/ / How to remove arrows from Windows 10 shortcuts

How to remove arrows from Windows 10 shortcuts

If you are one of those people who call themselvesperfectionists, or you are just annoyed by the shortcut icons on the application icon, then you have got where you need to. In this article, we'll talk about how to remove the arrow keys of Windows 10.

What do Windows developers say

Let's start from afar. If you are installing Windows 10, by default, all items on your desktop are displayed with an arrow in the lower left corner. These arrows mean that the element is not a stand-alone file, but just a shortcut. That is, a file that carries only the path to its original source. But here's the question, and why display it with an arrow in the corner, if everyone already understands that there are shortcuts on the desktop.

remove arrows from labels windows 10

As for the developers themselves,official forums they were asked this question. However, the answer was not the one many people wanted to hear. They say that these label designation measures are standard, and making changes to standard elements is unacceptable.

But despite this, on the Internet a long time agothere are programs that can remove arrows from the shortcuts of Windows 10. By the way, not only programs, it can be done manually, the main thing is to know how. And how to do it, you will learn by reading the article until the end. Three methods will be considered.

Important: Before you perform any manipulation of the registry in Windows, it is desirable to create a recovery point. This will protect you from death.

Method number 1. Using the program

So, consider the first way how to removearrows shortcuts Windows 10. Program Aero Tweak to us in this will help. This program is distributed throughout the Internet and is there in the public domain, so you can safely download. Another plus of this utility is that it does not need to be installed, it is, so to speak, autonomous - run and use. This is exactly what we will do.

When you open the program, you will see its interface. It consists of two areas, the left tab bar, the right working area. At the moment, pay attention to the panel on the left, there you need to select Windows Explorer. On the right now appeared configuration items, pay attention to "Do not show the arrows on the labels." Put a tick, apply the changes and close the program. Apparently, it was not at all difficult. Now you just need to reboot the computer for the settings to take effect.

remove arrow shortcuts windows 10 program

So you learned how to remove the arrows from the shortcutsWindows 10, but I would like to say something else. As you saw, we used only one option in the program, and there are a lot of them. So if you have curiosity, then review all the settings, maybe find something useful. But please note that this program was intended for the seventh version of Windows, in the tenth there may be failures.

By the way, in addition to this program, you can try to remove the arrows from the shortcuts of the Windows 10 Manager-program, more precisely, the program Vista Shortcut Manager.

Method number 2. We modify the registry using REG files

Now we will talk about the second method, how to removearrows from the shortcuts of Windows 10. Many may think that we will do this manually, but this is not entirely true. Of course, we will interact directly with the Windows registry, but the changes will consist only in the fact that we will be making ready files, rather than writing them ourselves. So for inexperienced programmers this method will do better.

On the Internet, find the archive with the files, itis called remove_arrow.zip. It is with him that we will interact. Unzip the file in a convenient place for you. As you can see, 4 files were unloaded. We are only interested in one. Here, start from what you have the operating system: 32-bit or 64-bit. If 64-bit, then open the file with the same label.

You will see a window, click "Yes". After that, you will be told that all changes made to the registry have been implemented. In turn, this means that everything went well. As in the last time, you just need to reboot the computer.

remove arrows from labels windows 10 manager

Method number 3. We do everything manually

Well, now it's time to take on the case for experienced users, in part even programmers. Now we will understand how to remove arrows from the shortcuts of Windows 10, without resorting to any programs and files.

how to remove arrows from labels windows 10

So, we need to get on the roster, for thispress Win + R and type regedit in the input field. Before you open the registry. Find the folder HIKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and open it. Now you need to find the Lnkfile folder. Found? Click on it. Now you should see the "IsShortcut" file on the right side. It is he who displays the arrows on the labels.

Click on the RMB for this file and select "Rename". You need to change its name to IsNotShortcut. Now save the changes. That's all, now the labels will disappear, only need to restart the computer.

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