/ / Karachentsov Nikolai - a man with a million people

Karachentsov Nikolai - a man with a million people

Nikolay Karachentsov (photo below) is a Soviet and Russian actor of cinema and theater. He is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Nikolay Karachentsov: biography

The future actor was born in Moscow in 1944, 27October. His father Karachentsov, Pyotr Yakovlevich, worked for many years as a graphic artist in the magazine Ogonyok, has the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Mom Brunak Yanina Evgenievna was a choreographer, she was engaged in staging performances in major musical theaters. The actor has a younger brother Peter along the line of his father (born in 1955).

Karachentsi Nicholas

Nikolay in 1967 graduated with honors from the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio and got a job at Lenk. On the stage of this theater, he played in many performances, such as "Czech photo", "... sorry", "Jester Balakirev." The actor gained fame as early as 1974, when he performed the role of Till Ulenspiegel in the play "Til". In the 1980s, Nikolai Karachentsov became famous throughout the country thanks to the role of Count Rezanov (rock opera "Juno and Avos"). This production is still successfully shown on the stage of Lenkom.

Nikolay Karachentsov: Filmography

In the movie, the artist began to star in 1967. The first pictures with his participation - "... And again May", "Strokes to the portrait of Lenin." The popularity of Karachentsov as a movie actor brought a role in the drama "Elder Son". He equally successfully acted in films from different genres - children's, musical, dramatic, adventure.

Added fame paintings such as "The Dogon the hay "," Yaroslavna, the queen of France "," Trust that burst "," Pious Marta "," White Dew "," Adventures Electronics "," Nuts "," Man from the Boulevard des Capucines "," Trap for a lonely man " , "The Criminal Quartet".

Nikolai Karachentsov, whose filmographyhas dozens of interesting works, also starred in the television films "Detective Dobrovsky's Dossier" and "Petersburg Secrets", the television series "The Ideal Couple" by Alla Surikova, the historical tape "Secrets of the Palace Revolutions" by Svetlana Druzhinina.



On the icy Michurinsky Avenue of Moscow inOn the night of February 28, 2005 Karachentsov's car got into an accident. The actor, who was behind the wheel, went to the city from the dacha, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law. He did not buckle himself and exceeded speed. Karachentsov Nikolai suffered a severe skull trauma in the accident and was rushed to the hospital, where he was trephined that same night and performed an operation on the brain.

The actor remained in a coma for twenty-six days. The subsequent process of recovery was considerably delayed. Only in May 2007 Karachentsov was able to enter the stage and show himself to the audience.

The artist again appeared before the public on October 12009 at the presentation of the CD "I will not lie!". At the same time, his speech never recovered, he reacted to the surrounding situation rather sluggishly. It was obvious that Nikolai Karachentsov could not continue his acting career.

nikolay carachents biography

In 2011, the actor was treated in a clinic in Israel, after which his speech improved somewhat. In 2013, Karachentsov underwent a course of therapy in China.

October 26, 2014 in the "Lenkom" was the jubilee evening of the artist called "I'm here!". Many stars of the Russian stage, composers, actors, poets took part in the concert.

On November 1, 2014, a creative evening of Karachentsov was held, dedicated to the release of the CD "The Best and Unreleased" for the seventieth birthday of the actor.

June 5, 2015, Nikolai Petrovich received from the "Chanson Museum" an honorable award for his contribution to the development of the genre.

Personal life, family

On August 1, 1975 Nikolai Karachentsov marriedHonored Artist of Russia Lyudmila Porgina. In February 1978, Andrei's son was born. Now he is a lawyer, married with his wife Irina, they have three children - Peter (born in 2002), Yanina (born in 2005) and Olga (born in 2015).

nicholas karachentsov photo


Karachentsov Nikolai for forty years of musical andActing performed a total of more than two hundred songs. He is at the head of a galaxy of singing actors, as none of his colleagues have such a huge number of popular hits (except perhaps Boyarsky). Karachentsov sang for the first time in the cinema thanks to Gennady Gladkov (film "The Dog in the Manger"). In the artist's work, the main composers, with whom he constantly collaborated for many years, were Elena Surzhikova, Maxim Dunaevsky, Rustam Nevredinov, Vladimir Bystryakov.

To really master the profession of singer NikolayPetrovich was helped by Dunaevsky, he taught him to sing correctly. With Bystryakov Karachentsev for eight years worked on a musical and poetic cycle called "The Road to Pushkin". He also sang his songs "Jubilee", "To go is to go", "Lady Hamilton", etc.

Nikolay Petrovich actively cooperated with ElenaSurzhikova, who managed, like no one to convey in his songs the experiences of the actor. One of his favorite songs - "The stars came down from heaven ...". He wrote it down shortly before the accident. Today, this confessional song is a red thread throughout the artist's whole life. The wife of Nikolai Petrovich calls it prophetic and characterizes as a hymn to the return of Karachentsov.

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