/ How to draw a pencil plane? Step by step we will consider several ways

How to draw a pencil plane? Step by step we will consider several ways

Draw a plane is not as difficult as it seems on thefirst glance. Even a child can cope with this. But it is necessary to know the external features of the structure of the aircraft. The most difficult thing in drawing this type of transport is observing the exact proportions of the tail and wings. Today we will look at how to draw a pencil in stages. But to begin with, it would not hurt to know what kind of aircraft there are.

how to draw a pencil in stages

Types of aircraft

There are two types of aircraft: military and civilian. A military aircraft belongs to a fighter. It is designed to conduct military operations, as well as to protect transport aircraft and bombers. Sometimes fighters are used to attack sea and land targets. The bomber also refers to military equipment. It is used to destroy objects using missile weapons. The Sturmovik hits targets using machine guns. Scout planes are used not only for aerial reconnaissance, but also can destroy the detected targets. Tankers are designed to refuel other aircraft in the air. There are also missile carriers, interceptors, transport and other types of military aircraft.

Civilian aircraft

Civil aircraft include: passenger, transport, postal machines. This type of air transport is also considered to be agricultural, fire and courier aircraft. Civil engineering includes sanitary, sports and other models.

 how to draw a military aircraft in stages

Passenger airplane

How to draw a passenger airplane? To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, simple and colored pencils, eraser. The hull of the plane needs to be drawn diagonally across the sheet. One side must be pointed. A straight line needs to map out the wings. The next feature will be drawn for the image of turbine nozzles. The third straight line will be the leading edge of the tail of the aircraft. From the first straight line you need to draw the wings in the form of a triangle. Further there are nozzles of turbines.

how to draw a passenger plane

To draw the upper part of the tail,draw another line. Now you should give the wings the right shape. We finish the turbines. They must be cylindrical in shape. Finish the tail of the aircraft. Along the body you need to draw a line. At this point there will be portholes and a window of the cabin. To chart the height of portholes and windows, one should draw another line parallel to the first one. Draw a line connecting the right tail to the side. It remains to draw windows.

How to paint an airplane

Then you can take up the color pencils andto give the airplane colors. You can shade windows and portholes, put a shadow inside the turbines. Wings of the wings try to paint in red. Along the body you can draw a blue strip. There are different ways of coloring planes. You can show imagination.

 how to draw a military aircraft with a pencil

We draw in pencil

Here's another way to drawpencil the plane in stages. On the sheet of paper, on the left, you need to depict the body in the form of an elongated ellipse. From the back of the case, you should draw two lines, which will be the tail. You can use the ruler to create more even outlines. Next, you need to draw a long line along the body. In the lower part of the ellipse we draw an oval. It will be a turbine. From it on the contour you need to draw a line up. It's a windshield. Next, you need to draw a roof parallel to the line, which is shown along the body.

We finish the tail and the second turbine. A smooth line can connect the body of the aircraft with its tail. From the back of the case you need to draw a horizontal line. Along the body, parallel to the first line, one more feature should be drawn. Then you can proceed to draw a windshield, portholes, emergency exit and a hatch for landing. The eraser needs to erase all the extra details. So, we looked at how to draw a pencil plane. Step by step follow the recommendations, and then draw a black felt-tip around the resulting contour and proceed to coloring the picture.

War plane

How to draw a military aircraft in stages? For this, in the middle of the sheet, you need to picture the body of the aircraft, slightly pointed at the back. Inside the body we draw a small line from which the wings begin. Then you need to finish the tail. In the upper part of the body try to draw a cockpit. The propeller should be located in front. Then we draw the outlines of the tail. The eraser gets rid of unnecessary lines. Draw wings on the wings. If the airplane is depicted in flight, then it is possible to draw clouds. The next stage will be the coloring of our object. You can also add glare with the eraser. To do this, lightly hold it along the lines of the aircraft. So, we looked at how to draw a military aircraft with a pencil. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in this.

how to draw a passenger plane

Children's drawing

Every boy ever asked his parentsto depict on paper any technique or wanted to be shown how to draw a pencil in a phased manner. Some parents show the child a picture of the airplane or they themselves begin to paint it. It is best to take two sheets of paper and try to portray the plane together. The child should repeat your actions. So it will be easier for him to learn and remember the sequence of actions.

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