The Amazing Spider-Man 2: System Requirements
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a game thatentered the market three years ago and is one of the many projects telling about one of the most popular superheroes, Spider-Man. Unlike the old two-dimensional arcades, this project has impressive graphics, an interesting storyline and an advanced game engine. Naturally, you have to pay for such effects, and you need a really good computer so that the game The Amazing Spider-Man 2 goes on. The system requirements to it will be discussed in this article. You will learn the key points about what you need to make this project function properly on your PC. The system requirements of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 are not as daunting as in the case of projects that were released this year or the previous year, but are still considered quite high.
operating system
When considering the system requirementsAmazing Spider-Man 2 first and foremost you need to look at the operating system. Unlike the games of the last two years, this project still supports older versions of the OS, such as Windows XP and Vista. Accordingly, you will not have problems with running on these "operating systems". Moreover, it should be noted that at the time of the release of the game, the tenth version of Windows, which is today the most popular and ideally suited for computer games, has not yet gained such popularity, so it is not noted even in the recommended system requirements The Amazing Spider- Man 2.
Naturally, considering the game The AmazingSpider-Man 2, you need to pay attention not only to the software shell, but also the direct components of your computer. And start with a processor, which, as you might have guessed, should be at least dual-core. Processors with one core, even the most powerful, can not cope with this game. In this case, the frequency of two cores should not be less than 2.6 gigahertz, and this is all just to at least run the game without problems. What does it take for her to work at one hundred percent and do not buggy, hang up or slow down? To do this, you will need a processor with four cores about the same power. Accordingly, already for this one point it becomes clear that the game The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - very demanding. Naturally, if you have updated your computer for the last three years or even bought a new PC in this period, then there should not be any problems. But if your computer is more than five years old, it's worth thinking about an upgrade.
RAM is the most important element thatFirst of all, every gamer should pay attention. And if you plan to purchase The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on a PC, then you should check your RAM. The developers say that you need at least three gigabytes of RAM, which is not so much by modern standards, because now most computers are by default with 4 or 8 gigabytes. Accordingly, and with setting the settings to the maximum level, you will not have problems. As in the past case, if your computer is older than five or six years, then it is already worth starting to worry, because the game may not go or do not meet expectations.
Video card
The visual component of the project is pretty good,but it's not breathtaking, so you should not be surprised that it will go even on a computer whose video card has less than a gigabyte of video memory. Of course, it is recommended to have at least one gigabyte, so that you can enjoy all the colors of the game and be happy with the work done by the designers so that the favorite superhero of millions successfully descended from the big screens to the monitors of your computers. But the result was really impressive and pleasing to the eye.
Hard disk space
Well, and the last point to be reversedattention is the place on the hard drive, as it also plays an important role. In this case, everything is quite simple - you only need nine gigabytes to install the game client. Also, you should pay attention to the fact that before running on the disk there was enough free space, otherwise you may have problems. And, of course, if you play not in the original version, but in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in Russian, then you should remember that the Russian translation is not taken from the air. Audio tracks, subtitles and captions also take up space on the hard disk, so you should free up some more disk space before you decide to install Russian-language localization.