/ / Victor Reznov, character of Call of Duty: Black Ops

Victor Reznov, character Call of Duty: Black Ops

The Call of Duty series has found millions of fans forThe whole world thanks to dynamic gameplay and exciting setting. The latter promptly changed entourage, transferring players then during the Second World War, then in the near future. In the games Treyarch studio played an important role Viktor Reznov. Call of Duty: World at War was the first project where he got light as a character. Next, we'll talk more about it.

Early biography

Victor Reznov was born on April 20, 1913 in thethe city of St. Petersburg. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he joined the ranks of the Red Army, defending the honor of a great power. In one of the video clips, he talks about his father. The latter was a talented musician, moonlighting performances in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Unfortunately, after the occupation of the city by German occupiers, his father was killed in a dream. The songs of the elder Reznov infused the rays of hope into Soviet citizens, and his death was a blow to many. For this reason Viktor Reznov strongly hated the fascists in the future.

viktor carvings

Military years

Talking about the war years of Reznov, it is worth mentioningThe first part of the series, where he appeared, is World at War. Actually, in the most large-scale battles this character will accompany the player. The beginning of acquaintance becomes the mission of "Vendetta", in which Reznov acts as a sniper. Gamers play for Dmitry Petrenko, who becomes one of Victor's best friends. The task takes place on the territory of Stalingrad, where we need to kill General Henry Amsell. At the end of the mission Dmitry shoots down a fascist from a sniper rifle, and then, together with Reznov, he hides from the numerous German army.

viktor carvings call of duty

In this part (WAW), Reznov appears in thea couple of tasks, among which "Battle for Berlin". At the very end, Sergeant Viktor Reznov gives Dmitry the opportunity to hoist the Soviet flag over the Reichstag. Next we will notice it in the next game from Treyarch - Call of Duty: Black Ops. In this part, the player takes on the role of several characters, among which the main one is Alex Mason. With Victor, he meets in prison, located in Vorkuta. Reznov himself got there after Dragovitch (a Soviet general and part-time main antagonist Black Ops) crossed the road with the seizure of Nova-6 biological weapons. Viktor Reznov raises the rebellion in prison, helping to escape to Mason. He himself dies, although he appears in the hallucinations of our protagonist. On the plot of Black Ops, Reznov "brainwashes" Mason, so that he killed Dragovich and his associates - Steiner and Kravchenko. Victor becomes the second "I" of Alex, which is very dramatically shown in the story story.

Interesting Facts

You can note a few interesting facts about this game character. For the convenience of readers, let us select them in the following list.

mission vendetta

  1. In World at War the appearance of Reznov is very similar to Lenin.
  2. To create a model in the aforementioned game, the developers used Imran Zakhaev's model, one of the antagonists of the first part of Modern Warfare.
  3. Viktor Reznov was born on the same day (April 20) as Hitler.
  4. Throughout the story line of WAW, the thumb of the character is bandaged.
  5. Reznov's favorite word in WAW is "revenge". He pronounces it 92 times.
  6. Attentive players can notice that our hero when wearing Berlin is dressed very hot and not for the weather - in a warm cloak and fur hat.
  7. According to the date submitted by the developersbirth, at the time of the "Vendetta" mission, Victor was only 29 years old, although he looks older by 35-40 years. But in the first part of the Black Ops, he looks a little younger, which is pretty strange.
  8. One of the missions of the game called "Celerius" takes place on Victor's birthday.
  9. In the multiplayer mode "Confirmation of the murder" on the tokens you can see the name and surname of our hero.

Victor Reznov is one of the best characters,ever created in the Call of Duty series. His biography is well spelled out, and there is no motivation for problems. By the way, he also appeared in the second part of the "Black Operations", but it was rather the easter eggs of the developers, since the character at that time should have been 113 years old. He looked like a mature 45-year-old man.

sergeant viktor carvings


Reznov is a multi-faceted personality. He can be a good friend, which we see in the relationship between Victor and Dmitry Petrenko. In addition, he wants to avenge Dragovich for the death of his military comrade. In the game he is shown as a patriot who loves his homeland. To the German invaders and Soviet traitors, Viktor is disdainful and, to say the least, disgusted, for which it is really interesting to watch on the other side of the screen.

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