/ / Theater of Drama. Koltsova (Voronezh): history and repertoire

Theater of drama. Koltsova (Voronezh): history and repertoire

The Drama Theater in the city of Voronezh hasa long history. Its origins were originally dated 1802 year. However, according to new data, the first troupe was organized here in 1801. Although in fact he appeared much earlier. Address where the theater of drama. Koltsova: Voronezh, Prospect of the Revolution, 55.

drama theater to them

Formation of the theater

In 1787 the first theater appeared in Voronezh. He was considered "noble" and was located in the house of Voronezh governor Vasily Chertkov. Actors in this theater were the children of prominent officials. In 1798, Prince Ukhtomsky took over the management of the theater, which was a remarkable actor. Since 1799, along with "noble" actors, actors on the stage have also begun to appear on the stage. Thanks to this, the theater becomes accessible to all residents of the city. In 1801 the theater was headed by an actor from Moscow Petrov. Already in the 20s of the nineteenth century, the theater in Voronezh gave four performances a week, while the other theaters - a maximum of 1-2.

After the revolution of 1917 the theater was namedGreater Soviet. In 1935 the troupe for the first time held a successful tour in Moscow. During the Great Patriotic War, the actors performed at the front line and in hospitals as part of front-line brigades. In June 1942, during the air raid, the theater was destroyed, and the troupe was evacuated. In 1943, in the almost completely destroyed Voronezh, the building of the theater was restored one of the first, and on December 31 it opened on Prospekt Revolyutsii by staging Griboyedov's immortal comedy "Woe from Wit". In 1958 the main director Firs Shishigin was staged the drama "Alexei Koltsov." And in 1959 the theater was named after Koltsov, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the poet. In 1978, the Voronezh Drama Theater was awarded the title "Academic." Since 1991 theater of drama. Koltsova (Voronezh) began to work under the leadership of Ivanov A.V. About 50 performances were staged by them on the Voronezh stage. The most serious critics gave very high praise to Ivanov's work, rightfully considering him one of the most outstanding directors of his time. Under Ivanov's leadership, widespread popularity both in Russia and abroad, acquired a theater of drama named after Koltsov. Voronezh by right became one of the leading cultural centers of the country.

Outstanding theater actors

A lot of outstanding actors brought up drama theater named after Koltsov. Voronezh and its inhabitants can be justly proud of them.

  • Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Smolyaninovwas enlisted in the troupe of the theater in 1979 immediately after graduating from the Institute of Arts. He showed his acting talent in the roles of Roberto ("My profession is a signor from the society" of Skarnacci and Tarabuzi), Telyatyev and Andrey ("Ostrovsky's" Mad Money "), Bormental (" The Heart of a Heart "by MA Bulgakov) and many others.
  • Honored Artist of the Voronezh Region VyacheslavBukhtoiarov. He also graduated from the Institute of Arts and immediately after his graduation in 1975 was admitted to the theater. I would like to especially note such his roles as Cherubino ("Mad day or marriage of Figaro"), Pechkin (fairy tale "Uncle Fyodor, cat and dog" by E. Uspensky), Bogdan (Ivan-da-Marya fairy tale by V. Goldfeld) Stepan Zhukov (performance "Life and unusual adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin" V. Voinovich).
  • Honored Artist of the Voronezh RegionMagdalena Magdalene. He has been with the theater since 1996. Especially distinguished herself in the roles of Larissa in "Bespridannitsa", Maid in the fairy tale "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin", Girls in the production "My Love, Melek", Ani in "Cherry Orchard", Adele in the play "The House of Bernard Alba".

There are also a number of other names, such asPeople's Artist of Russia Valery Potanin, Honored Artist of Russia Elena Gladysheva, Honored Artist of Russia Valery Blinov and many others who glorified theater of drama. Koltsov. Voronezh by right can be proud of such a number of outstanding representatives of theatrical art.

drama theater for them

Restoration of the theater

From the old and dangerous old theater buildingIn 2001, he moved to a new building on Teatralnaya Street 17. The architects from Moscow F. Evseev and MG Evseev designed the new building. But in 2012 the collective returned to its historic building, restored and equipped with the most modern technical facilities. Director Petrov wanted the restored theater to give its old name "City Winter Theater". The name was not returned to the theater, but it is reflected in its appearance. The style of the building is kept in reserved, cold colors. And in the lower foyer there is a collection of winter landscapes. There are big and small scenes in the theater. On the big stage, traditional performances of the classical repertoire are traditionally demonstrated. The opening of the Great Stage was marked by the production of "The Taming of the Shrew" by A. Zastyrets, directed by V. Petrov. A small scene is considered experimental and entirely provided by modern drama. It opened with the premiere of the play "The Potudan River" by A. Platonov, also in Petrov's production.

theater of drama to them.

The Big and Small Scenes of the Theater

If you compare both scenes, which includes theater of drama. Koltsova (Voronezh), the scheme of the hall with a big stage, certainly different from the hall with a small one.

  • The hall with a large stage has a classical layout, including a stalls, a mezzanine, a balcony, lodges, and a number of other features inherent in traditional theater halls.
    Hall layout 1
  • The hall with a small stage has only a few viewers.
    Hall layout 2

This difference, of course, normal, as fans of experimental theater until less than the performances staged on the plays by famous authors.

drama theater named after the ring

Theater of drama. Koltsova (Voronezh): the poster

After moving to the restored building in the repertoire of Voronezh Academic Drama Theater. Koltsov included the following performances:

  • "Marriage" of Nikolai Gogol.
  • "The Sea" by Ivan Bunin.
  • "With your loved ones, do not part" A. Volodin.
  • "Snowstorm" by V. Sigarev.
  • "The Seagull" by A. Chekhov and a number of others.

The troupe is actively working on new productions, and already in August the poster invites theater fans to attend the premiere of "Summer excursion to Voronezh winter".

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