/ / What is MTS-format and how to work with it?

What is MTS-format and how to work with it?

The question of what the MTS-format isvideo, as it turns out, is quite topical, since not all users of home appliances and computer systems know what it is. Now we will try to deal with some of the issues of the presentation of the format, as well as consider ways to edit and convert it to other formats.

What is MTS-format?

Strictly speaking, the notion of what isrepresents a format of this type, somehow too complicated not. The fact is that it is now used in almost all modern camcorders and, in fact, is an analogue of high-quality video standard Full HD (not to be confused with the format of DVD-video .ts).

mts format

The use of MTS-format is connected not only withhigh quality, but also because most cameras do not record on the internal memory of the device (which, by the way, is simply not available in most cases), but directly to a removable SDHC memory card. This approach made it possible to simplify the design of devices and significantly reduce their size, which can not be said about the size of the final file of the captured video. Nevertheless, it is possible to work with such a format, and even very simply.

Editing methods

It seems that the question of what to open the MTS-format,today is not worth it. In principle, any software or consumer player can play it without any problems. It's another matter if the video shot on the camera needs to be edited. It's here, to my great regret, that many start to have problems. The fact is that you can open a file and make editing in most programs, but you can not save it in the initial format, alas.

format mts convert

However, there is a way out. For example, you can use a specialized utility called Aimersoft Video Editor. But here there are their pitfalls. First, the program is shareware. Secondly, you can save the finished material only when converting to MP4 format. Thirdly, while the trial period lasts, a watermark constantly appears on the video material. Remove it from the video can only one way - buy the full licensed version. Not very convenient, right?

MTS file format: converting

The easiest way is to first use Aimersoft VideoConverter Ultimate and MTS format in any other format, for example, in the same MP4, and then edit the material, say, using the Camtasia Studio package or even some advanced video editor.

mts file format

By the way, in the converter there is also built-inan editor that allows you to perform simple actions such as rotating video, change the contrast, saturation or brightness, and add simple effects.

mts format

Particularly happy about the possibility of turning, becausesometimes the video is shot in a foreshortening with a slope of 90 degrees, compared to the normal mode. And here everything is simple: turned the frame and immediately converted the MTS-format into something else. Well, then edit how much imagination is enough.

However, what exactly is to convert oredit video files, everyone decides for himself, because today you can find quite a lot of the same free video converters and professional packages for editing it, and those that are used by world-renowned studios. So, as they say, problems should not arise.

The result

Summing up a certain result, it can be noted that nothingcomplex in understanding the format itself or the means of converting and editing it, in general, and no. You can work with it as with any other video material. The only hitch is that in free or shareware programs after editing, you will not be able to save the file in the original format. But, as we see, there is a way out, and quite simple. Again, by what means you will convert the MTS format into another one or make further processing of the material, it is very difficult to advise simply because today there are so many such programs.

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