/ / Artistic means

Artistic means

Artistic means are peculiar and colloquialspeech, but in literary creativity they are especially common, since they help the writer to attach individual features to the described phenomena, to evaluate them.

Belong to them, in the first place, the trails aresuch phrases of speech, in which words or expressions are used not in direct meaning, but in the figurative meaning. They are based on a comparison of a pair of such phenomena, which seem to us to be close by some indication. So, the signs of one phenomenon give a characteristic to another, create a bright, clear, concrete representation about it, explain it.

Trails, as artistic means, are usedin the writer's speech for the formation of new combinations of words with a new meaning. With their help speech acquires other semantic nuances, the author estimates the described phenomena.

Trails are of two types: complex and protozoa.

The simplest artistic means is an epithet and a comparison.

Epithet serves to characterize, define andan explanation of some property of an object or phenomenon. This happens only when it is combined with a definable word. The epithet carries its signs to him. For example: silver spoons, silk locks.

Comparison gives a definition of the phenomenon with the help ofcomparing it with another phenomenon that has similar characteristics to the first. It can be expressed in words (just like, like, etc.) or point out the similarity in the construction of a sentence (it was like ...).

Complex art means - it's litota, hyperbole, perifraz, synecdoch, metaphor, allegory and metonymy.

Litota is a figurative word combination thatdeliberately understates the strength, meaning, dimensions of the phenomenon that is depicted. The author resorts to this tool to make his speech more expressive. For example, expression from fairy tales: boy-with-finger.

Hyperbola - is, on the contrary, an exorbitant increase in the value, strength, size of the phenomenon or object depicted. The author resorts to it to sharpen the image, to attract the attention of the reader.

Perifraz is the replacement of a specific name for an object or phenomenon by describing the characteristics characteristic of it. This creates a vivid picture of life in the view of the reader.

Metaphor is one of the most usedcomplex paths, in which the word is used in its figurative meaning to determine a phenomenon or object, similar to it, common features, features.

Metonymy is the replacement of the name of a phenomenon orconcept of another name, but one that in the mind of man is still connected with the first phenomenon. For example, from the phrase of Alexander Pushkin "All flags will be visited by us ..." it is clear that ships of several countries will come to the port.

The prevalence in the creativity of these or other meanslanguage creates features of the writer's artistic style. Also, the author's style can consist in the repetition of ideas that reflect the perception of the world, in the content of the work itself, in a certain range of subjects and characters depicted by them most often.

A set of tools used by the author,the peculiarities of his creative manner, his worldview, his portrayal of life - all this is due to the historical and social conditions in which he develops. Their imprint falls on both the form of the work of art and the content.

In addition, the style is understood as notone author, but several. In the work of each of them the following traits are repeated (and simultaneously unite them): a similar understanding of life, the same ideas of works, the use of identical artistic means.

The artistic styles in which writers are grouped according to the characteristics listed above are usually called literary currents (symbolism, futurism, sentimentalism, acmeism and others).

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