/ / Love for all ages

Love for all ages

No matter how vulgar this may sound, but love,happens, comes at any age and at any time. And sometimes, at first glance, it may seem that the couple is not a couple, and the statuses are different, and the people have different temperaments, but the Amur's arrow hits the target clearly. And it's not for us to judge about morals, to decide what is permissible, and what is not and the film Kiss is clearly illustrated.

Particularly touching is the first love inadolescence. When hormones, like a raging sea, are covered up with a head when flimsy common sense is simply thrown overboard and the heart-boat circulates in an endless swirl of emotions and feelings. Familiar? Still would. Each of us, at least once in my life, experienced this incredible and, like a "make-believe", a little shy, the first inexplicable feeling. And shyness comes from nowhere, and shyness, and some previously unknown experiences about appearance and clothes. Still would! Feeling delivers true joy, only the code is mutual. In other words - a game in one gate can cost a lot of sleepless nights and wet from the tears of pillows.

Youth films as a genre exist in the worldcinematography for a very long time. As soon as the teenagers began to speak out loud about their feelings and rights, they immediately became objects of numerous films and serials. Surely, many of us stared at the French multi-part film "Helen and the boys", shared the heroes of the series "Beverly Hills 90210" and sobbed along with the emotional heroine of the film "Boom" about the injustice and hardships of unrequited love.

However, to watch the Kiss - cheerful youththe film, shot by Danish directors and cameramen in 2009, is, first of all, because of good and truthful jokes and also because of the wonderful play of young European actors.

Naturally, Kiss online for free now it is much easier to see than at that time,when many people searched for tapes and disks, overwritten each other, or gathered when parents were not at home and watched in a noisy company. Therefore it is very convenient to watch the Kiss online - you can pause and put in the right moment, and the place on the shelf or in the computer will not occupy.

The plot is built on contrasts: a botan and a loser, besides, a beginner, falls in love with the first beauty of the school, major and, it must be such a thing, a virgin. Not only that Victor, that is how the young man was called, clumsy, slow-witted, shy, so he also bursts into a wild hiccup whenever he only gets courage to come up and make a friendly conversation with eleven-year-old Anya.

According to all the canons of the genre, Ani already has a stable andapproved by the parents of the boyfriend - Peter - arrogant and impudent papa's son. And then the fun begins: who wins. Be sure to find the Kiss in good quality and look in the noisy company of your friends, the sea of ​​laughter and positive for the whole evening are provided to you.

You can even make a film collection at homea good tradition. For example, once a month you invite your friends to your cinema, from you - the place, the choice of the film, from them - treats. And then you have what you want: you can draw lots, you can arrange a tote and choose the most desired of many genres. Somebody likes fighters watch free, someone - fiction, and someone - in general,documentaries. Think about the plan for selecting tapes for your movie nights with the maximum consideration for the preferences and tastes of your friends: and do not spoil the relationship, and have a great time. Maybe remember the once-loved movies, or maybe give a chance to new ones. Dare!

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