/ / Funny short horror stories for children 8 years old

Funny short horror stories for children 8 years old

One way to explain the baby, how tobehave and react to what is happening, can become horror stories for children. Years from 4-5, the child has a new perception of others. Children begin to analyze events and learn to assess people depending on the situation and their actions, and not on the basis of their attitude towards the person. Correctly selected children's horror story in an accessible and interesting form promotes the understanding of the child's moral and ethical norms and rules, tells about inappropriate actions and describes their consequences.

How correctly to think up ridiculous horror stories for children of 8 years?

To properly invent horror stories for children 8years, you need to know the features of the psyche at this age. In addition, each child is individual in the perception of certain images, therefore, telling a fairy tale, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the baby. For an impressionable and timid child, it's better to come up with a more peaceful and peaceful plot.

To make funny horror stories for children not onlyhung up, but also were useful, in a plot it is necessary to lay down an instructive moral and moral idea. For a basis it is possible to take stories of good children's authors, on an example of their fairy tales to think up the ridiculous histories.

A hero of a funny horror story can become himselfchild, so the story will be even more interesting and exciting. At the same time, telling a children's horror story, you can refer to the baby as one of the characters in the tale. Thus, the child will begin to partly lead the narration, developing his imagination, speech and sense of humor.

Why tell ridiculous children's horror stories?

Horror stories for children help get a kind of"Inoculation" of possible stressful situations in life. The attempt to protect the child from understanding what is evil can only harm his psyche. Therefore, telling horror stories for children of 8 years, parents give the child the opportunity to understand that in life there is not only good, and you need to be able to protect, protect yourself from unpleasant situations.

horror stories for children

In addition, according to psychologists, "a littleafraid "- the natural need of children. The experience of fear helps to overcome internal barriers and gives an outlet to accumulated, unexpressed negative emotions. And laughter becomes an excellent protection tool, which in the future will help in real life with humor to treat situations that cause fear. Naturally, in this case horror stories for children of 8 years should not turn into horror films for adults. Therefore, along with the evil characters in them should be good and funny, winning at the end of history.

Possible harm from children's horror stories

Incorrectly selected horror stories can harm a child's psyche. Negatively influenced by a fairy tale with a plot that does not match the age and temperament of the child.

Nothing good will bring and horror story,told with negative emotions, irritation and the desire to finish the story quickly. If the father or mother of the child is in a bad mood or tired, it is better to transfer the story to another time altogether.

Some parents describe terrible charactersand a terrible plot to intimidate a child when he does not obey. Such a horror story, along with the negative emotions that arise in parents at the time of disobedience to the baby, will not benefit children.

Negative consequences can have a horror story without further discussion. After the completion of the story, you should make sure that the meaning of the fairy tale is correctly understood.

The use of funny children's horror stories

Children's horror stories will entertain and amuse the child. Hearing a terrible story with an exciting story from parents, children are often themselves involved in the narrative and begin to supplement the story. Their imagination and ability to express their thoughts develops. The creative aspects of personality are manifested.

horror stories at night for children

A wonderful way to teach a child how to leadthemselves in various situations that require special attention and caution, there may be horror stories for children. 8 out of 10 children, according to the results of the research, easily go to a contact with a stranger and can leave with him from the playground. With the help of terrible stories, the child will understand and remember that one should not go out with strangers, cross the road in the wrong place, etc.

To the benefits of children's horror stories can also be attributed:

  • The opportunity in an acceptable form for the child to touch and discuss "non-child themes" of death, loss of a loved one.
  • Satisfying the child's natural need to experience a sense of fear.
  • Soft psychological preparation of the child for possible stressful situations in life.
  • Moral and moral education in an interesting form for a child.
  • Forming a closer relationship between the parent and the child.

