/ / TV series "It's Better Does not Happen": reviews, story, actors and roles

The series "It Happens Better": reviews, a story, actors and roles

There is an opinion that the name of the filmshould be directly related to the content of the picture, the exception is kino-avant-garde. Predominantly the name determines the main idea of ​​the film, becoming the starting point for everything that is happening on the screen. But sometimes the name can not be deciphered, even after watching the movie to the end. In such cases, there is a feeling of bewilderment. Fortunately, the TV series "It Happens Better" (the reviews will not let you lie) of RF production in 2015 and the melodramatic comedy of the USA of 1997 with the same title are a pleasant exception. However, the modern eponymous series of production of South Korea also has a close connection between the name and its main idea and theme.

TV series is not good reviews

Domestic melodramatic series from Yevgeny Semenov

The series "Better does not happen" reviews were named the bestA new television product shot in the landmark places of St. Petersburg. The director of the national soap opera deliberately shot important episodes on Nevsky Prospekt, the Promenade des Anglais, the Palace Square and the Peter and Paul Fortress. Script writer Anastasia Kasumova made a lot of efforts, and the audience was able to appreciate a quality film made at the level of transatlantic shows with the participation of talented actors: Marina Konyashkina, Dmitry Shevchenko, Artem Osipov, Irina Pegova and others. The film critics unanimously named Irina Pegova the adornment of the series, the laudatory responses were also received by the performer of the leading role Marina Konyashkin. Noticed filmmakers and Ilya Matyushin in the role of Tishka. Liked the experts and the image created by actress Christina Kuzmina. Among other things, they praised both the visual component and the stylish, memorable soundtrack of the project.

it's better not to have a series of actors


"There is no better" - a series of actors from whichall the forces tried to convey to the viewer the moral message laid by the director of the project. The main character Victoria Chernova (Marina Konyashkina) is not deprived of fate. She has everything - an exemplary family (husband and son), a rich and beautiful home, provided with a carefree life. However, all visible well-being collapses at a time when her husband leaves for another woman, or rather expels his wife and son and leads a new mistress. Victoria with the child temporarily finds a haven in the nurse of her son. To ensure their existence, a spoiled beauty takes a job in a supermarket. And soon, to his great surprise, he makes a career there. So, after going through difficulties and hardships, she learns the price of money, and love, and meanness. Despite the fact that the series "There is no better" reviews critics dubbed another kinoskazkoj, viewer project Semenov fell in love.

helen hunt

Made in Korea

The South Korean director Kim Hyun Sok presentedto the audience of the audience the series "It does not happen better". The reviews call him autobiographical. The fact is that at the end of the 20th century, the music hall C'est Si Bon was popular in Korea. It was there that many of the most popular performers began their creative career. No exception, and the group Twin Folio, which for two decades, starting from the 60's and 80's, created musical compositions in the style of folk. "It does not happen better" - a series, the actors of which turned into popular folk singers. They told the viewer how everything started, how the musicians met and why they decided to join the group, the actors Kim Yun Sok, Kim Hee E, Chon U, Chon Hyong Son and Han Hyo Zhu.

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Brilliant American melodramatic comedy

The film "It Happens Better" in 1997 is, onfirst sight, an ordinary story that, thanks to the well-written script of Mark Andrews, the professional direction of James L. Brooks and the brilliant cast of actors turned into a real masterpiece. It can be safely recommended for viewing.

Jack Nicholson

In the center of the story is the unrivaled JackNicholson, an actor who, according to many leading film critics, is able to draw almost any medium-sized film to the right level. In "Better Does not Happen", he created a multi-faceted, surprisingly interesting character with a complex character, which led the actor to an absolutely deserved third Oscar. In the main character, Melvin Yudela, there are all - phobias, comic habits, sharp quotes, drama of a loner who only communicates with a neighbor's dog. By the way, a dog named Verdell played six dogs of the Brussels Griffon breed in turn. Actor's talent Nicholson does not cease to be surprised, his beating key of charisma is amazing, his character, whether it's positive or negative, invariably evokes the sympathy of the viewer. A couple of Jack in this melodrama was Helen Hunt, and the duo of the actors turned out to be excellent.

Greg Kinner

The main female character of the film

The viewer will certainly feel compassion forwaitress Carol Connelly. Helen Hunt performed the role of a loving mother, accustomed to fearing everything in the world, but fatally tired of emptiness in her personal life. Her heroine is not ready to accept the twists of fate. Therefore, the woman does not want to let in his usual life an epileptic and rather eccentric writer. Two central characters seem to play cat and mouse. But in the end, two lonely souls still found each other.

The third is not superfluous

Understand the main characters of each other and finallyTo understand himself and his feelings helped the character, which was embodied on the screen by Greg Kinner. His hero - a sentimental artist of non-traditional orientation Simon, at one point loses almost everything, his life literally suddenly collapses. But he and his dog become a catalyst in the fastening and developing relationships of the heroes of Hunt and Nicholson. In addition to the three main characters, the mother of Carol (Shirley Knight), a friend of Simon Frank (Kuebda Gooding) and Vincent (Skeet Ulrich) turned out to be quite bright and colorful.

Skete Ulrich


In addition to the well-chosen actors, literatedirecting and verified script, the film is distinguished by pleasant humor. In this brilliant melodramatic comedy very pleased with the presence of extremely thin and ironic, sometimes barely perceptible humor. All jokes are quite appropriate and sharp. This picture must be watched.

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