/ / Actress Anastasia Vvedenskaya: wife, partner, mother. Biography and filmography of the modern Russian actress

Actress Anastasia Vvedenskaya: wife, partner, mother. Biography and filmography of the modern Russian actress

The name of Anastasia Vvedenskaya periodicallyslips through the pages of magazines. And it is connected, first of all, with the mention of Vladimir Epifantsev, the Russian actor, who is her husband. Nevertheless, the actress constantly replenishes her track record with new works.

actress anastasia introductory

A simple girl on her way to glory

This is now she - a popular actress, successfullycombining work in the cinema and theater. Anastasia Vvedenskaya, whose biography is not so full of interesting events, apart from her marriage to actor Vladimir Epifantsev, is among the young promising stars. Born on November 14, 1984, she knew from the very childhood that she would become an actress. And there were reasons for that - her mother, Tatiana Vvedenskaya, for a long time worked as a make-up artist at the studio "Mosfilm". Because little Nastya already knew what cameras and shooting areas are.

After school she went straight to ShchukinskyTheatrical school, which graduated in 2006. Its artistic director was Vladimir Poglazov. In the walls of the school was born actress Anastasia Vvedenskaya. And with the "Pike" associated the most pleasant association - during her studies she met with Vladimir Epifantsev, a famous domestic actor who came to the school in search of a partner for his film. In the end, he found not the actress, but his wife.

"A night long in life"

The debut appearance on the screen took place inshort film "Angelo's Way", which Epifantsev was shooting. For 25 minutes the life of the capital was told in the style of noir. The military drama Night of Long Life reconnected the couple in one frame. Actress Anastasia Vvedenskaya played a village girl Zina, who falls in love with a young officer, forced to go to the front. She follows him and settles in a German military hospital. At the international film festival "Radiant Coast" she received the first film award in her life, and at the military festival in Bryansk - the award "For acting". The painting also participated in the festival "Amur Autumn", where she received a prize of audience sympathy.

anastasiya introductory biography

The very actress Anastasia Vvedenskaya believes "Nightlength in life "one of the best works in his career. The role of Zinka was not easy, it required many internal stereotypes to be overcome. In addition, most of the field surveys took place in not better conditions. Production of the film began after the birth of children, whom Anastasia and her husband left with their grandmother and nanny. But the warm reception of the audience speaks about the work done in vain.

Not only a television, but also a theatrical actress

Anastasia Vvedenskaya successfully combines twodirections. Among her theatrical performances can be singled out performances "Duck Hunt" and "All My Sons". The last work was staged on stage by Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi on the play by Arthur Miller.

I shoot only my beloved!

Vladimir Epifantsev periodically changes the actingRole and sits in the chair of the director. In 2012, he immediately shoots two projects - a full-length criminal thriller "Kremen" and filmed for his motives series "Flint. Liberation. " In both paintings, the wife is removed. He himself is reincarnated as a retired Major Andrei Shamanov, who is forced to investigate the death of a group of special forces and save the faithful from the hands of the kidnappers.

In 2012 Anastasia is removed inmelodramatic series "Poor Relatives", where she gets a small role of Lara. In the same year, together with her husband, she participates in the program "Polyglot" on the channel "Culture".

anastasia introductory biography personal life

In 2013, the series "Live further." Maria Mashkova gets the role of a girl of Faith who is looking for her sister. Anastasia Vvedenskaya and Vladimir Epifantsev again appear on one set.

The following works are no less interesting - AnastasiaVvedenskaya tries not to choose monotonous projects to try herself in different genres. In 2014, dramas with her participation "The Fatal Inheritance" and "Believe Me" were released. For 2015, the release of the military series "Fighters 2" is planned. In addition, the actress is busy in the new adaptation of the "Quiet Don", which puts Sergei Ursulyak. Anastasia got the role of Daria. Together with her in the picture are busy Sergei Makovetsky, Daria Ursulyak, Yevgeny Tkachuk, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Arthur Ivanov, Nikita Efremov and other actors.

Publicity - one answer!

The modern press clearly tracks anychanges in the personal life of each artist. Often, unfortunately, providing distorted information. Anastasia Vvedenskaya was not an exception. Biography, the personal life of a star is a frequent topic for discussion in the media. The actress is ready to answer: she is happy in everything that surrounds her! Together with her husband they plan shooting schedules, pay enough attention to the career of each of them. In the meantime, they are more engaged in raising two sons, who were given unusual names - Gordei and Orpheus.

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