/ / Boris Tishchenko: Biography and Creativity

Boris Tishchenko: Biography and Creativity

Boris Tishchenko is a Russian composer, professor, a worthy figure in the field of art. He is a People's Artist of the RSFSR. It is about this great man that will be discussed in the article.

Boris Tishchenko: a short biography

Was born in Leningrad, the presentSt. Petersburg on March 23, 1939 in an intelligent Russian family. Formation of him as an artist and composer began in the music school at the State Conservatory of Leningrad, where he studied under the leadership of G. Ustvolskaya in the period from 1954 to 1957.

Until 1962, Tishchenko was trained in composing in the LGK them. Rimsky-Korsakov, in 1963 he graduated from the piano faculty under the direction of Logovinsky AD

In 1965, Boris graduated from the postgraduate course at LGA in the class of Dmitry Shostakovich, which subsequently had a significant impact on the creative path of Tishchenko as the author of musical works.

Boris Tishchenko


Since 1965, Boris Tishchenko, whose biographyis considered in the article, began teaching work in his own, one might say, fiefdom - the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov, where he worked all his life. In 1980 he received the post of associate professor, and in 1986 - a professor. In parallel with the teaching work Tishchenko was engaged in composer activity, often performed his works, wrote articles, annotations, reviews, spoke at international seminars as a speaker, took part in television and radio programs.

Boris Tishchenko brought up a large number of students, among whom one can distinguish conductors, musicologists, opera directors and choreographers.

boris tishchenko biography


Boris Tishchenko, whose biography interestsmany admirers of musical art, being an incredibly talented composer, started composing music as early as 18 years. Immediately after the end of the conservatory in 1966, he was first awarded the International Competition among Young Composers "Prague Spring" for the first concert performed by the cello and orchestra, written during his studies at the graduate school with Shostakovich.

1978 brought Boris Tishchenko the StatePrize of the RSFSR them. Glinka for his fifth symphony, which was dedicated to Shostakovich and permeated with his influence, "Symphony of Courage", as well as a concert performed by flute, pianoforte and orchestra of stringed instruments. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, in 1987, he gained the status of a national artist.

After the collapse of the Union in different years Tischenkowas awarded the Mayor of St. Petersburg, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and the RF Government Prize for achievements in the formation of musical art and the creation of the Beatrice cycle.

Boris Tishchenko short biography


As a composer Boris Tishchenko was multifaceted. He practiced himself in almost all well-known genres - both complex classical works and piano pieces, put poetry on music, wrote musical accompaniment to films and theatrical plays, orchestrated an old opera.

Boris Tischenko's creative heritage includes such works as:

  1. The cycle "Beatrice", which combines two Dante symphonies.
  2. Several symphonies, No. 3,4,5,6 and 7.
  3. "Requiem" performed by soprano, tenor and a large symphony orchestra.
  4. Works in the piano.
  5. Concerts performed by the orchestra of stringed instruments, including violin, clarinet and piano.
  6. "Helomite wise men".
  7. "Quartet No. 6".
  8. "Will".
  9. Sad songs.
  10. 4 songs "The White Stork".
  11. Requiem, dedicated to the deceased princess of Thailand Galjani Vadhan.
  12. Vocal cycles "Drawing" and "Road".
  13. 3 songs.
  14. "Brother."
  15. Andante espressivo in the performance of cello and harp.
  16. 2 sonatas in the performance of cello and violin.
  17. Virtuoso musical work (capriccio) "Rondo".
  18. "Fantasy".

Boris Tishchenko showed his versatility inwriting music for movies. Among his works, musical accompaniment to the films "The Children of Vanyushin", "Ivan Savvovich", "The Death of Pushkin", as well as orchestrations to theatrical plays - "Taras Bulba" and many others.

composer Boris Tischenko

Opera Monteverdi "The Coronation of Poppea" was first orchestrated, edited and staged in Russia, also by the works of Boris Tishchenko.

He also wrote several ballets: based on the fairy tale for the children of K. Chukovsky "The Fly of the Tsokotukha", "Yaroslavna" - on the basis of the historical novel "The Lay of Igor's Regiment", and also based on the story of Alexander Blok's ballet "The Twelve".

Nature and environment

According to friends, by the nature of Boris Tishchenko wasa man very educated and intelligent, at times ironic. He was very kind with his family, he valued and respected his mother, loved children very much.

He was not like anyone else, he worked with fullreturn, incredibly responsive approaching its task. Tishchenko had an amazing quality - he could get to the bottom of things, open up and present to the world the experiences hidden in the depths of his soul, to accurately convey human nature. At the same time he was extremely capable of work.

In his youth Boris Tischenko met and beganclosely associate with Joseph Brodsky, who brought it together with Anna Akhmatova, whose poetry he would later write "Requiem". With Shostakovich, he maintained a relationship all his life, until the death of the teacher.

creativity of Boris Tishchenko

Musical handwriting

Creativity of Boris Tishchenko has a certainhandwriting. Many composers influenced his development. In particular, he admired the works of Mahler, Mussorgsky, Glinka, Tchaikovsky. The influences of the cultures of India, Japan and China also affected.

In the works of the composer can be tracedtraditional for his era elements of tragedy, drama and struggle, motifs characteristic of Shostakovich's works. This is especially noticeable in symphonies No. 4 and No. 5. The pupil became the worthy continuer of traditions of the teacher.

However, Tishchenko has developed his own special style. In his complex large-scale works, orchestral parts with choral introductions, recitative intonation are masterfully intertwined.

The composer was inspired by the Russian peoplefolklore, trying to preserve and convey its identity, for example, in the ballet "Yaroslavna". He embodied the national color in his third symphony, creating a work consisting, as it were, of folk tunes handed down by different instruments.

Boris Tishchenko passed away on the 72nd year of lifeafter a serious illness. This person should admire and set him as an example to the younger generation. I would like to see musical art know more such talented composers.

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