/ / Shimura Danzo in the anime "Naruto"

Shimura Danzo in the anime "Naruto"

Shimura Danzo is considered contentedly contradictorycharacter in the anime "Naruto". He tried to protect his native village of Liszt by any means and often did not choose for this means. Before the audience acts as an uncompromising and cruel person. For most people, his actions seem insane, but they all have a purpose. The hero's biography clearly deserves the attention of the saga fans.

Early biography

From a small age Shimura Danzo already knew the taste of war,After all, he was in the detachment of the second hokage during the first great confrontation of shinobi. He constantly competed with Hiruzen Sarutobi and even tried to take the post of head after the death of the previous head of the village. To do this was not possible, but because the man created his own organization called "The root of the ANBU." By forceful methods, Danzo tried to bring peace to his native settlement, but because of this he was constantly in conflict with Hiruzen, who was already the third hokage at that time. When they demanded the liquidation of the "ANBU Root" from him, he went underground with his charges, although he reported on the execution of the order.

shimura danzo

Contradictory actions

Shimura Danzo always thought it was more suitablefor the post of leader and tried to get it in every possible way. During the third Great War, Shinobi made an alliance with the head of the village of Hanzo Rain. It was this character that helped to deal with the growing power of the Akatsuki, who at that time wanted to just end all armed clashes in the territory of their small country. The operation became completely uncontrollable, when Nagato with the strength of Rinnegan inflicted huge damage on the detachments. About Shimura Danzo, it is also known that during the planning of the Uchiha Uprising, he spoke with Itachi. The man saw the aspirations of the young genius to keep the peace in Konoha at the same level. He proposed a variant with the destruction of the entire clan, which, after all the conflicting sufferings, Itachi agreed. Danzo never chose methods, for him the goal was always above the means that formed the image of this hero.

naruto danzo shimura

Even more desire for power

If Shimura Danzo conceded at the beginning of his journeythird hokage, then after the appointment of the fifth hokage, Tsunade became even more embittered. Now for him the priority was the murder of the traitor to the village of Sasuke, this mission he provided to Sai. This rather strong ninja fell under the influence of Naruto and moved away from the "ANBU Root". This temporarily slowed the way to the top of Danzo's power, until Payne's attack on Konoha. After the victory of the main character anime Tsunade was in serious condition, and the man decided to propose himself to the post of the sixth hokage. The plan failed, and then Shimura began to act in a different direction. He decided to become the leader of the unified Shinobi Alliance in the next Great War, which was already brewing. To his goal, the hero was close, but Sasuke destroyed it. Subsequently, they fought on the bridge, where they uncovered all the abilities of Danzo, which he stole from the Uchiha clan. For this he was killed by the younger brother of Itachi in a long and difficult battle.

shimura danzo at school naruto technician

Best techniques

On the site "School Technician Naruto" Shimura Danzois a fairly strong character who has interesting techniques. Many of them are based on sharingans, which are woven into his hand. This includes and Kotoamatsukami - the ability to total control of man's will and mind. She possessed Uchiha Shisui and, according to tradition, could use only once in 10 years. He is good at using the skills of the elements of the wind, as can be seen in the techniques "Vzmakh", "Stream of the Wind" and "Vacuum Blade". In addition to the abilities of illusions of the clan of Wuchii Danzo, he also transplanted the cells of the first hokage. Thanks to this, it demonstrates the rapid regeneration of cells and can take advantage of the "Tree Release", which perfectly protects even the most powerful attacks. The top of Shimura's abilities can be considered as "Reverse Seal of the Four Signs". This skill puts four marks on the body that creep in different directions and create a sphere. After a while, everything that is inside, including the user, will be destroyed.

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