/ / Natalia Baranova: biography and creativity

Natalia Baranova: Biography and Creativity

Natalia Baranova is an actress who starred in various genres between 1991 and 2012. During this time, she successfully co-starred in nine art films and was remembered by the audience.


Natalia Baranova, whose photo is in this article, was born in 1970 in Latvia. Her hometown is Riga. But the exact date of birth of the actress is unknown.

Natalia after graduation attended the technical school. When the girl was twenty-two years old, she left the country, emigrating to Austria. Further training has already taken place in this country.

Natalia Baranova

It is known that in Austria Natalia Baranova,whose biography is full of bright events, studied at once in several schools of acting skills from different teachers. But to finish and could not any of them. But she successfully studied at the University of Vienna, which she completed well enough.


Natalia Baranova started acting in films in1991. During the eleven years of her acting work, the talented actress appeared in nine films. The main genres of these films were comedies, dramas and short films. The last film with Baranova Natalia was filmed in 2012.

The first film

The first film in which Baranova playedNatalia, became a film directed by Andrei Chernykh "Austrian Field". This drama was filmed in 1991, and its premiere was held on February 15, 1992. The plot of this film is developed for 82 minutes.

On the set of this film were collectedmany famous actors. Among them are Lyudmila Aleksandrova, Elena Bragina, Semyon Strugachev, and Viktor Sukhorukov. The plot of the film is sometimes difficult to understand, since these are author's sketches, which are not always clear to viewers or even critics.

But despite this peculiarity, this film wasseen, as well as a wonderful game of actors. The film "Austrian Field" was watched not only in Russia, but all over the world. The film also got into the program of the film festival, which was held in Berlin.

Natalia Baranova, photo

The plot of the picture consists of several parts,which transfer the audience in different situations. But the main advantage of the film is the dialogues and monologues of the characters. Therefore, the actors play here is important and decides a lot.

The last shooting in Russia

The last film, shot with Natalia Baranova in Russia, was the film "Reflection in the Mirror." The drama of the director Svetlana Proskurina, filmed in 1992, was released in March 1997.

Natalia Baranova, actress

Natalia Baranova in this film played one of thewomen, in whose eyes reflected the main character. According to the plot of the film, a famous actor suddenly commits acts, which he could not even think about earlier. By the way, this film did not become popular, although there are many well-known and famous actors among the actors.

Cinematographic career in Austria

Having emigrated to Austria, arranging his life there,Natalia began to continue her cinematic career. So, the first film in which she starred in Austria, was the film "My Russia", which was released in 2002. The next film, which starred Natalia Baranova in Austria, was "Son of a bitch". This drama, released on screens in 2004, was viewed by seven thousand spectators and received high marks.

According to the plot of the boy Ezren, who hardlywas nine years old, everyone around him does not let him close to him and is always called a "son of a bitch". For him, this insulting nickname, and he can not understand in what way he deserved it. After all, the protagonist always behaved well, listened to the elders, was polite. He even started working early, cleaning up the brothel rooms. But only when he was sixteen, he learned that his mother was a prostitute. How can he survive such a tragedy?

Natalia Baranova, biography

Were in the cinematographic box of talentedactress Natalie Baranova and other films. So, in 2009 she starred in the movie "Elephant Skin". This short film was released in May 2009. The main character is a woman with an unusual skin color. It opens before the audience for thirty-five minutes. After all, its main virtue is not skin, but soul and heart. Natalia Baranova perfectly played one of the female roles in this film.

Recent films of the actress

The latest shooting actress Natalia Baranovawere held in 2012. This year was the best in her cinematic career, as a young and talented actress starred in two films at once: "Horror on Friday Evening" and "Paradise: Faith".

One of these films - "Horror on Friday night," inwhich famous actor Simon Schwartz played the main male role, and Natalia Baranova in this film played all female roles. The premiere of this dramatic Austrian comedy took place in October 2012.

The second film "Paradise: Vera "went to the film distribution in March 2013 and was highly appreciated by both critics and spectators. This drama of Austrian director Ulrich Seidl was awarded a special prize from the jury at a film festival in Venice.

Baranova Natalia

The plot of the film where the talentedactress Natalia Baranova, is simple: Anna Maria, the main character, lives in Vienna. Despite the fact that she works as a radiologist in one of the prestigious medical centers, the girl believes in God. She tries to help all people find their way to God, believing that all souls are lost and can not find their way now. Anna is married. For a long time the girl did not know what happened to her husband, since he simply disappeared. But when he returns to her life, having got into an accident and becoming an invalid, the life of Anna also changes.

Many viewers would like to see Natalia Baranov in other films, as this talented actress played beautifully and emotionally in the films, but she completely disappeared from the world of cinematography.

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