/ / Actor Christopher Heyerdahl: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

Actor Christopher Heyerdahl: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

Christopher Heyerdahl is a Canadian actor whooften filmed in science fiction films and TV shows. It can be seen in Supernatural, Smallville's Secrets, True Blood, Chronicles of Riddick, Ada on Wheels. He also played the leader of the "bad" vampire clan in the famous film "Twilight. Saga. New moon". What is known about this mysterious person?

Christopher Heyerdahl: the beginning of the road

The future actor was born in Canada,there was a joyful event in September 1963. Christopher Heyerdahl was born into a family not connected with the world of cinema and theater. Among his ancestors were Norwegians, Scots. Christopher grew up an active boy, with pleasure went in for sports. He had many hobbies, for example, the young Heyerdahl loved to ride motorcycles, snowboards.

Christopher Heyerdahl

However, the main passion for the future actor was cinema. Not surprisingly, by the time he left school, he had no doubt that he would tie his life with the cinema.

First roles

For the first time, Christopher Heyerdahl was on the setsite in 1987. The beginning actor got a small role in the television project "Jump Street, 21". In 1994, a young man starred in an episode of the criminal militant "Warriors". Then came the small roles in several series, which did not bring Chris fame.

Christopher Heyerdahl films

The first serious achievement of the actor can be calledwork on the militant "At gunpoint", which was published in 1996. His colleague on the set then became the famous Dolph Lundgren. In this film Heyerdahl embodied the image of the brutal fighter of the mafia group.

After the release of the action movie "Under the Sight" ChristopherHeyerdahl became a popular actor. The series with his participation came out one after another. He starred in the TV projects "Are you afraid of the dark", "Coyote", "Call of the Ancestors", "Her name was Nikita", "Spasms of horror". He performed small roles in "Hemoglobin", "Golod", "Sorrow", "Peacemaker".

Starry hour

In 1998, he played his first major roleChristopher Heyerdahl. The filmography of the actor acquired a picture of Out of Mind: The Stories of H. P. Lovecraft. In this film, he brilliantly embodied the image of the famous American writer Howard Lovecraft, who is considered the ancestor of the genre of fantasy.

The role of Howard Lovecraft helped Christopherget rid of the role of the eternal performer of secondary roles. The actor was increasingly offered to play key characters. In 2000, he was invited to the action film "Like a fish without water," where he embodied the image of a fearless fighter with the mafia. Further, he starred in the militants "Tradition", "Hot News".

A significant achievement for Heyerdahl was the participation ofin the filming of the mini-series "Nuremberg". In this television project, he brilliantly played the Nazi general Ernst Kaltenbrunner. The role gave the actor not only new fans, but also a nomination for the Golden Globe. Then Christopher starred at once in several Hollywood blockbusters, among which are the Chronicles of Riddick, The Catwoman, and Blade 3: The Trinity.

The Role of Vampires

Christopher Heyerdahl, whose photo can be seen inarticle, repeatedly played vampires. For example, the actor starred in the famous film "Twilight. Saga. New Moon ", the story of which was borrowed from the work of Stephanie Meyer. His character was the powerful vampire Marcus, who is part of the Volturi clan.

Christopher Heyerdahl photo

Chris performed the role of Marcus and in subsequent partsrating kinoSagi. For three thousand years, his character was tired of life, forgot how to feel human feelings. However, the mutual love of Edward and Bella makes him remember how much he lost through his own fault. The actor claims that he agreed to this role primarily for the sake of his niece, who is a hot fan of "Twilight".

Also Christopher can be seen in the series "True Blood". His character was the mysterious vampire Dieter Brown, constantly surprising his non-standard acts.

What else to see

Of course, not all of the above are listedinteresting roles played by Christopher Heyerdahl, whose films and biography are discussed in this article. For example, the actor embodied the image of a bright character in the TV project "Hell on Wheels". Schwed Thor Gundersen is an antagonist, poisoning the life of the protagonist in all possible ways. Gündersen is present in all the seasons of the popular series, his character dies only in the end, and unable to take revenge on the man whom he considers his enemy.

Christopher Heyerdahl Supernatural

Where else to 53 years had Christopher leftHeyerdahl? "Supernatural" is a cult series, in which you can also see an actor. In this television project, he brilliantly played the role of the bloodthirsty demon Alastor, with whom key characters are compelled to fight.

Interesting Facts

Journalists often ask Christopher that,why he so readily agrees to the role of fantastic heroes. The actor says that fantasy is his favorite genre since childhood. He also likes to talk about how serious it is to prepare for each of his roles. Heyerdahl always gets acquainted with the original source, from which the plot of the film and the series is borrowed, does everything possible to understand the way of thinking of his next character, the motives of his actions. He never divides heroes into good and bad people, only tries to breathe life into every created image.

Christopher Heyerdahl

Christopher is a man who refusesto devote strangers to the details of his personal life. It is only known that the actor does not consist in legal marriage, he has no children. Rumors about their novels with famous colleagues Heyerdahl never confirms or refutes.

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