/ / Gothic architecture in medieval Europe

Gothic architecture in medieval Europe

In place of the artistic Romanesque style,dominated in Western Europe until the XII century, came a more mature form of art - Gothic. The Italian name of the style was translated as "something barbarous, unusual".

Brief description of the Gothic style in architecture

Gothic architecture has its own specificcharacteristic features that can be expressed in three words: the city, carnival, chivalry. Stretching up the cathedral narrow streets ended, in the wide windows appeared blue glass and drapery. The main colors of this style are blue, yellow and red. Gothic features lancet lines, vaults formed from two intersecting arcs and ribbed repeating lines. In terms of all buildings have acquired a rectangular shape. They were adorned with arched arches passing into poles. Stone structures have become skeleton, openwork, as if they specially emphasized the skeleton of the structure. The windows stretched upwards were decorated with colorful stained-glass windows, and the top of the building was often decorated with small decorative round windows. The arched arches of the doorways had a ribbed structure, and the doors themselves were made of oak. Gothic architecture was read even in the elements of the interior: high halls were built long and narrow. If they were wide, then a number of columns, made of wood, wall panels, a caisson ceiling or fan-shaped vaults with supports, certainly formed along the center. All this is gothic.

Gothic cathedrals of Europe

Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages is, infirst of all, temples, churches, cathedrals and monasteries, for the very Gothic art was very religious in its subject matter and appealed to eternity and supreme divine powers. In order to feel the grandeur of these buildings, let us consider some of the most outstanding representatives of Gothic art, the most famous European cathedrals.

Heart of Vienna. Austria. St. Stephen's Cathedral

Built on the ruins of two churches, he survived many wars and today is a symbol of freedom for all citizens.

Gothic architecture

Burgos Cathedral. Spain

The medieval cathedral, built in honor of the Virgin Mary, is famous for its truly gigantic dimensions and unique architecture.

Gothic architecture

France. Reims. Reims cathedral

It was here that all the French monarchs were officially crowned.

Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages

Italy. Milan. Milan Cathedral

This is unrealistically large and extremely complexGothic cathedral. It is located on the main square of Milan and is one of the most famous architectural creations of Europe. Gothic architecture in the Cathedral of Milan strikes the imagination of even the most severe skeptic with his unreal beauty and splendor.

Gothic architecture

Spain. Seville. Seville Cathedral

At the time of construction was the largest in the world. Built on the site of the great Almohad mosque, it retained columns and some of its elements, and the famous Giralda tower, which once served as a minaret, decorated with ornaments and rich patterns, was transformed into a bell tower.

Gothic architecture

England. York. York Cathedral

The construction of the building was started in 1230 andfinished in 1472, therefore Gothic in the architecture of this cathedral includes all stages of its development. The York cathedral is considered one of the two largest and majestic Gothic cathedrals along with the cathedral in Cologne (Germany) in Europe. It is famous for its beautiful window stained glass windows.

Gothic architecture

France. Paris. Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre-Dame de Paris, perhaps the most famousFrench Gothic cathedral with its own style of architecture, sculptures and stained glass windows. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte himself was crowned in the walls of the imperial throne.

Gothic architecture

Germany. Cologne. Cologne Cathedral

The cathedral was built over 600 years. The height of this truly gigantic structure is 157.4 meters. Already for many centuries it is a symbol of the city and the main temple of the archdiocese of Cologne.

Gothic architecture

Italy. Florence. Santa Maria del Fiore

This is one of the most beautiful buildings in Florence, itsexternal walls are faced with marble panels of different colors: white, pink, green. But most of all, the size of the huge brick dome.

Gothic architecture

France. Chartres. Chartres Cathedral

Gothic architecture
French Gothic architecture in this cathedral has remained almost perfect, most of its original stained glass windows have remained virtually untouched since the beginning of the 13th century.

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