/ Tote rules. Sports betting. Bookmaker tote

Tote rules. Sports betting. Bookmaker tote

Under the sweepstakes is meant a special kind of bet,concluded between the player and the bookmaker on the basis of certain coefficients and deposit. Bets are accepted by hand (on hand) or online (on the Internet). To date, they can be done for almost any sporting event.

Interest rates

The bookmaker tote is aa pre-selected list of matches, the results or outcomes of which the player is expected to guess. Only in this case will win a bet, and the deposit will be replenished for a specific amount (depending on the total ratio).

Today in the sweepstakes you do not need to guessa certain account of the game, since in bookmakers there are very large betting lines. Thus, you can choose the best and most likely outcome of the match, for example, "in the first half will be less than 2 goals," "the guest team will be defeated in only 1 ball," etc.

football betting
Plus, that sports bettingprovides a large number of events, hence, the probability of a "raising" of the bet increases. However, do not think that guessing the outcomes is a simple matter. In reality, the tote can not be a permanent source of earnings, since it will not always be possible to win. Bookmakers with this statistics are very familiar, so they always win. In addition, they take interest from each rate, so the risk of bankruptcy is minimal.

History of the tote appearance

Initially, the game was of an amateur character. Familiar people among themselves concluded wagers, then mediators began to appear. Soon the number of interested persons increased, and the initiative participants decided to take a profitable business under their control. One of the advantages of the bookmakers appeared that now the player in the case of winning a bet received the entire amount immediately, without delay and with a preliminary guarantee.

The first full-value betting-betting steelIt was accepted only in 1874. In 1876 sports betting in Western Europe was banned. Representatives of betting agencies were persecuted by the international police. At capture at them not only selected all property, but also imprisoned for many years.

sport tote
Nevertheless, interest in the game continued to grow withevery day. However, underground clandestine betting began to flourish. And only in 1888 in France officially allowed bookmaking activities, but it should function only under license and on the territory of racetracks.

Over time, the game became popular all over the world. In Russia, it appeared closer to the middle of 1890.

Rules: general provisions

1. The organizer may accept bets on any types of events that are permitted in the relevant license.

2. Tote rules are published on a special stand in a conspicuous place. All changes must be displayed in a timely manner.

3. After accepting a bet, the responsible person of the bookmaker's office must be provided with a corresponding coupon, which underpins the deal on both sides. It indicates the selected events, calculates the coefficient and indicates the possible amount of the win.

4. The full program of possible outcomes of matches should be published on the stand or the official site of the office. Updates are made as the coefficients change to the corresponding events.

5. Bets on accepted outcomes must be kept in the archive for at least 1 month after the conclusion of the bet.

tote rules
6. The coefficients of the tote-office must be established in accordance with the internal rules of counting. All changes must be immediately notified to users.

7. The organizer has the right to refuse at any time the player to accept the bet without explaining the reasons before betting.

8. In case of evidence of violation of canons of wrestling (contractual matches) or incorrect outcomes, the receiving party may cancel the transaction without refund.

Rules: types of bets

To date, there are three populartype of transaction: ordinary, express and system. The first kind is a bet on one particular event. In the event of a mismatch, the player is considered to be defeated. The second type is a set of ordinars. In this case, all the coefficients of events are multiplied. A bet is considered won if all the outcomes in it coincide.

A separate view is the system. Here the bet is disassembled into separate expresses, so the player can not lose the entire amount at once. In case of coincidence of all events, money is multiplied by the total coefficient. If you won one express part, then the user receives an amount just for it. This is a very convenient type of betting, since the probability of a complete loss of money is much less than that of the rest.

Football betting often gives a bigcoefficients for exact outcomes (victory, draw, defeat). Their level is established based on the analysis of the probability of certain events. Large ratios always signal a high risk of losing. On the other hand, they significantly increase the total amount of the deposit.

betting odds
It should be noted that the tote of sports events is nothas the rights to artificially reduce the coefficients in group bets (express and system). Some bookmakers deliberately underestimate these figures. As a result, we obtain a general coefficient that is advantageous for them.

