/ / How to disable UAC in Windows 7? All ways to disable UAC on Windows 8

How to disable UAC in Windows 7? All ways to disable UAC on Windows 8

If you are bored constantly pop up andpop-up messages of threatening and intimidating content, and you are completely confident in the flawlessly implemented protection of the anti-virus program installed on your machine, then do everything as they tell you! How to disable UAC in Windows 7: they tell you - you do! What could be easier?

Unclassified Security Division

How to disable UAC in Windows 7?

In order to protect the computer systemand not allow "everyone to poke the code where not necessary," a special service was developed and introduced into the Windows 7 software environment, the responsibility of which was the process of tracking changes in the "seven" registry. Perhaps you also wondered how to disable UAC in Windows 7, after multiple and unsuccessful attempts to install an extremely necessary program, the installation of which involves making your own "corrections" to the OS. The tracking service, referred to in the English version of User Account Control, allows you to reduce the level of unauthorized access to a minimum, of course, with obvious manifestations of active action by the user or a self-installing application from the Internet. By disabling monitoring, you thereby allow the software at its discretion to produce certain settings in the registry of your operating system. However, the correctness of the UAC depends on some of the main factors: the novelty of the software, its quality value and the certification of purpose. Using the material in this article, you can personally deprive yourself of this security department, the effectiveness of which today is somewhat contrary to user needs. To the question: "Why?" - See the answer below.

Too ran ahead ...

Microsoft developers rushed to implementprotection segment of a similar purpose. Today, this is clear to most users of the "seven", and the G-8's usability suffers no less than the older "sister." Proof of this - often flashing search queries "disable UAC Windows 8". And yet, why did the specialists turn out to be so short-sighted, and for what is such an utterly senseless participation of the "inferior" security service, which consumes the system resources of our machines for nothing? What is most terrible is that the good intentions of the UAC service are driving the crazy users crazy, completely discouraging them from installing anything containing software code, and this, by the way, is all software. So, installing Windows 7, you will have to face the existing problem, and in particular: when installing the old software, the conflict limiting your rights is inevitable, the serious impact of new utilities also falls under the "suspicion" of the OS ... Therefore, seeing the problematic circumstances, the user There is only one thing left: resort to the option of "disabling UAC". It should be noted that it is advisable to neutralize only some components of a useful service. However, the responsibility for the installed software has always been on the user's shoulders.

Forewarned is forearmed

Win 7 UAC disable

The fact is that the actual solution of the question ofThe way to disable UAC in Windows 7 is actually done literally simply. However, before you deactivate the corresponding settings items, you need to understand the following:

  • "User Account Control" warns the user about the likelihood of adverse consequences as a result of changes to the system registry.
  • You need to be aware of the danger factor by disabling the UAC service.
  • Most users can not determine"Pest" on the indicative qualities, and the professional, probably, will have to think about the advisability of introducing the metamorphosis program into the computer's registry.

From all of the above, we can conclude: you can not "fire" the security department completely, it is advisable to take an elementary "reduction". In other words, it's more rational to disable UAC Windows 8.1 partially, without affecting critical system parameters. This will allow you to get rid of annoying messages. Let us turn to the practical part of our review.

Effective administration by example
The G8

Disable UAC Windows 8

  • By pressing the combination of keys Win + Q, the user will be given the opportunity to perform a search.
  • Enter - UAC. Then press Enter.
  • Next, select the "Parameters" tab, on the left side of the interface, click on the search result: "Changing parameters ... records".
  • In the "Account Management Settings ..." menu, drag the slider to the bottom. Which will be a complete disabling of UAC.

Do not be scared, the system, as before, under the relentless control of your antivirus and firewall.

Deactivation in the Registry Editor

A sufficiently serious operation, so be careful while following the recommendations below:

  • You need to use the familiar combination of keys Win + Q.
  • In the search box, register the regedit command.
  • Then activate the lower-level Apps tab.
  • Login to the Registry Editor as administrator (hold the right button) to make changes.
  • We go into the branch and follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System.
  • In the System folder, you must select the EnableUA line.
  • Double-clicking on the item opens a window in which you want to change the value 1 to 0.
  • Reboot.

"The figure of aerobatics" is completed.

Not recommended action: full neutralization of the UAC service

Disable UAC Windows 8.1

The most effective way, but realizing thismethod, you personally cut a hole in the protection of unauthorized access. The photo in this description shows which items need to be changed, but again - this is an extremely undesirable procedure.

The most acceptable and painless method

Download and install the ElevatedShortcut utility. Free opportunity to divert all suspicions from using a trusted program. And the usefulness of the UAC remains unchanged.

  • Launch the application.
  • Change the language through Setting in the lower left part of the working window of the program.
  • In the first checkbox specify the directory in which the executable file (* exe) of the favorable software is located.
  • In the 3rd paragraph, enter the location of the high-priority label.
  • Then "OK".

Now nothing can stop the work of this program!

How to disable UAC - command method # 1 in Windows 7

How to disable UAC in Windows 7

Often in the "seven" does not work the standard option of deactivation:

  • Start Menu. Click on the account's avatar.
  • Window "Account management settings ... user records", the last item "Change ... accounts."
  • Slider down. Reboot.

Using the command line

This method will allow you to turn off UAC without too much effort:

  • Open the start menu, enter cmd in the search box. Launch the application.
  • Copy the following command to the window.
  • C: WindowsSystem32cmd.exe / k C: WindowsSystem32reg.exe ADD HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem / v EnableLUA
    / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
  • Reboot.

Through the Registry Editor

Practically unchanged method, which is described tosection on Windows 8, also allows you to shutdown by using the same script, but already in the "seven". The only difference is that you enter the registry editor, because the regedit command will have to be registered from the Start menu.

Widows Vista: Disabling UAC

Disable UAC Vista

In this system, the User Account Control serviceDeactivates much easier than in subsequent versions of the operating systems of the Microsoft family. But it was with this OS that the "obliging controller" began its existence.

  • To disable UAC Vista, you need to go to the Start menu.
  • Then click on the "Control Panel" tab.
  • Find the "Accounts ...".
  • We remove the check mark "Use Control ...".
  • We agree with the changes made to the "Ok" settings.
  • We reboot the computer.

In Vista, this action is much more seriousaffect the performance of the system, because drivers are already often conflicting in not fully updated OS. Such a shutdown can be the culprit for the "crash of Windows Vista" situation. So it is recommended that you still refrain from deactivating the control service. Only in emergency situations, you can resort to shutting down: installing a program or application. Then turn it back on.


In a friendly Win 7 UAC, you can disablein several ways. Within the framework of this article, you have become acquainted with one of them. After considering the basic methods for deactivating the registry change control service using the example of the main frequently used systems, you only have to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Successes to you in mastering the computer and the accompanying process of its operation - the established operating system, which, we hope, will not be UAC-in the near future. Happily!

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