The film "Apple Blossomed" is the original continuation of the Russian comedy "Strawberry Paradise".
In brief, the story can be described as follows: two families in the first episode draw together immensely through the wedding of the main characters of Sveta and Vadim, and live happily and happily because of their capabilities. The film "Apple Blossom" begins with the fact that both families come to stay at the dacha. Everything goes quietly and well until there is a mysterious couple who is from relatives of relatives. Heroes are impatiently waiting for the wedding, which, in theory, should soon take place between the newcomer couple, and each in its own way tries to speed up the process of the future marriage. Here, in fact, the entire plot of the film. The rest of the time, according to reviewers, is "sparkling humor", "unexpected turns of events" and "excellent jokes." And now it is worth taking a closer look at some of the above phrases. For example, what, in the opinion of those who composed the original description of the film "Apple Blossom", means "sparkling humor"?
Are we laughing to the point of falling or giggling languidly?
Humor, seasoned with original Russian color,- a very specific thing. This is hinted not only by "Yablonevy Saved" - a film that is considered a humorous melodrama. Yes, for those who do not want to think much about the plot and want to see something that does not strain, this masterpiece of the national cinema will do the best. For everyone else, you can give advice: think before you start watching.
Because the picture "Apple Blossom" reallyrich in humor and excellent jokes, both in the plot itself, and in remarks, dialogues of characters, but there is one nuance. All the funny situations of the film have already been played out, and more than once, in such creations of the cinema, but because they managed to get bored of the order. Although, on the other hand, the entire humorous component does not go beyond the acceptable limits, and the viewer, who is tired enough from an abundance of vulgarity, murders, blood and crimes on TV screens, can simply relax and relax while watching the show.
A melodramatic cliche and nothing more?
In the "Apple Blossom" there is everything you needa potential average spectator for a pleasant pastime: intrigue, new faces, curiosities, misunderstandings leading to stupidities, rush and a wonderful moment of the future wedding, which also did not fail to laugh. The end is happy, as it should be.
Also, writers and directors did not forget to designatethe contrast between the characters: before us appear the short-lived main characters and their parents, who are opposed to Him and Her (relatives, who are all trying to marry) - smart, beautiful, well, just an exemplary clever and clever! But for them all in the end are happy up to a pig's squeal and to sugar tears. It's all so cute, so rosy and sweet. In general, the epithets ended. And it also sounds in the movie "Apple Blossom" a song that can not be listened to without tart male tears. Quote its content does not make sense: let it be another intrigue and inspiration for viewing for those who want it.
It seems that the film is blown to the nines anddust? Not at all. Simply there is a movie that suits "at one time," and something special about it can not be said, for a one-time thing is a one-time thing. The painting "Apple Blossomed" is a surprisingly smooth continuation of the first part, in it you will not find anything radically new, just a simple everyday humor.