the names of sites that provide information about network resources.
Domain information is not always available in fullvolume. Often it depends on the country, but the technical side is always available. Providers and regional registrars ensure the proper functioning of the Network and all its resources in its area of competence. All the information necessary for this is provided in full.
Information about the details of registration, the ownerresource that does not affect its functioning - information about domains - is provided by the provider, registrar or the owner of the resource. The third and higher level is usually called subdomains, information about them is provided by the owners.