/ / Boris Khmelnitsky: biography and personal life

Boris Khmelnitsky: biography and personal life

There are few actors who would be similarlygenerously endowed with nature, like Boris Khmelnitsky. The biography of the actor is full of stories about meetings with interesting people and even mysticism. You will find a brief summary of this article in this article. So, let's talk about Boris Khmelnitsky (biography, personal life, children, photos, etc.).

Boris Khmelnitsky biography


Boris Khmelnitsky, biography, personal life and roleswho was always interested in his fans, was born in 1940 in the city of Voroshilov (modern Ussuriisk) of the Primorsky Territory. His father was an officer of the Red Army, and his mother was a housewife.

Boris was very friendly with his sister Louise, withwhich they were almost the same age. During the Second World War, the children were sent to the taiga, where their grandfather lived. Later they also often stayed with him. Becoming an adult, Khmelnytsky often told with admiration how interesting his life and his sisters were in nature, far from the rear cities, where he felt, although distant, but still the breath of war. However, it was during this period that an event occurred that could make the boy's future acting career impossible. Once, when the children were asleep, grandfather brought a cock into the house. At night, the bird fell from the cupboard to Boria and frightened him greatly. The child became a stutterer, and it was difficult for him to talk, especially in moments of excitement.

In 1945, the children returned to their parents, andbegan their wandering life. Boris's father, Alexei Khmelnitsky, was in charge of the officers' houses, and he was constantly transferred from town to town, so that children had to travel a lot through the USSR from the Far East to Ukraine.

Boris Khmelnitsky biography personal life

Choice of profession

Boris Khmelnitsky, whose biographypresented below, decided to become an artist in early childhood. The fact is that in the post-war period, the officers' houses were original cultural centers, in which amateur music, dance and theater groups acted. The boy was constantly present at rehearsals and was firmly convinced that his vocation would be a scene.

Parents saw the desire of his son, but they understood,that an artist can not be a stutterer. To treat this illness, they sent Boria to Kiev, where he underwent a course of treatment from the famous professor Derazhne. The disease receded, but in part.

Wolf Messing

According to the testimony of Sister Boris Khmelnitsky, this unique person for 30 years was hopelessly in love with their mother. He transferred some of his adoration to Zinaida Ivanovna's children.

After school Khmelnytsky entered and in 1961graduated from the Lviv Musical College, receiving a specialty conductor. Then he decided to try to enter VGIK. As might be expected, the stuttering entrant was cut off from the first round.

Nevertheless, he continued to dream of actingcareer and soon again went to the capital together with his sister. There they found the address of Wolf Messing through the information bureau and went to visit him. The famous predictor was very glad to meet and immediately guessed why Louise and Boris came to Moscow.

Did Messing Khmelnitsky help or not - it is not known, but immediately after this a series of happy accidents began, as a result of which the young man became a student of the Shchukin school.

Boris Khmelnitsky biography personal life children photos

Theater on Taganka

B. Shchukin School B. Khmelnitsky trained at B. Zahava. Already in his third year he was invited to the Taganka Theater, where Yury Lyubimov entrusted the novice actor with the role of Nozdrev in Dead Souls and Mayakovsky.

In 1966, after the end of "Pike", Khmelnitskywas admitted to the troupe of the Taganka Theater and gave it to the scene for 23 years. Among the most significant works of the actor of this period are Vershinin's roles in Chekhov's Three Sisters, Galileo Galileo in Galileo's Life of Berthold Brecht, Razumikhin in The Crime and Punishment of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Kryamin in Esenin's Pugachev, Woland in The Master and Margarita "by Mikhail Bulgakov and others.

From the biography of Boris Khmelnitsky: personal life, children

Photos of the actor at any age depict a very handsome young man, and later a man. Although the fans did not have a rebuff, the actor was married only twice.

Even during his studies at the Shchukin school, hemet with Marianna Vertinskaya. Young people for a long time were just friends, talking in the same companies, especially since the young woman was already married and had a daughter. However, Vertinskaya's marriage did not last long, and soon she divorced.

As subsequently recognized MarianneAlexandrovna, she looked at Khmelnitsky differently when she saw in the film "The Red Tent." The actor let go of his beard and became even more courageous and attractive. Marianna and Boris were married in 1977, and soon they had a daughter, Daria Khmelnitskaya. At first they were all right, especially since Boris was very kind to the child from the first marriage of Vertinskaya - to the baby Alexander. However, when Dashenka was not yet 3 years old, the couple divorced. About the reason no one has ever learned, as well as about why their common child was left to live with his father. The mother of Boris Khmelnitsky, who dedicated the girl to the last years of his life, took up the education of the girl.

Surprisingly all around, Boris and Marianna Vertinskaya remained close friends, and Khmelnytsky often visited his ex-wife, where he was always welcomed with warm welcome.

