/ / Robert Burns: biography, songs, poems, photo

Robert Burns: biography, songs, poems, photo

A bright, memorable person and nationalthe poet of Scotland was the famous folklorist Robert Burns. The biography of this eminent cultural figure is rather difficult. But this circumstance did not affect his work in any way. Burns wrote his works in English and Scottish. He is the author of numerous poems and poems.

robert berns biography
I want to note that even during his lifetime the title of national poet of Scotland was given to Robert Burns.

Biography. Childhood

The future well-known writer was born in 1957 inlarge family. Robert had six brothers and sisters. Reading and writing, the future poet was trained while studying with the teacher John Murdoch. It was hired by local farmers to conduct lessons with their children. It was Murdoch who noticed the boy's special abilities and advised him to pay more attention to literature. Already in 1783 the first works of Burns appeared, written in the Aishirian dialect.


When the young poet was twenty-two years old,he leaves his father's house and goes to the city of Irvine, there to master the profession of a linen handler. However, after the fire in the fire destroyed the shop where Robert was supposed to be engaged in the craft, he returned to his homeland. In 1784 his father dies. The older sons take on all the trouble associated with farming on the farm. However, things are extremely unimportant.

the poem of the Roberta Burns
Soon the family decides to leave the farmand move to Mossgil. The initiators of such a serious and responsible act were the older brothers - Gilbert and Robert Burns. The biography of the poet is full of unexpected turns and contradictory situations. Moving to a new city, the young man gets to know his future wife - Jane Arthur. However, her father, not approving the choice of his daughter, does not consent to marriage. Desperate, Robert decides to leave for another country. Just at this time he received an offer to work as an accountant in Jamaica. However, the plans were not destined to come true.

First success

At the same time, the first volume of hispublished in June 1786 in Kilmarnock. The book was a tremendous success. 20 pounds - that's the reward that Robert Burns got for his work. The biography of this poet is truly extremely unpredictable. In the same year the young folklorist goes to Edinburgh. It was there that he received the first, quite impressive amount for copyrights to his debut poetry collection. The poems of Robert Burns were praised by writers, and the writer himself was called the poetic hope of Scotland.

Creative life

After this unexpected and stunning successthe well-known folklorist commits several rather lengthy trips to his native country. He collects folk songs, composes poems and poems. Not getting absolutely no payment for his work, Burns simply considers his happiness to be able to record and preserve the ancient folklore. Over the years of wandering, the family farm fell into decay.

robert berns pictures
After the publication of the third volume of poemsBurns goes to Elliezhevd. There he is renting a new farm. By this time he still married his beloved Jane, and they had several children. From this moment the writer works as a tax collector and receives a small salary, about 50 pounds a year. In 1791, he was offered to publish another collection, which included about a hundred works.

Last years

Robert Burns, whose photo is onthis page, quite well coped with their official duties. However, more and more often it is seen in a state of intoxication. Subsequently, he was expelled from the literary society for supporting revolutionary ideas. Since that time, Burns increasingly spends his time in the company of kutil. The poet died in 1796 from a rheumatic attack. Burns's best poem, according to literary critics, is "Cheerful beggars." It depicts the life of those cast out by society, kutil.

Verses of Burns in Russia

The first prosaic translation of the works of thisthe famous Scottish poet appeared four years after his death, in 1800 Robert Burns became popular in the USSR due to the highly artistic translations of S.

robert berns
Marshak. For the first time Samuel Yakovlevich turned to the work of the Scottish folklorist in 1924. From the mid-thirties, he began to deal with systematic translations of Burns's works. The first collection of Russian-language poems and poems was published in 1947. In all, Samuel Yakovlevich translated about 215 works, which is one-fourth of the poet's entire heritage. Marshak's interpretations are far from the literal text, but they are distinguished by the simplicity and ease of the language, and also by a special emotional attitude, close to Burns' writings. In periodicals, every now and then there are articles devoted to the work of this talented folklorist. A profound study of Burns's works was done by the eminent Russian cultural figure V. Belinsky. It should be noted that in the youthful years the translation of the quatrain of the Scottish poet was done by Mikhail Lermontov. By the centenary of the death of the poet in Russia by the publishing house of A. Suvorin, collections of poems and poems by Robert Burns were published.


It should be noted that many of the works of this popular poet were the processing of melodies of folk songs.

robert bers songs
His poems are characterized by melody andrhythm. It is not surprising that Robert Burns is the author of many well-known Russian musical compositions. Songs on his poems were once written by such well-known Soviet composers as G. Sviridov and D. Shostakovich. In Alexander Gradsky's repertoire there is a cycle of vocal works on verses of Burns. His lyrics were the basis of many compositions created by Mulyavin for VIA Pesnyary. The Moldovan band "Zdob Si Zdub" also sang the song on Burns's text "You left me". The folklore collective "Mill" wrote music for his ballad "Lord Gregory" and the poem "Highlander". Very often the songs on the poems of this famous foreign poet were used in television films. Especially I want to single out a romance from the film "Hello, I'm your aunt," called "Love and Poverty." This song was performed by talented actor Alexander Kalyagin. In the film "Office Romance" another song was sounded, the author of the text is R. Burns - "There is no peace in my soul".

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