Features horror stories for children 8 years old

It is better if horror stories for children of 8 years are expressed inplot an instructive idea that helps to understand the child's moral and moral guidelines. On the example of evil heroes, the child must see how to behave not, and what consequences can come from actions of a negative nature.

horror stories for children 8

Negative heroes should not be too bloodthirsty or quite frightening. Better if, along with the terrible appearance of the evil character, there will be something comical in it.

If parents want to instill in their children a love for animals and a careful attitude to nature, then in the story story, you can include animal characters who will help the main characters to fight evil.

In the plot of a terrible story, you can disclose the concepts of true friendship, mutual help and love for people. The scary must necessarily end in a positive way, the victory of good heroes.

What can not be told in the children's horror story?

Horror stories at night for children will be harmful ifcontain too bright and aggressive images. You can not tell stories with a bad ending, where there is no victory of good over evil. Positive characters should look attractive, as the images of the fairy tale form the aesthetic sense of the child. A story where all the characters look ugly and look like monsters, poisons the child's imagination.

short horror stories for children

Horror stories at night for children, auditioned foraudio recordings, in some cases can be harmful if the actor tells the story too brightly and emotionally. In addition, when horror stories are told by parents, they can always adjust the story in accordance with the reaction of the baby. If you independently listen to the baby, there is no such possibility, and all negative bright images remain in the child's subconscious.

How can a funny horror story help a child?

Funny horror story will help the child to removetension and give vent to the unintended negative emotions. Feeling of fear in a certain amount is a natural need of the child's body. The nervous system prepares for extreme situations in adulthood, and children's horror stories prepare the child not only for possible stressful events, but also teach the need to look for a way out of them.

horror stories for children 8 years old

Funny horror story can help children talk aboutnegative situation and to transfer its consequences. That, it is difficult to tell a child in the usual dialogue with parents, he can express with the help of a terrible fairy tale. This will also help to survive the negative experience, because in the story of the horror story the protagonist wins and destroys all evil.

In which cases can I tell?

Funny horror stories for children can be told,to calm or distract the child's attention. In a situation where the child has committed an act that must be condemned, to show the essence of the error committed, it is possible to describe the consequences of the committed actions metaphorically and communicate them figuratively to the consciousness, you can tell a horror story for children with a relevant storyline.

A funny horror story can also be told before going to bed. Of course, the plot of the story should not resemble a horror film, but be interesting and entertaining. It is better if in the story at night there will be more humor than a terrible plot.

During hikes, tourist trips to thethe nature of the children's horror story will have to come in handy. Narrated by the fire in the circle of loved ones, a funny horror story will be an excellent way to entertain the child. In the group of children, she not only cheers, but also helps children to get to know each other better.

horror stories at night for children 8 years old

Traditional heroes of fairy tales, which can be used in children's funny horror stories

Characters of children's horror stories can be invented on the basis of fairy tales of both Russian and foreign folklore.

Greek myths, legends of the Slavic peoples,legends from countries of Western Europe contain not only amazing characters, but also are part of the culture and experience of previous generations of different nationalities.

Leshiy, Snake Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal -The characters that are interesting to the child now. If you transform the Snake Gorynych into a terrible dragon, Koshchei into an evil vampire, and leshago into an immortal werewolf-keeper of the forest, you will get new heroes of horror stories for children. At the same time, they can preserve characteristic features in fairy tales. It is enough just to change the name and a little bit of appearance - this will be enough to surprise the child and make the story fascinating and fascinating.

How interesting is it to tell?

Telling horror stories is better with expression,trying to voice the mood of the characters in the voice, to convey the situation in which the events unfold. If you tell horror stories at night for children of 8 years, then the manner of narration should be calm and lingering.

funny horror stories for children

After the story, parents should be convinced ofcorrect perception of the child by a terrible story, its morals. It is better to discuss what was heard together with the child, which will also contribute to a better understanding of his inner world, the peculiarities of his perception of reality.

Short horror stories for children will be interesting,if they correspond to the temperament of the child. One and the same story can be too terrible and harmful for an impressionable and vulnerable child, but absolutely normal for another type of child's psyche.

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