/ / Screenwriter Vladimir Valutsky: short biography and filmography

Script writer Vladimir Valutsky: short biography and filmography

Vladimir Valutsky is a talented screenwriter, inwhich has more than 60 developed scenarios for famous Soviet and Russian films. How did the life of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR? And in the creation of which paintings he participated?

short biography

Vladimir Valutsky was born in 1936 in Moscow. His father was a Polish by birth, immigrated to the Russian Empire during the First World War. In the USSR Ivan Yanovich became a respected engineer: during the Great Patriotic War he built airfields, then met in the ministries. However, in spite of all the merits, Valutsky's father remained unaffiliated for the rest of his life.

vladimir valutsky

Where did Vladimir get the urge tokinodramaturgii, it is not known: no one in the Valutsky family had anything to do with art. But one thing is certain - Vladimir always had a rebellious spirit. For example, in 1961 he flew with a bang from VGIK for an unprecedented audacity: he took part in shooting parodies of films about the great leader of the proletariat, Lenin.

By some miracle Valutsky managed to recover inInstitute of Cinematography and in 1964 successfully graduated from the Faculty of Scenario. And a year later, in his scripts, two short films were shot - the melodrama "Comesk" and the novel "Constantly spelled out" from the almanac "Wick".

Vladimir Valutsky: films of the Soviet period

It so happened that the first scenariofull-length picture, written by Valutsky, brought to the master an unprecedented success and glory. The comedy film "The Head of Chukotka", released on screens in 1966, was very popular. The main roles in the project went to Vladimir Kononov and Alexei Gribov.

Vladimir Valutsky movies

In 1970 Vladimir Valutskiy again creates a perfect scenario in which the director Vitaly Melnikov takes comedy "7 brides Zbrueva corporal." Among the leaders of Soviet film distribution in 1971, the film took 11th place.

After such a successful start, annuallyscenarios of Vladimir Ivanovich were filmed 2-3 films. Among the works of the 70's. especially the historical film "Yaroslavna, the Queen of France" starring Elena Koreneva in the title role and the movie "In the Night Witches of the Night" with Valeria Zaklunnaya and Valentina Grushina.

Also in the 80's Valutsky entered the scenario group,which worked on the cult series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson" directed by Igor Maslennikov. "Mary Poppins, good-bye," "Winter Cherry" - scenarios for these paintings were also written by Vladimir Ivanovich.

Pictures of the 90-2000-ies.

90th for Vladimir Valutsky began with workover the picture "Winter Cherry 2", the main role in which again played the inimitable Elena Safonova. In 1991, under the script of Vladimir Ivanovich, the famous director Leonid Kvinikhidze shot the drama "White Nights".

Then there was the detective "Gray Wolves", the tragicomedy "Hammer and Sickle", the action movie "The Crusader 2".

vladimir valutsky personal life

In the year 2003 Valutsky created a script for the melodrama of Stanislav Govorukhin "Bless the Woman", the main role in which was played by Svetlana Khodchenkova. And in 2004 he adapted to the screen production the novel by A. Azolsky "Saboteur".

Famous serials "Yesenin", "Echelon", "Saboteur. End of the war "," Admiral "were also created with the participation of Vladimir Ivanovich.

From the last screened works of the master, you canhighlight a multi-series film "Spy" with Danilo Kozlovsky in the title role. In 2017, the biographical drama "Leo Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams ", to the shooting of which, Valutsky also has a direct relationship.

Vladimir Valutsky: personal life

Valutsky was married only once - on the actress Alla Demidova, with whom he lived his whole life. Also, the screenwriter brought up an illegitimate daughter, who later became a journalist.

In April 2015, Vladimir Ivanovich died on the 79th year of his life. A famous film-maker was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

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