/ What was the name of Lermontov 's grandmother? The main woman in the life of the poet

What was the name of Lermontov's grandmother? The main woman in the life of the poet

The name of the Russian poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontovfamiliar to everyone. His works are included in the school curriculum, and the memory of the prose writer-playwright lives in the hearts of many admirers of his talent and now, after several centuries. His grandmother took a great part in the formation of the personality of one of the prominent writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. However, those who have not heard anything about her, are asking questions about who this woman was. Why she was engaged in education? What was the name of Lermontov's grandmother? In this article, we will try to find the answers.

what was the name of my grandmother Lermontov

Always near, always aside

During the childhood and maturation of the future writer onhis share fell a lot of tests - even in infancy his mother died, leaving his son in the care of relatives. His father did not do it, and therefore the education was undertaken by the one who sincerely loved him.

What was the name of Lermontov's grandmother? It was an incredibly strong-willed, strong woman, about whom legends were composed, which everyone in the district knew, but who always stayed somewhere aside. Why did she do this? Perhaps, she did not want to remind me about herself again, to distract the attention of her grandson, who was engaged in creativity. After the death of the poet, her role in his life will be re-examined. Undoubtedly, this participation is great, because, in fact, the grandmother not only replaced her mother, she became a friend and assistant to Mikhail Yurievich. What was the name of Lermontov's grandmother?

Any beauty is dearer than a good heart

Elizabeth Arsenyeva was born in 1773year. She was tall and clumsy. She also could not be called a beauty, but her intelligence and business acumen could be envied. The grandmother of the poet Lermontov belonged to the famous Stolypin family, her father was nominated for the post of governor of the Penza province. Besides her, there were ten more children in the family.

In 1795, Elizaveta Alekseevna gave birth tothe only daughter of Mary. Because of her health problems for the female part, the husband - Mikhail Vasilievich - fell in love with the neighbor-landowner. The woman was not free, which led eventually to the decision of Mikhail Vasilyevich to take a deadly poison.

Left with his daughter, the future grandmother Lermontov,Elizabeth Alekseevna, alone managed the estate, which, it must be admitted, was considered to be wealthy at the time: about six hundred serfs were at the disposal, to which she treated very severely. Severity and willpower were largely manifested in character and in subsequent years.

grandmother of Lermontov Elizaveta Alexeevna

Unhappy childhood

Maria Mikhailovna, daughter of Elizabeth Alekseevna,She got married at the age of seventeen and settled in the village of Tarkhany, later renamed after the writer's name. She did not have a strong health, but because when the date of delivery was approaching, her husband took her to Moscow. There, on the night of October 14-15, 1814, a future poet appeared. A few days later, on October 23, Mikhail was baptized. The grandmother of Lermontov, Elizabeth Alekseevna, became his godmother.

Harmony in the family did not last long. Passed over the dynasty women's disease was the cause of discord in the relationship between the parents of the future poet. They cooled each other; Yuri Petrovich started a short affair, and when the husband objected, he began to beat her. A similar situation was established in their home. This contributed to the development of the disease, which passed into a new disease - consumption. After the death of Maria Mikhailovna in 1817, his father returned to his ancestral estate, leaving his son to his grandmother.

Energetic Elizaveta Alekseevna tried to makeall for his grandson. Michael did not have strong health, he suffered scrofula. Remembering that both of them are continuers of the Lermontov family, my grandmother wanted to give everything that was due to him. So, she wrote from France Dr. Anselm Levis, a Jew by birth, so that he watched Mikhail. Later, the writer's childhood and the influence of Elizabeth Alekseevna will be reflected in many works, as, for example, in The Tale and German "Menschen und Leidenschaften". At the same time, Lermontov experienced constant loneliness. He did not have peer friends, those who could become like-minded, which made him feel unhappy and lost. He transferred all his experiences to paper, which eventually resulted in vivid, dramatic verses and stories.

Attempts to find oneself, two sides of character and a fatal duel

The future poet became more mature. With his father, Elizabeth Arsenyev, Lermontov's grandmother, entered into an agreement under which she undertakes to engage in upbringing until his sixteenth birthday. However, she loved him so much that she begged her son-in-law not to take Michael to her, referring to the approaching old age. Mikhail Yurievich agreed.

Arseniev's grandmother Lermontov

The writer traveled a lot. He was in the Caucasus, he came to St. Petersburg, from there to Stavropol and Pyatigorsk. There he met the retired Major Nikolay Martynov. According to the latter, there were always disagreements between him and Lermontov did not miss the opportunity to sharply joke that Martynov had bothered one day. At his request to stop Lermontov answered with a challenge to a duel.

It is known that the writer liked to shoot. The fatal duel took place on July 27, 1841. According to the main version, the poet shot into the air, and his opponent - to his chest. Two days later, the funeral of the writer took place, to which a large number of people who knew him came. He was buried in Pyatigorsk. Elizabeth Alekseevna appealed to the emperor with a request to transfer the grave to the village of Tarkhany, in which the poet's childhood passed. In the spring of 1842 Lermontov was reburied.

Grandma stay forever

Even after death, she botheredthe grave of her beloved person remained in her native village. What was the name of Lermontov's grandmother, this steadfast, dedicated woman who showed an example of a true light feeling that a loving heart is capable of experiencing? Elizaveta Alekseevna went down in history as the first and last woman in the life of the poet, who devoted herself to upbringing and caring for him.

For her, he was the only one in every sense. He was protecting him, from him she was waiting for new letters. After the news of his death, Elizaveta Alexeyevna did not allow her to pronounce aloud the name of her grandson or any other writer. Her health greatly deteriorated, her legs were cut off, until the end of her days she honored the memory of Mikhail Yurevich.

grandmother of the poet Lermontov

Elizaveta Alekseevna survived almost all herfamily - daughter, husband and grandson. She died in 1845, was buried in a family crypt. Unlike the monuments and busts of the grandson located in Pyatigorsk, Penza, St. Petersburg, Taman, Tarkhany, Grozny, Kislovodsk, Moscow and even in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), she does not have a monument.

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