/ / Actress Maria Poyezhaeva: height, weight. Biography and filmography

Actress Maria Poyezhaeva: height, weight. Biography and filmography

"Moths", "Class of correction", "Crisis of gentleage "," He is a dragon "," Last summer in Chulimsk "- films and serials, thanks to which the audience was remembered Maria Poezzhaeva. The height, weight of the actress has a direct impact on her role. She plays mostly schoolgirls, young girls. What can you tell about a young star from Perm?

The beginning of the way

Star of the fantastic picture "He is a dragon"was born in Perm, there was a joyful event in 1989. Marie Poizhaeva celebrates her birthday in March, the age of the actress is 28 years. She was born in a simple family, among her relatives there are no people connected with the cinema world. However, at the age of 12 Masha firmly decided to become an actress.

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At 12 the girl began to study in the theatricalstudio, having subdued reception committee reading a poem "Albatross" Charles Baudelaire. This fascination did not affect her marks, Maria finished school with a gold medal. Then the beginning actress tried to enter one of the theaters of higher education in St. Petersburg, but failed.

Only two years later I managed to become a studentThe Moscow Art Theater Schools Maria Poezhaeva. The height, weight of the actress are factors that have been taken into account by the admission committee. We needed low and slender girls, who can be assigned the role of schoolgirls, young ladies. Maria was enrolled in the course, which led Serebrennikov.


Graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School became in 2012Maria Poezzhaeva. Growth, the weight of the actress still allowed her to play the young girls. Maria still weighs about 50 kg, and her height is 161 cm. Yesterday's student did not have to search for a job for a long time. Her teacher, Kirill Serebrennikov, suggested that Poizhaeva enter the troupe of Gogol Center.

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In the production of "Fools" young actress brilliantly performed the role of the meeting. In Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" she embodied the image of Hermia. In the "Hunting for the Snark" Maria played Beaver.

First roles

Poezhaeva was on the set for the first timein 2010. She made her debut in the psychological drama of "The Voice". Her character was Lisa Zaretskaya - a girl with a difficult fate. She happened to witness the death of her parents, after which she lost her speech for two years, but gained the ability to read other people's thoughts. Maria played Lisa as a child.

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Then Maria starred in the rating TV project"Kamenskaya", embodying the image of Zlata Kalinina. For the first time to attract attention to her helped mini-series "Moths", submitted to the audience in 2014. Drama highlights the sad events of the Chernobyl tragedy. The focus is on the love of two young people, which unfolds against the backdrop of human grief.

Maria Poezzhaeva: films and serials

What happened after the girl starred inthis show? Thanks to the drama "Moths" became a demanded actress Maria Poezzhaeva. Growth, weight still allowed her to play teenage girls. However, the ascending star herself dreamed of more "adult" roles. She gladly agreed to embody the image of Valentina's barmaid in the picture "Last summer in Chulimsk". Her heroine falls in love with a charming and mysterious investigator, who comes to work in a small taiga town in which she lives.

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In the drama "Class correction" actress again tried onthe image of a schoolgirl. Her character became a disabled girl Lena Chekhova. After many years of home schooling, she goes to school. Lena falls into an unusual class in which students with various deviations are engaged. The heroine falls in love for the first time, and then learns from her own experience the cruelty of the surrounding world.

In the drama "Smiley", released in 2014, Poizhayeva played a secondary role. The film presents to the attention of viewers three romantic stories with an unpredictable outcome.

What else to see

In 2015, she played a major role in thea fantastic picture "He is a dragon" Maria Poezzhaeva. Films and series with her participation became even more interesting for viewers. In the film "He is a dragon" the girl embodied the image of the beautiful princess Miroslava. The heroine is going to get married, but at the height of the wedding, she is abducted and takes the dragon to the castle on the island. Past life is quickly forgotten, Miroslava understands that she does not want to leave her jailer at all.

In 2016, a viewer's court was representedseries "The crisis of tender age." Maria Poizhyaeva played in this comic melodrama Shura Ermakova. Her eighteen-year-old heroine has a difficult relationship with her parents, besides, she is in love with her teacher and suffers from youthful maximalism. Similar problems are observed in her friends.

Life Behind the Scenes

Personal life is a topic that he does not like to discuss withjournalists a young actress. Maria claims that at the moment she does not meet anyone, does not plan to part with her independence in the near future and marry. Also, the star of the fantastic movie "He is a dragon" has no children, Poizhayeva plans to start them in the future. Now the actress is concentrated on her career, she does not doubt that her best roles are yet to come.

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