/ / The most expensive film in the world and in the history of cinematography

The most expensive film in the world and in the history of cinematography

The creators of films, expending on the picture madsums of money, want not only to please the audience, but also to earn twice as much. After all, the more spectacular the special effects, the more in the picture of star actors, the more beautiful and richer their outfits, the more likely the cash success of the tape. What is the most expensive film in the world and what is its budget? Let's try to identify the top five leaders in this category.

"Pirates of the Caribbean"

Gold in the list of the most expensive paintingsbelongs to the adventure film "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" by Hora Verbinski. The budget of the picture was already $ 300 million, fully paying for itself at the box office box office at 950 million. What was the reason for such a stunning success: the magnificent game of Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley or exciting special effects? The answer to this question remained behind the scenes. In any case, the efforts of the creators of the picture were not in vain. "Pirates of the Caribbean" - the most expensive film in the world and in the history of Hollywood at the moment.


Cash to success of Horus Verbinski James Cameron opposed the equally talented sci-fi picture "Avatar", the creation of which was spent 237 million dollars.

the most expensive film in the world
A film about the blue-skinned inhabitants of the planet Pandorawent on big screens with a triumphant figure of 2 billion 780 million dollars, leaving far behind the "Pirates" Verbinsky and deserving the title of "the most expensive film in history" at the box office in the world box office. The large-scale project of Cameron was filmed in a new digital 3D format based on revolutionary directing technology, allowing to see the live actors playing simultaneously with computer characters in real time.


3 part of the fantastic blockbuster Sam Reimi"Spiderman: The Enemy in Reflection" earned bronze for the amount of spent budget funds - $ 258 million due to the use of unprecedented hitherto special effects. The film, finding himself at the box office, collected a record figure - 890 million dollars, having justified its budget by 4 times. The exciting battle of Peter Parker with the Sandman, the Black Death, the Green Goblin and with himself deservedly earned the highest score of audience sympathy. "Spiderman" - the most expensive film in the world by rating the Internet voting and one of the box office blockbusters of all time.

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

One of the high-budget parts of "Harry Potter" - "Half-Blood Prince" - asked for its creation of 250 million, becoming another brilliant work of the corporation Warner Bros..

the most expensive film in history
The sixth book of J. Rowling about the fascinating adventures of the magician Harry Potter and other inhabitants of the school Hogwarts moved by David Yates to the screens using the latest tricks and exciting special effects. The film in the exciting style of "fantasy" fully justified the most daring expectations of its creators, collecting a gigantic box office in the first 24 hours - $ 104 million worldwide.

"King Kong"

The adventure of the melodrama of Peter Jackson about a giant gorilla, not devoid of romance? - "King Kong" - takes the honorable 5th place in the rating "the most expensive films in the world".

the most expensive films in the world
The budget picture is 207 million, cashThe amount at the box office is $ 550 million. The aggressive gorilla love for an attractive girl, performed by Naomi Watts, appealed not only to film critics, but also to the general public.

The honorary title "the most expensive film in the world" is notdetermines the artistic value of the film and does not guarantee its viewing in one breath. After a round sum of the budget and a successful box office does not mean that the tape will leave a trace in the history of the world cinema and in the heart of those satiated with various subjects of the audience, as well as the fact that it will become another mediocre picture that will quickly get lost in the mass of the same "sisters". Therefore, after hearing about the fabulous cost of the blockbuster, do not rush to buy tickets, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the actors and the announcement.

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