/ / Carnage ("Marvel") - who is this?

Carnage ("Marvel") - who is this?

Carnage is a comic book super villainthe notorious publishing house "Marvel". As a rule, this character appears in the stories about the Spider-Man. However, this villain appeared in comics about Deadpool, Venom, etc. Carnage ("Marvel") was coined by David Michelini. According to the idea of ​​the author this character had to become a darker version of Venom.

Carnage Marvel

Carnage ("Marvel", photo can be seen above) isregarding Fresh character. He first appeared on the pages of the comic book in 1992 ("The Amazing Spider-Man No. 361)." The villain liked readers, which is why Carnage was featured in many stories about the Spiderman, and you want to know more about this super villain.


Cletus Kesidi was a serial killer and a maniac,who served his time in prison. Once there was an escape from prison, the cause of which was Eddie Brock, once again merged with his symbiote. A piece of symbiote Venom separated from the main carrier and merged with Kesidi. Thus, the light appeared one of the most dangerous and crazy characters - Carnage (Marvel). The sick and perverse mind of Kesidi works on the symbiote, making it incredibly bloodthirsty.

Carnage (Marvel)

In comics, symbiote has repeatedly left Kesidiin order to find a new carrier. Once the alien costume managed to subdue the mind of the Silver Surfer. As a result, an incredibly dangerous and powerful creature appeared, which called itself Cosmic Carnage. As it turned out later, the former rider of Galactus destroyed the planet of symbiotes, because of what they hated the Surfer. Fortunately, Spider-Man managed to save his alien friend. As a result, the symbiote returned to Kesidi, who, without his costume, began to die from an accelerated form. Surely this is a side effect of the symbiote, which was experienced by Eddie Brock.

In addition, symbiote was trying to joinBen Riley, who is better known as the Scarlet Spider. However, nothing happened. Kesidi merged with his costume so much that the composition of his own blood was modified and resembled a kind of symbiotic. As a result, having remained without his suit, Kesidi began to instantly grow old and see. Symbiot, to save the life of Cletus, was forced to leave the new carrier in the person of Ben Riley.

Carnage Marvel photo

One day, Carnage ("Marvel") escaped from the Raft prisonfor the over-villagers. He went to the city in order to kill a couple of people. However, he met a superhero, nicknamed Sentry. He intervened and flew away with Carnage beyond the earth's atmosphere. In the same place, the Sentinel tore Carnage in half. After this incident, it was assumed that Kesidi along with his suit was killed.


As it turned out later, Cletus managed to survive. Symbiotos, turning carbon dioxide into oxygen, filled the lungs of Kesidi and thus prevented him from perishing. Thus, Carnage spent some time in the earth's orbit. It lasted until Cletus found Mike Hall (rival of Tony Stark). He returned Karnaz to Earth and used it to create a special high-tech exoskeleton. Such a device was tested on the doctor Tanis Nivs, who lost her hand when meeting with supervillain Dopelganger.

However, the experiment went out of control. Symbiot took control of Dr. Nivs and used it to penetrate Hall Industries. It was there that Cletus Kesidi, half of whose body was replaced by the same prosthetic devices based on the symbiote. The suit reunites with Cletus and enters into battle with Iron Man and Spiderman. Carnage was defeated, but he still managed to escape with Doppelganger.

City of symbiotes

Marvel Carnage

Kesidi arrives in Colorado, the city of Doverton. Carnage by force captured a large settlement using copies of its symbiote. In fact, Doverton became the capital of the real symbiotic state, ruled by Carnage. Of course, superheroes could not lose sight of this. The creature, along with part of the Avengers, arrived in Doverton. to stop the villain. However, they came under the influence of the symbiote. Spiderman managed to free himself from the influence of the space suit thanks to the help of local residents who had not yet come under the influence of Carnage.

Spiderman frees his companions and givesbattle symbiote. During the battle, Carnage almost kills Spider-Man, but Flash Thompson comes to the rescue. As a result, a battle takes place between Thompson and Kesidi, as a result of which Carnage was rendered harmless and taken into custody.

Who is stronger - Venom or Carnage?

Who is stronger than Venom or Carnage?

Among fans of comic books for more than one yearthere are verbal battles on the subject of the one who wins: Venom or Carnage. It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the circumstances of the battle and the writer who writes the story. Nevertheless, one can say with certainty that Carnage has more physical strength than the same Venom. This fact was displayed in comics many times. Also do not forget about the madness of Kesidi. He is a real maniac and a killer who has no morals. It is for this reason that he is so dangerous.

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