Boris Khmelnitsky biography personal life children

Personal life after the first divorce

A few years after the divorce, actor BorisKhmelnitsky, whose biography was never an open book for strangers, made a second attempt to create a family. His choice was a professional psycho-correspondent and psychoanalyst, as well as radio presenter of Radio Russia Irina Goncharova. This marriage was also extremely fleeting. After that, actor Boris Khmelnitsky (a biography in his youth see above) never again got married. Nevertheless, in his life there were women. It is also known that the actor was born illegitimate son Alexei, who knows that he graduated from the financial college in London.

Roles in the cinema

On the screen Khmelnitsky first appeared in 1966year. During the performance of Taganka's "The Fallen and the Living," director Leonid Osika drew attention to him. He offered the actor a role in his film "Who will return - beaten." Then Boris Khmelnitsky played in one of the episodes of the epic "War and Peace" the father's adjutant Pierre Bezukhov and created the image of the revolutionary Kibalchich in the painting "Sofya Perovskaya".

In 1968, the viewer saw the film "The evening beforeIvan Kupala ", where Khmelnitsky for the first time got the main role - Petro Bezrodny, who was dragged into the game, where for happiness you have to pay at the cost of someone else's life.

The actor himself was very fond of this role and considered it signative in his film career. The spectators also saw the image of the Italian officer Villiers in the film "The Red Tent."

Boris Khmelnitsky biography daughter

Painting "Robin Hood's Arrows"

Despite his appearance and undeniable actor's talent, Boris Khmelnitsky (the biography in Wikipedia is presented briefly) has not been considered a movie star for a long time.

The greatest popularity to him was brought by the role of Robin Hood in the films about this brave robber and his brave comrades from the Sherwood forest.

Over the years, the protagonist of medieval English legends has always been associated with Khmelnytsky, and vice versa.

Other roles

Boris Khmelnitsky (about biography, personal life, children, see above) also starred in other interesting films. His work includes:

  • spy movie "Password -" Hotel Regina "»;
  • "Wild Hunt of King Stach" (Ales Raven);
  • "Youth of Peter" and the continuation of the film "At the beginning of glorious deeds" (the role of Sagittarius Kuzma Black);
  • picture "Black Arrow" (Lord Gray);
  • adventure film "In Search of Captain Grant", etc.

Unrealized dream

Boris Khmelnitsky, biography, family and detailswhose personal life you already know in the early years, was noticed by Hollywood producers as well. In the early 80's he was invited to his painting "Climber" himself Kirk Douglas.

For one of the roles in this film, the Americanthe star promised Khmelnitsky a fee of one million US dollars. The actor so wanted to discover the world of Hollywood, which even promised to give all this amount to the Goskino. However, the "tops" pondered and banned the actor a trip to the United States.

actor Boris Khmelnitsky biography

Leaving the Taganka Theater

Boris Khmelnitsky, whose biography, family and personal life were known in detail only to the closest people, left his beloved Taganka in 1982.

According to him, Lyubimov appointed Voland in the role of"Master and Margarita" him, Smekhov and Sobolev. The actors had to rehearse in turns, with the proviso that the director would name the first performer before the performance. Lyubimov appointed Khmelnitsky. After a while, the actor was removed from the role without any explanation, and he did not play for 2 years. Then there was an event that caused Boris Khmelnitsky (biography, family, photos you already know) to leave his native theater.

The fact is that he learned about a conversation thatoccurred in the presence of his sister and Leonid Filatov. On tour in Omsk, one of his colleagues was asked why Khmelnytsky does not play. In response, the phrase was sounded that Boris had ceased to act like Bambi (a nickname given to the actor by his friends) and had not learned how to gnaw the parts with his teeth.

Khmelnytsky was very offended and wrote a statement of resignation. It was such a surprise to everyone that Yury Lyubimov at first did not even believe that it was serious.

He left the theater without a scandal. At the same time he managed to maintain good relations with Lyubimov, and with the actors of Taganka.

Boris Khmelnitsky and Vladimir Vysotsky

Actors associated a strong male friendship. After the death of Vysotsky, Khmelnitsky did much to perpetuate the memory of the bard. He regularly performed with concerts, during which he sang songs of Vladimir Semenovich, and also became the organizer of the annual evenings devoted to the work of his friend. In addition, thanks to Vysotsky's insistence in the capital, a monument to the poet was erected at the Pokrovsky Gate.

Boris Khmelnitsky biography family photo

Last years

Khmelnitsky was rarely shot in Russian cinema. The most significant works include roles in the series "Family Secrets" and "At the corner of the Patriarch's 2".

The actor worked actively until the last days of his life. Khmelnitsky did not complain about the deadly disease that affected him.

The last work of Boris Alekseevich in the cinema was the role of the bearded man in the film "Taras Bulba". However, the actor did not have time to voice it, so the character's voice belongs to Nikita Dzhigurda.

Shortly before his death, Khmelnitsky's legs were refused. This happened at the time when he was organizing an evening dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Vysotsky. Even lying in his apartment, Khmelnitsky was able to finish what he had planned.

Boris Khmelnitsky (about biography, daughters and wives you already know) died in 2008 after a long illness. He is buried in the Kuntsevo cemetery of the capital, next to the graves of his parents.

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