/ / Static and dynamic memory in a computer environment

Static and dynamic memory in a computer environment

In a computer environment, static and dynamicmemory helps to work with a lot of information. The first of these is used to store small amounts of data. Its principle of operation is similar to the operation of a simple switch, when the contacts are closed, the electric current freely passes through the terminals of the memory cell. The computer, meanwhile, perceives this as a logical unit. And, accordingly, the reverse reaction occurs when the contact is open. The first memory for the computer contained special relay switches used as cells. In the microcircuits of our time, the cells are ordinary conductors, some of which are destroyed when programmed with special devices. These kinds of microcircuits most often act as a permanent memory device.

Dynamic memory
Dynamic memory is based on the abilitytwo conductors, located at a certain distance from each other, gain and maintain an electric charge. The cell in this case is a tiny capacitor with an insulating spacer between the electrodes. When electricity is supplied, one of the electrodes accumulates a positive potential, while the other collects a supply of negative directivity. The computer perceives the presence of a charge on the outputs as one bit. Each cell has its own permanent address, through which the controller can read information.

Static and dynamic memory
However, the time for which microscopiccapacitors will be able to keep the charge, in fact very little and amounts to a few milliseconds. In this regard, dynamic memory requires constant recharging, updating the operational space. It has a complete energy dependence, therefore, when the power is de-energized, the cells cease to be updated. The capacitors are discharged, and all data is destroyed. A distinctive feature of this type is high speed, which is especially appreciated in modern computers. Dynamic memory has found its application in the computer field as a random access memory.

Computer Memory
Although it is believed that the success of microelectronics andnon-standard actions in the development of microarchitecture of processors made possible the current speed of personal computers, in fact, dynamic memory played an important role. It has had a direct impact on programming, creating visual ways. Yet it should be noted that its cells are susceptible to the radiation background and the quality of the power supply. Thus, alpha particles and cosmic rays deliver additional troubles. Although in the modern world, nevertheless it is possible to produce reliable data protection, and distortions of information can be counted on the fingers. However, no one can give a one hundred percent guarantee against data integrity breach. Its recognition of the dynamic way of storing information was largely due to the density of the location of cells.

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