/ / How to make a coolant in IC2 Experimental and why is it needed?

How to make a coolant in IC2 Experimental and why is it needed?

Refrigerant is one of the materials that wasadded to the scale modification for the "Meincraft" called Industrial Craft 2. Why use it? How to make a coolant in IC2 Experimental? What can be the secondary craft of this material? What impact does it have on the player? All this you can learn from this article!

What is refrigerant?

how to make a coolant in ic2 experimental

So, before asking secondary questionson how to make a coolant in IC2 Experimental and how to use it later, it is worth considering what kind of substance it is. As you already knew, in the original version of the game it was not, it appeared only together with the new modification. The purpose of its use is the cooling of nuclear reactors, which have become key figures in this fashion. Accordingly, without this material, you can not get the most from the modification, that is, you can not build a nuclear reactor. Therefore, it's time to get down to business and understand how to make a coolant in IC2 Experimental. But before that, it is worth noting the basic physical properties of this material, which can be useful to you. For example, he is able to slow down the character that will step into the cooler's puddle, though, the slowdown is rather weak.

Receiving material

how to make refrigerant in canncr ic2 experimental

Well, it's time to learn how to make a coolantin IC2 Experimental. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, especially if you have already used all the instruments that were added together with this modification more than once. So, you need water and lapis lazuli dust. Both materials you need to mix in the filler. As a result of mixing, a whole bucket of refrigerant will be at your disposal.

Now you know how to make a coolant in"Meinkraft" IC2 Experimental, but there is still a secondary method of its extraction. The fact is that you get cold refrigerant, which you can immediately use. But there is also a hot refrigerant that is unsuitable for use, and if you have a liquid heat exchanger, you can use it to get cold from the hot coolant.

What's next?

The refrigerant bucket itself isalmost useless. You can not cool the reactor with it. So first you need to combine it with the capsule to get a coolant capsule, and then it can be combined with four tin plates to have ten finished cooling rods. You can use them calmly to cool your nuclear reactor. This is the only, but very important way to use such capsules.

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