/ / Attitude to Bazarov's love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Attitude to Bazarov's love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Anyone who enjoyed reading literature lessonswhile studying at school, must remember the work of IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" and his main character, Yevgeny Bazarov. Surely most readers to the question of who he is, will answer that this character is a nihilist. However, in order to recall what the attitude towards Bazarov's love was, most of us will need some time to extract from memory what was read. Someone met this work five years ago, and someone - twenty-five. Well, let's try to remember together what Bazarov says about love.

Love and nihilism

As a true nihilist, Bazarov denies love,because it does not bring practical benefit. Marriage Arkady takes him out of balance. He ceases to see in him his follower, he calls the "liberal barich".

Eugene assesses this feeling only from the point of view of physiology, not considering that any woman can be treated in a special way.

Attitude to love Bazarov exclusively consumer. He says that from the opposite sex it is necessary to "achieve sense", and if it does not work, then on one person the light does not come together with a wedge.

attitude towards the love of bazaar

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

All Eugene's ideas about love change afterthe way he meets Anna Odintsova. The feeling for this woman breaks into his heart and takes over the mind. It contradicts all of his life principles. Attitude to love Bazarov goes against his ideas about how it should be.

Anna Sergeyevna draws Eugene's attention to the ball, he admires the beauty and the article of this beautiful woman, but asks about her with a deliberate negligence.

Relations between Bazarov and Odintsova

Anna Sergeyevna also got a little interestedEugene. She invites him to stay in Nikolskoe, his estate. Bazarov accepts this invitation, this woman is interested in him. In Nikolskoye they spend a lot of time walking around the neighborhood. They talk a lot with each other, argue. Eugene Bazarov in Odintsova's eyes is a very interesting interlocutor, she sees in him an intelligent person.

And what about our hero? It must be said that after a trip to Nikolskoye, love in Bazarov's life ceases to be just what does not rise above the level of physiology. He really loved Odintsov.

love in the life of the bazaar

The tragedy of a nihilist

So, in Bazarov's soul there was a change thatrefutes all his theories. His feelings for Anna Sergeyevna are deep and strong. Initially, he tries to brush it off. However, Odintsov summons him for a frank conversation while walking through the garden and receives a declaration of love.

Bazarov does not believe that the feeling of Anna Sergeyevnato it mutually. Nevertheless, the love in Bazarov's life places in his heart a hope for her disposition towards him. All his thoughts, all aspirations are now connected with a single woman. Bazarov wants only to be with her. Anna Sergeyevna prefers not to give him the hope of reciprocity, choosing peace of mind.

Rejected Bazarov hard going through. He goes home, trying to forget himself at work. It becomes clear that the former attitude to Bazarov's love is forever in the past.

bazaars about love

The last meeting

The protagonist was destined to meet hismy beloved once again. Being fatally ill, Eugene sends a messenger for Anna Sergeyevna. Odintsov comes to see him with the doctor, but she does not rush into his arms. She was just scared for Bazarov. Eugene dies on her hands. By the end of life, he remains completely alone. Bazarov is rejected by everyone, only elderly parents continue to selflessly love their son.

So, we see how much has changedattitude towards Bazarov's love, when he met his female ideal in the person of Anna Sergeyevna. The tragedy of this hero was very similar to the love disappointments, which probably everyone experienced. We meet a person whom we consider ideal, but it is unattainable for some reason. We suffer from a lack of attention, not noticing that close people are ready to give a lot for us. Towards the end of life, Bazarov finally begins to understand the power of parental love: "People like them in our daylight can not be found with fire." However, such an important understanding comes to him too late.

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