/ / Director Nikolai Lebedev: Filmography, biography, private life

Director Nikolay Lebedev: filmography, biography, personal life

Director Nikolai Lebedev is a man whojournalists dubbed the Russian Hitchcock. For spectators, he is known for such film projects as "Wolfhound from the genus of Gray Dogs", "Star", "Legend No. 17". Zabolev cinema world in early childhood, this man keeps him faithful throughout his life. Only the genres with which the master works are changing: thrillers, dramas, fantasy. What else is known about him?

Director Nikolai Lebedev: childhood

The future "Russian Hitchcock" was born inNovember 1966, his hometown is Chisinau. The boy's parents had no relation to the cinema world, his mother worked as an economist, his father's professional activity was connected with the army. The future director Nikolai Lebedev loved to watch films in his early childhood, dreamed about the time when he would start creating them. Parents considered the child's interest to be frivolous, but nevertheless presented him with a camera for 10 years. At about this age, he wrote his first script.

director Nikolai Lebedev

Not surprisingly, VGIK is a university, whose studentNikolai Lebedev tried to become a director, having received a certificate. Unfortunately, his attempt was not successful. Then the young man entered the University of Chisinau, stopping at the Faculty of Journalism. The choice was not accidental, in this way he intended to get rid of the excessive shyness that hindered him in life.

First successes

Having received a diploma, the future director Nikolai Lebedevagain I remembered my dream. The second attempt to conquer VGIK was successful. Head of the course Utilov later recalled Lebedev as one of the brightest and most talented of his students.

Nikolai Lebedev director

Short film «Overnight. Friday ", which became for Nikolay" a breakthrough of the pen "- a very scary film, classified by critics as a kind of psychological horror. The main heroine is a girl, mysterious forces brought into the other world. She has to face a long-dead mother, a bridegroom who has taken care of herself, other people from her past who are no longer there. The tape received excellent reviews, which instilled confidence in Lebedev's self-reliance.

The first feature film

Nikolai Lebedev is a director whopretty much work to create the first full-length picture. The script, which the master intended to use, the representatives of the studios found unsuccessful. Nicholas was helped by his famous colleague, Valery Todorovsky, who provided him with the opportunity to work with the Gorky Film Studio.

Nikolay Lebedev director private life

"Snake source" - a horror film, actionwhich takes place in a small town. The peace of the town is violated by a series of terrible murders, the perpetrator will have to calculate the main characters. The budget was small, but Lebedev's skill atoned for this shortcoming. At the forefront of the maestro brought people, focusing on their psychology. Also carefully studied by him is the theme of the province, whose life he aspired to show "without embellishment."

The best film projects

Was interested in the master and the theme of the war, to which he decidedrefer to his second film director Nikolai Lebedev. The filmography of the star got a movie project "Star", which many predicted a failure, believing that it would not interest the masses. As a result, the picture was presented to its creator not only by a lot of admirers, but also by the State Prize given to him directly by the President of the Russian Federation. The director himself speaks about the movie "Star" as a tribute to the heroic heroes who died during the battles with the enemies.

Nikolai Lebedev is a director who is attracted to andgenre of fantasy. Proof of this is his creation "Wolfhound from the genus Gray Dogs", the plot of which is taken from the famous work of Maria Semenova. It's curious that other people tried to shoot the novel earlier, but they had difficulties with the budget, and the work was not finished. The script was written by the director in person, when he created it, he resorted to the author's help "Wolfhound." Critics have found that the maestro excellently managed to revive the atmosphere of the ancient Slavs.

It is impossible not to mention the film "Legend №17", the mainthe hero of which was the famous hockey player Valery Kharlamov. The very creator of the tape describes it as the story of the transformation of a young guy into a real man who has strong-willed character.

Life "behind the scenes"

Far from all the questions of journalists agreesanswer the famous Nikolai Lebedev. The director, whose personal life remains a mystery, is so known to fans. The maid's choice years ago was a girl named Irina, who knows only that her profession has nothing to do with the world of cinema. It is interesting that at the age of 49 the famous director has no children.

director Nikolai Lebedev

Nikolai Lebedev - director, personal life forwhich is of less value than your favorite work. Nevertheless, the master does not forget about the rest. One of his main hobbies has been traveling for several years. Nikolay speaks of himself as a man who has traveled half the world and is planning to see the second. Fans of the talented director expect a pleasant surprise - this year his new film project, named "Crew", is coming out.

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