/ / Jah Rastafaray: what does it mean, translation

Jah Rastafaray: what does it mean, translation

Jah Rastafaray, or rastarapharyan, isnot only a youth culture, but also the most real religion. There is an erroneous opinion that representatives of this culture are just young people with dreadlocks or in colorful (red, yellow, green) caps. But not many people think that in fact, Jah Rastafaray is a bunch of various teachings, cults and religions, which include Christianity in Africa, apostolic and Zionist cults, philosophical views of different sects, and also nationalism in relation to the black race .

jazz rastafariay which means

History of religion Jah Rastafaray. Translation of the word "Ja"

If you dig into history, you can findseveral theories about Jah Rastafaray. What does Jha mean? This is a god or, as some believe, with a distorted utterance of the name Jehovah. According to these legends, Jah visited our land twice, the first time we saw him in the guise of Jesus Christ, and the second - not so long ago, in the guise of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I. This theory, like many others, is considered not quite clear. Therefore, with such a religion as rastafarianism, you need to be pretty neat. No one fully knows what it is and where its origins are. But we know for sure that this young religion arose in Jamaica, in the 1930s. In those days, Jamaica was still a colony of Britain. At this time for black people, freedom existed only on paper, despite the official abolition of slavery around the world.

Rastafarianism is the religion of the Rastamans

Jazz Rastafaray
By the end of the twentieth century, Jah Rastafaray, which means"religion rastamanov", took more than a million people around the world. And every year they become more and more. Such impressive figures, apparently, exist due to the great popularity of this culture / religion among the youth. Inspired by young people, most often rasta-music reggae, a vivid representative of which is the famous musician Bob Marley. But, in addition to true connoisseurs of this religion and music, we can see simple Jah Rastafaray fans, the translation and the meaning of the term may not even be known to them exactly. Please note: Rastafarianism is a religion, not the mainstream!

The use of cannabis by the Rastamans

According to the fans of this religion, narcoticThe cannabis drug, which is often used by adherents of this religion, in no way harms a person's health. On the contrary, cannabis helps overcome all obstacles that prevent a person from knowing the truth and wisdom of our world.

Rastaman (religious religion Jah Rastafaray)argue that only in this way, through the use of grass, you can come to complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. As a confirmation of their theories, representatives of this religion very often quotes from the Bible: "And God said: Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has a fruit of a tree sowing seed; this will be for you to eat. "

jazz rastafaray translation

It was also from the Bible that the opinion was taken thatIt is forbidden to cut hair. They need to constantly grow, while you have to curl your hair into curls - that is dreadlocks. Few would agree with the Rastamans that it was this subtext that was laid in the Bible. But to refute these judgments will be wrong, because to date no one can prove either one or the other position.

Christian denomination in Rastafarianism

Jah Rastafariay, which means the religion of the Rastamans, inThe modern world has many different denominations. One of the most striking is the Christian denomination, which appeared through the influence of Marcus Gavari, supposedly a prophet of Jah. They created such a movement as "Back to Africa". The concept of this teaching was that Africa is the birthplace of all mankind, and that sooner or later there will come a moment that all will return to this continent. In his works, Marcus calls Jesus a representative of the Negroid race (that is, black), and black people - rulers of the whole world who built our civilization. On earth there is Paradise. And, in the opinion of the "Negro Jesus", this is undoubtedly Ethiopia. Jae will sooner or later lead all the people there. The arrogance and arrogance of black people angered God, and he gave all the representatives of the Negroid race to enslave the white people. According to Jah, this should make them understand their sins by seeing white people change their behavior. And only after that they will be worthy to get to paradise.

Reggae music

ja rasta faray which means
It can be said that reggae contributedpopularization of the idea of ​​rastamanstva. It all began with Jamaica, then the reggae style began to spread across the territory of Great Britain, America, and then all over the world. But if you understand, you can see that this musical direction almost completely eradicated racial bases in the religion of Rastafarianism. The music of reggae became popular, both for the black and for the white people of our planet. Also reggae style has become popular not only in individual countries, but also all over the world.

Lyapis Trubetskoy, "Warriors of the Light"

jazz rastafariay beat before dawn what does it mean
Next to Bob Marley can put a modernmusician and singer - Lyapis Trubetskoi. In his songs he often spoke about different religions. In his composition "I believe" a variety of deities are listed. This tells the listener that each of them has the same significance.

Not so long ago Lyapis wrote the song "Warriors of Light",dedicated to the religion of Ja Rastafaray. "They fight before dawn," which means guarding our peace and youth, is a description of the life of the Rastamans. The song shows the joyous life of Rastaman, where all are to each other - native people (brothers and sisters), and they all struggle with human vices. It also tells about "soldiers" Ja Rastafaray, which means in the song - "Warriors of the Light." They guard the summer, guarding warmth and youth. In their life there is no place for sadness and routine, every day lived is an excuse to enjoy your existence.

Distinctive features of Rastafarianism

ja rastafaray which means in the song the warriors of light
With all this it is worth noting that Jar RastaFaray, which means "rastamanskaya religion," is rather ambiguous. For all that, although it originated on the basis of a religion such as Christianity, Rastafarianism is very different from it. The Rastamans confess love for their neighbors, vegetarianism, as well as rejection of violent propaganda of their faith. Also Jah Rastafaray is against even telling his faith to other people, far from your views. Rastaman (or simply a believer in Rastafarian religion) will necessarily reach Jah, but only when he hears his call in his heart.

Therefore in this religion there are no initiations and followings to a single law, as in any other. To accept Rastafari for oneself is already to be initiated.

Well, in order to come to Jas Rastafaray, you need to do all a couple of things: realize J's will and conquer inner Babylon.

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