/ / Documentary and feature films about Auschwitz

Documentary and feature films about Auschwitz

Even less than a century ago, many people were exposedThe Holocaust in World War II. This tragedy of all mankind has taken millions of lives of innocent people, which could not fail to turn society around and leave even the next generations indifferent, for which it was important to show all the horror of that time and bring the story, and films about Auschwitz are a great way to get to know about events.

movies about Auschwitz

What is Auschwitz? Influence on culture

Auschwitz (German Auschwitz) is a complex of concentration camps and death camps operating in the Second World War under the control of the Germans.

When the wound from the tragedy was still fresh, peoplebegan to actively study the history of people from concentration camps, the history of the emergence and existence of the Holocaust. A lot of art and documentary films about Auschwitz began to be produced, which are still being produced. This is a topic that should never be forgotten.

documentary about Auschwitz

Documentary films about Auschwitz

  • "The Last Days" - memoirs of the five Hungarian Jews who survived the Holocaust.
  • "Night and Fog".
  • "To forgive Dr. Mengele" is a film about a girl and her sister, which Dr. Mengele used as a test.
  • "The Ghetto in Lodz." The film consists of real videos and real photos of residents of the city of Lozd in Poland, showing their usual life, and then subsequent events related to the resettlement in the Ghetto and the horrors of the Holocaust.
  • "Steal a pencil for me" - about a Jew who was in a concentration camp with his wife and mistress.
  • "Last days".
  • "Remembering Anna Frank" is a story that became world famous due to her diary of Anne Frank - a victim of the Holocaust.
  • Auschwitz.
  • "There is no place on Earth" - a film about the history of several families who, hiding from the Nazis, hid in caves.
  • "Night will come."
  • "Numbered".
  • "Secret lives: hidden children and their saviors in World War II."
  • "The lady in number 6" - Alice Hertz Zonner tells how she could survive the whole nightmare with the help of music and faith.
  • "Paragraph 175" is a film about what happened to people with unconventional sexual orientation who ended up in concentration camps.
  • "Clips".
  • "Their eyes" - about artists and poets who worked during the Holocaust.
  • The Shoah. The nine-hour picture was filmed 11 years, polling survivors in different languages ​​and the Nazis, showing the story and shooting the death camps. And that's all - in the documentary about Auschwitz.
    film about artistic Auschwitz

Art films

  • "Life is beautiful" - the father and son are together in a concentration camp, where the father makes every effort to show his son that there really is no tragedy.
  • "Pianist" - the famous pianist Vladislav Shpilman, who turns out to be in the ghetto, and then hides already along the empty streets from the Nazis, in order to avoid death until he meets one person ...
  • "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." Bruno is the son of the concentration camp commandant. Suspecting nothing, he gets acquainted with a Jewish boy-prisoner. This tragic film about the incredible friendship and kindness that so lacked that period.
  • Schindler's List is the story of Oscar Schindler, who saved 1,200 Jews during the war.
  • "Sophie's Choice" is a woman's story based on a novel, which will have a difficult choice.
  • "Without fate" - the boy is forced to survive in the concentration camp.
  • "Gray Zone" - a group of Jews on pain of deathis forced to prepare other Jews for death, and then launder everything after the bodies, rip out the gold teeth and take away many other things, but one day they decide to rise in the name of saving other lives.
  • "Brave Heart of Irena Sendler" is the story of a brave woman who saved many lives.
  • "From the ashes" is the story of a female doctor in Auschwitz, who saved the lives of many prisoners.
  • "Korczak" - Janusz Korczak at the cost of his life until the last he defended Jewish children. The film is based on real events.
  • "Devil's arithmetic" - a girl who is absolutely not interested in the history of the war and the Jews, suddenly "throws" it at that time of horror and concentration camps.
  • "Babi Yar" - people subjugate the wild fear of the fact that their city can be captured by the Germans.
  • "Oblava" - three Jewish families are tested: first they and many more Jews are gathered together at the stadium, then sent to a German concentration camp.
  • "Europe, Europe" - a native of an orphanage in the USSR after being captured by the Germans is forced to say that he is a German.

films about the Auschwitz list


The list of films about Auschwitz is not on thisends. Pictures that tell of the events of the Second World War, there are many. But it should be so that people always remember about the genocide and the war that took many lives to prevent this in the future.

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