/ / How to write a script for a television product

How to write a script for a television product

Any project begins with a plan. In television practice, at the preparatory stage of shooting, the author embodies his idea in the script. This is a kind of score for the director and operator in the filming and editing and toning stages of video production. It is usually called the literary basis of any video.

how to write a script

In modern TV journalism, it can be notedversatile opinions about the "need" of a detailed scenario describing each frame, plan, foreshortening, pictorial means. However, when thinking about how to write a script correctly, it is worthwhile for young media professionals and journalists to listen to experienced TV men who advise to create a high-quality media product and not to miss the most important stage - "pre-production".

Before you understand how to write a script,we suggest to find out what this concept means in screen art. Since the literary and director's script are completely different things, they should not be confused, despite the fact that they have common features. So, the director's scenario assumes the presence of such components:

- the duration of the plan,

- number of cameras, features of working with them (trajectory and sequence of shooting);

- construction of editing transitions and phrases,

- visual-expressive sound effects,

- musical, noise and sound accompaniment.

how to write a script

This complex of data is needed in order to systematize and facilitate the course of shooting, as well as to obtain a good final result.

Preparing the script of the video, you need to write thereas much as possible all the actions that will take place on the set. And to specify how exactly it is necessary to carry them out. If, for example, a commercial is supposed to be shot with a presentation of the product, you need to specify where its close-up will go, where you need to make a panorama, from what moment zoom with focus, etc. are offered. It's about the video series. The same should be envisaged with the audiorium: designate a second decoding of noise and sound effects, distribute the main text to video frames.

It should be clarified how to write a script director, and not literary.

There are many different forms in which it is convenient and visually possible to display all the components of the video product (video, plot, film).

The so-called method is commonwriting the script of the "left row." Preparing it is as follows: the scriptwriter on a sheet of paper, halved into 2 columns, displays on the left side of the video sequence, and in the right audiorium.

Here are examples of how to write a script for a television work:


Correspondent in the frame on the background of what is happening in the middle plan (Corr.v./k)

Hello, dear viewers! Today we are reporting from ....

General plan of the people present at the event

The text of the journalist about what, where, when, why happened.

This form is considered widespread intelevision, when you need to prepare a story in a limited time. The video is painted, but changes can already take place at the editing table. This will not affect the meaning of the plot.

More specific can be considered a form, where the components of the screen language are clearly spelled out, the ways of using them.





frame descriptionscale of the planexpressive meanstext (audio)refinement
15 seconda lot of people in the squarecommonwith a general plan of scaling to the average (the result - personification)well-read narration text, music screen saverany notes for the crew

movie script

Subsequently, the script word is implemented onscreen. The more clearly the idea is presented on paper, the easier it is to embody the TV crew. Therefore, it is worth remembering how to write a script. But it's important to leave room for improvisation. This is especially important if in the creative process, the creators will have more brilliant thoughts, rather than containing the already approved script of the video.

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