You can not change your bet on another type after betting.

Variations in outcomes

The most popular final events of matches are the victory of one of the parties or a draw. Winning the home team is designated "P1", guest - "P2". The draw is "X".

Variations of the final events of the confrontation are enormousset, but the designation of them remains unchanged. All the outcomes concerning the home side are "1", the guest is "2". Example: the match will end with the victory of one of the teams - "12".

Intermediate events can also be very different: from the number of corner kicks in one of the halves to the probability of injury to a particular player in a certain period of time.

Tote rules include one more kindoutcome - a handicap. If the event is guessed, then the coefficient is taken into account in the calculation, if not, it is either equal to 1, or the entire bet is considered lost.

betting tote
A separate type of outcome is total. This is the rate on the quantitative indicator. Example: "the match will score less than 3 goals" or "in the second half, the referee will give more than 1 red card."

One of the most advantageous from the point of view of the coefficient of the type of outcome is the rate on the exact account.

Deposit and win thresholds

In bookmakers, the limits of the initial ratesmay be different, but in recent years they have more or less leveled off. So, the minimum amount for conclusion of the transaction of the ordinaries is about 3 $, and on the express - 0.5 $. As for the system, the deposit of one part must be from 0.1 $.

In turn, the tote of sports events hasthe right not to accept rates for an amount exceeding the threshold of $ 1,330. The biggest winnings can be in the amount of not more than 13 300 $. As for the maximum coefficient, it should vary up to 1000 points. If it exceeds this level, then payment is made at the highest threshold - 1000.

In Internet mode, the bet size can not exceed the deposit available to the player.

Outcomes of games and controversial situations

The totals should be 100% identicalwith real results of confrontations. Score of the match, authors and time goals scored and other statistics is taken by the organizers rates from official sources: sites of professional sports federations regional and international associations.

The rules of the tote provide for the possibilityannulment of the outcome of the meeting some time after its end and the conclusion of a relevant protocol. In this case, bookmakers must take into account only the initial outcome.

sports betting
If the match was not finished or transferred to an indefinite period, then its ratio is equal to 1.

Features by sport

Football betting can take bets onthe main time and a separate time. The minutes added by the arbitrator are taken into account. The second yellow card to the player is equated with the "delete" event. In the MLS League, possible overtime is added to the main time.

In hockey, bets can be accepted for certain periods. However, most often the main time is taken into account.

In basketball, curling, American football and volleyball, bets are accepted taking into account overtime.

In tennis, the total and the forfeit are separately indicated for each of the games. In the doubles, when replacing one of the tandem participants, the ratio of the set is equal to 1.

In the rates for motor sport you can indicate both the winner of the circle or the entire race, and the leader of the overall rating.

In table tennis and badminton, the total and handicap are marked with glasses.

Calculation of winnings

Rules of the tote, in addition to determining the coefficients and betting, should include the procedure of payment of bets in which all the outcomes coincide.

After the end of all coupon matches, bettingThe office must pay the debt to the player no later than 90 minutes later. The amount is calculated using the formula: "deposit" multiply "by the total ratio". Example: $ 5 is set at the end. The overall ratio is 5.2 points. Therefore, in the end, the win will be: 5 x 5.2 = 26 $.

betting betting
The calculation of the ordinary is also made according to the above formula.

The coefficients of the transferred and interrupted matches are actually taken into account, however they will be equal to 1. The meeting that was subsequently lost in account is not taken into account in the calculation.

Useful recommendations

Do not pay attention to too large coefficients. Tote-bureaus often overestimate them for events, the probability of which is minimal.

Before betting, you should analyze the detailed statistics of rivals: the history of their confrontations, the physical form, motivation, recent results, positions in the general rating, and so on.

It is not recommended to specify too many items on the express, even if they are very likely.

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