/ / Theaters for Children (Moscow): addresses, repertoire and reviews

Theaters for children (Moscow): addresses, repertoire and reviews

Children's theaters in Moscow today are very in demand. At their performances children are taken by parents, grandparents, classes from the school and groups from the kindergarten. The theater plays an important role in the aesthetic and spiritual upbringing of the child. Their repertoires are diverse and varied.

Children's theaters of the capital

Children's theaters in Moscow offer young viewersa diverse and interesting repertoire. This is a fairy tale, and plays on the plays from the school program, and musicals, and New Year's performances. In Moscow, about 40 children's theaters. In these companies today, boys and girls are playing along with adult artists. Theaters for children today offer productions also for the adult audience.

List of children's theaters of the capital:

  • Chamber Puppet Theater.
  • "Magic lamp".
  • Musical theater of the young actor.
  • "Firebird".
  • The Natalia Sats Theater.
  • "Surprise".
  • Theater of puppets.
  • "Flint".
  • Children's Variety Theater.
  • "Fanny Bell's Lodge."
  • "Russian Terem".
  • The puppet theater named after S. Obraztsov.
  • "Petrushkina Sloboda."
  • Theater Mimics and Gestures.
  • "Figaro".
  • Shadow play.
  • "Albatross".

Puppet Theater. S.V. Obraztsova

theaters for children

Many theaters for children are puppet theaters. Young viewers love this genre most of all. In this theater children's dreams come true. Namely - the dolls come to life. They dance, they sing, they say.

The most famous in Russia children's puppet theater is GATTSK named after its creator SV Obraztsov. It is the largest in the world.

Here you can not only see the performances, there is a library and a museum that are dedicated to dolls.

Address of GATTC: Sadovaya-Samotechnaya street, house number 3.

Theater repertoire:

  • "Snowman".
  • "Gulliver's Travels."
  • "Our Chukokkala."
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  • "Crazy day or the Marriage of Figaro."
  • "The Scarlet Flower".
  • "Someone's Nose."
  • "Hedgehog summer."
  • "An Extraordinary Concert."
  • "Big Adventure".
  • "The Divine Comedy".

And many other performances.

Reviews about the theater:

GATTsC produces positive and positive results for children and adultsimpression. The audience is mostly enthusiastic about this theater. Spectators really like his productions. Dolls are beautiful. The actors play their roles remarkably. In addition to performances, here you can see the museum of dolls, which allows interesting and useful to spend time in the intermission.

The puppet theater

children's puppet theater

The Moscow puppet theater exists withbeginning of the 20th century. It is led by Irina Kryachun. The repertoire is intended primarily for children. Although there are performances for adults. Before the beginning of each performance with small spectators play animators and artists in growth dolls.

The Moscow puppet theater kepttraditions of the past and at the same time creates new and non-standard productions. He is loved not only in Russia, but also abroad, as the fact that the troupe is often invited to tour to other countries. Some performances take place in the form of "Theater improvisations for children." That is, it is extremely interactive today. During the performance, the characters spend with the children any games that suit the meaning of the plot. Children like this very much, because they have the opportunity to become heroes of fairy tales.

Theater Address: Abelmanovskaya street, house number 17a.


  • "Swan geese".
  • "Miracle Doctor."
  • "Frosty."
  • "Teremok for flowers."
  • "Three funny pigs."
  • "Hedgehog, Bunny and Toptyzhka."
  • "Winter's Tale."
  • "Auntie Lusha and Kolobok Vanyusha."

And others.

Reviews about the theater:

According to the parents, a very big plus is thatThis theater is suitable for kids from two years old. There are few troupes that put on performances for this age. Dolls here are very bright, beautiful. Many productions include interactive, which is very fond of children. Many viewers write that for them, going to this theater is a real holiday.

Theater of dolls "Firebird"

theater of improvisations for children

Moscow State Puppet Theater"Firebird" opened its doors 25 years ago. Initially, his repertoire included only Russian fairy tales. Today, there are also performances based on works created in different countries of the world. The repertoire is designed for children from 4 to 14 years.

Theater Address: Stromynka street, house number 3.


  • "Merry turnip."
  • "The Legacy of the Sorcerer Bahram."
  • "The sun and the snowmen."
  • "Mermaid".
  • "About Petrushka and the Princess-Frog".
  • "Where the fox is carrying me ?!"
  • "Plih and Plyukh."
  • "Forest Trouble".
  • "Cold heart".
  • "Three piglets".
  • "The King of Laughter."

And others.

Reviews about the theater:

The audience believes that, first of all, he has veryconvenient location and easy to reach, as it is near the metro. The repertoire is designed for babies, which is undoubtedly a big plus. By the time setting is optimal, the children are interested in watching and they do not have time to get tired. Dolls participating in the productions are cute. Actors play a role with the soul.

