/ / The hero of the series "The Magnificent Age" Bali-bey (actor Burak Ozchivit)

The hero of the series "The Magnificent Age" Bali-bey (actor Burak Ozchivit)

In 2011, the first series of the Turkish seriesin the genre of the dramatic drama "The Magnificent Age." It is based on historical events since the reign of Suleiman I. The plot is based on the relationship between the sultan and captive Ukrainian girl Anastasia, called Hurrem. Most of the characters have historical prototypes. In fact, there were Ibrahim Pasha, Mahiderekan Sultan, Shehzadeh Mustafa. The creators of the series though left a place for artistic fiction, but mostly tried to portray the characters as they are represented in historical chronicles of those times.

In the second season there is a certain Bali-bey -commander of the Ottoman army. This minor character immediately aroused sympathy among the audience. It seems that he does not have any shortcomings at all. But did it really exist?

Historical prototype

Bali-bey is a real person. It came from the ancient Ottoman dynasty of Malkoochoglu. The years of his life are known: 1495-1548.

Bali-Bey (actor): biography
Bali-Bey served the state faithfully at firstposts of sandjak-bey in Szendende, then as a Beyler-bey of Belgrade and Bosna. He showed his courage in the battle of Mohac and earned the confidence of Sultan Suleiman. Bali-bey quickly climbs the career ladder, becomes commander-in-chief of the Ottoman army, Beyler-Bey Buda, and then even some time enters the sofa as a vizier.

Who was entrusted to play such a brave and noble person, who was Bali-Bey? Actor for this role was also chosen worthy. It's about Burak Sweep.

Character from the "Magnificent Age"

As for appearance, he immediately conquers the femaleaudience. It is called no other than "Mr. Unparalleled Mustache." Burak - tall, stately, brown-eyed brunette - really one of the most attractive men on the set of "The Magnificent Age."

Bali Bey (actor)

As for the appearance, and the character traits,it seems that he does not have a single flaw. And was such a brave and faithful Bali-bei really? The actor, who played it brilliantly, was able to convey the personal qualities that the historical prototype itself possessed. All his life he devoted to the service of the Ottoman Empire and, in particular, to the Sultan himself. He always placed public interests above his own. He is very different from other representatives of the court nobility by openness, straightforwardness and nobility, so no one can persuade him to take part in palace intrigues. This character of the series is smart enough and prudent to avoid dangerous situations. I can not believe that all these qualities are combinedin one person who was Bali-Bey. The actor, however, tried to combine the valor of a warrior, respect and gallantry towards women, and also a man's charm.

Despite increased attention fromthe weaker sex, Bali-bey does not develop his personal life. At first he had to survive the death of his first wife Armin, then because of mutual feelings towards Aibig he almost lost his head. Then the audience hoped that he would reciprocate on the love of Mikhrimah, but this did not happen either.

In the end, the lord of women's hearts leaves Istanbul for home.

Biography of the actor

Burak Ozchivit became simply megapolar afterof how he played the noble Ottoman general, who was Bali-Bey. The actor, whose biography began to arouse interest especially after appearing in this series, was born in Mersin in 1984. High growth and spectacular appearance played a role in the choice of profession: from 19 to 23 years he worked as a model, he has prestigious awards on his account, for example, first place at the national beauty contest in 2003.

Actor of the series The magnificent age of Bali Bey
Offers to play in the movies did not take long to wait, especially since the corresponding education from Ozchivit was - the diploma of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Marmara.

First there was a small role in the film "Minus 18"(2006). Then the proposals were filmed as if from a bucket: in 2007 there was a participation in the series "Husband under duress", in 2008 - "Family House", then - "Betrayal" (2010) and "Little Mysteries" (2010). Thanks to the role of Bali-bey in the "Magnificent Age" (2011-2013), he became recognized not only in Turkey, but also abroad. He also played Kamran in the third film adaptation of the movie "Korolek - a songbird" (2014).

Burak Ozchivit: personal life

Like his screen hero Bali-Bey, the actor isthe idol of women's hearts. This prominent handsome man is still a bachelor, but he had a long relationship with his colleague on the catwalk Ceylan Chapa. At this time he meets with Fahriya Evgen, who played Feride in the "Korolke", but the wedding is not yet on.

In all situations, the actor of the series "Magnificentcentury "Bali-bey behaved like a real man, which explains the general love of spectators to this character, in which they saw everything that so little of modern men.

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