/ / "Defender" Windus 10 "": how to turn on and off, instruction

"Defender" Windus 10 "": how to turn on and off, instruction

In the operating system "Windows 10" is availablebuilt-in tool that provides security in terms of preventing the penetration of computer threats of all kinds or potentially dangerous software. This is the "Defender of Winds 10". How to enable it, configure it or deactivate it, and then it will be considered. But first, let's focus on the service itself, focusing on user reviews and specialists in setting up Windows-systems.

"Defender" Windus 10 "»: reviews leave much to be desired

As the official description, this service in the tenth version of the system was completely reworked and is capable of functioning no worse than any antivirus. But this or that?

the defender of Windows 10 how to enable

If you read the comments of users, you canto meet a lot of unflattering testimonies, which testify that the service takes care of security in some way too much. In general, this situation occurs when installing some software products, which for some reason are recognized by the system not only as dangerous, but also as potentially unwanted. This can include even optimizers or specialized utilities that allow you to deactivate some unused or unnecessary tools of the system, for example, regarding the tracking of user actions. In addition, as the opinions of dissatisfied people say, the OS with an enviable persistence installs updates "Defender" Windus 10 "", in which with the established staff antiviruses, most users do not need. That good, also conflicts between the built in and third-party ON can appear. But even here everything is not so simple.

Do I need to disconnect the service?

Of course, the question of whether "Defender"Windows 10" on local computers, for many remains open. Okay, if it's a network terminal, or it's sometimes a defense triggered to the point of absurdity when the user can not install completely legitimate software on his own PC or laptop, even if he is the system administrator.

Yes, disable the product "Defender" Windus 10 ""(reviews directly point to this) can, however, provided that the system has a regular antivirus. You can do this in at least four ways. But first you should look at the configuration of the service itself. It is possible to disable it and not have to, setting the parameters acceptable for yourself.

How to setup

"Defender Windus 10" after the update or "clean" system installation by default is in the active state. The initial setting can be made in the parameters section.

protector of windows 10 reviews

Access to the section is via standardmenu "Start", and then select the point of update and security. In the menu on the left there is a link to the service, and on the right there is a menu for setting parameters, in which you can set the activation of cloud protection, automatic sending of samples, etc. There is also another tool that helps to activate the service "Defender Windus 10". How do I enable it? Yes just move the protection switch in real time to the on position.

how to set up a Windows defender

You can also set up or activate directly in the program by calling it, for example, by searching and setting the necessary parameters right in the scan window.

Installing antivirus software

Now a few words about disabling the service. The simplest method is the installation of any antivirus package. The built-in protection will be deactivated automatically.

But this is a temporary phenomenon, because througha certain period of inactivity will be activated again, "Defender Windus 10". How do I enable it myself? In principle, this is not required, since the service will be launched without user intervention (you can read about it even in the description under the protection inclusion slider.

Actions in the Group Policy section

You can also disable the service section, which you can access by entering the gpedit.msc command in the Run console.

Do I need a Windows Defender?

In the computer settings and administrativetemplates you need to go to the Windows components and find the Endpoint Protection directory there. On the right there is a similar parameter, but with an indication of the shutdown. Next, enter into its settings and activate the line "Enabled", after which it will be disconnected. Re-activation is done by setting a check mark on the lines "Not specified" or "Off".

Using the system registry

Similar actions are performed in the system registry, whose editor is called by the regedit command in the "Run" menu.

Windows Defender Update 10

Here you need to use the HKLM branch, after whichthrough the SOFTWARE and Microsoft directories to reach the Windows Defender directory. On the right side of the editor, you need to use the RMB and create a 32-bit DWORD parameter (if it is not), name it DisableAntiSpyware, and assign a value of 1. This is how the "Windus 10 Defender" disconnects. How can I turn it on again after doing this? There are two options: either set the parameter to 0, or just delete it.

Note that the described procedures in the registry and ingroup policies duplicate each other, and after setting the parameters in the registry, the actions in the group policy section are impossible (but you can do editing).

Additional Methods

In principle, it is possible to disconnect or reactivate the Defender using special programs like NoDefender or Win Updates Disabler.

Disabling or enabling system componentsis quite simple. In the first utility, the configuration is performed through the system parameters, the second one has special tabs on which the descriptions and settings of the corresponding services are located.

A few words at a time

Despite the negative feedback, specialistsMicrosoft still does not recommend not using this service. If for some reason the user does not like it, the settings can disable the use of cloud protection and send samples to improve this tool. But the protection in real time is best left. By and large, it has no special effect on the performance of the computer and only works at critical moments. If you receive a warning when installing the software (even if the installer is running on behalf of the system administrator), you can start the installation using the button for additional information in the notification with the option "Do it anyway", or in the settings to add files in the list of exceptions.

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