Chamber Puppet Theater

theater for kids

Moscow children's chamber puppet theatervery young. He was born in 1990. The theater was founded by Vitaly Eliseev - a pupil of Sergei Obraztsov. Since 2009, Anatoly Alexandrov has been the director. In the foyer of the theater models of performances are presented, which are now included in the repertoire. In the buffet - glass tables, inside which live fish float. The troupe employs artists who perfectly master puppets and acting skills.

Theater Address: Bazhova street, house number 9.


  • "Kashtanka and Vanka".
  • "Ludwig + Tutta."
  • "Multicolored pranksters."
  • "Canterville cast."
  • "Thousand and One Nights".
  • "As a fox of a bear deceived".
  • "A lion, a witch and a wardrobe."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • "Parable of the son of a son".
  • "Try, hello."
  • "On the green hills of the ocean."

Reviews about the theater:

In the view of the audience, the theater is good, the performances are interesting. But the hall is not very comfortable, high backs at the armchairs. And one more disadvantage is that for the youngest in the repertoire there are not enough performances.

Moscow Puppet Theater

children's theaters of moscow

The Moscow Puppet Theater has existed for over 80years. Today he has three scenic stages: Children's, Small and Large. The repertoire includes performances for children from 1 year to 16 years old, and for adults. There is also a "Gallery" in the theater. There are puppet shows and master classes. For schoolchildren, excursions are organized around the backstage.

Address of the ITC: Spartakovskaya Street, Building No. 26/30.

A diverse repertoire is presented to the audience by the Moscow Puppet Theater. His poster offers the following performances:

  • "The Legend of the Dragons."
  • "Parsley".
  • "The Magic Nut".
  • "Krabat".
  • "Cipollino."
  • "Alexander the Great".
  • "Masha and the Bear".
  • "Fairy-tale with closed eyes."
  • "May Night".

And others.


Many spectators used to go here when they were children,now they bring their kids here. The public expresses the opinion that the theater is very cute and touching dolls. Performances are accompanied by beautiful music. Children after visiting this theater remain impressed for a long time.

Moscow Regional Puppet Theater

Moscow puppet theater for children

Such theaters for children, as the Moscow regionalThe puppet theater, which spends most of its creative life on wheels, is very important. They give their performances not only to the residents of the capital, they please children and adults living in the most remote corners of the country, where there are no own troupes.

This theater was opened in 1933. Created it Victor Schwemberger.

Theater Address: Pestovskiy lane, house number 2, building 1.


  • "Frosty."
  • "Lynx named Rys".
  • "Beech".
  • "Not a hedgehog."
  • "The Snow Flower".
  • "The Secret of New Year's Eve".
  • "Mashenka and the Bear".
  • "Tales from different pockets."
  • "The Golden Chicken."
  • "The sun and the snowmen."

And other performances.


The theater is small and modest, but very cozy,opinion of the audience. His performances are very bright and like not only children, but also adults. The hall is very small, the stage is located close to the audience, due to which the effect of involvement in the action is created.


Moscow State Puppet Theater

This children's puppet theater was opened in 1996. Founded by him VKMikhitarov is an actor of the Obraztsov GATTsC. The theater is unique in that its repertoire has staged performances in which characters speak a foreign language. For large families, there is a 20% discount on performances.

Theater Address: Izmaylovskoe highway, house number 69G.


  • "The Gingerbread Man".
  • "Caravan".
  • "Who's in the boots?".
  • "One wolf, two hunters and three pigs."
  • "Good Ivan."
  • "Let's play in the theater?".
  • "New Year's performances at the elegant Christmas tree."
  • "The Bear and the Girl".


In the view of the audience, the theater is excellent. The performances are exciting and cause delight not only in children, but also in adults. The actors here are wonderful. The interactive performances of this theater are very popular with children.

Theater of children's books

Some metropolitan puppet theaters for childrenknown throughout the world. The first of them is S. Obraztsov. From the young troupes of the capital known to the whole world is the theater of the children's book "Magic lamp". It was created in 1989. The theater poses the main task - to educate boys and girls of interest and love for books. Therefore, all the performances are based on the best literary works for children. Actors are able not only to drive dolls, but also to sing, dance and even perform circus tricks.

Theater Address: Sretensky boulevard, house number 9/2, building 1.


  • "Cat house".
  • "Kitten named Woof".
  • "The Tale of the Dead Princess."
  • "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all."
  • "The Magic Tree."
  • "Tales of Elephant Horton."
  • "Princess on the Pea".


According to the audience, this theater is wonderful. Children like that before the performance begins in the foyer, an artist works, which cuts out portraits in a few minutes. Kids stick to it. All the performances are smart and kind. It is noticeable that in this theater people like the viewer. Actors are real wizards.

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