/ / How to draw a lizard: two options for doing

How to draw a lizard: two ways of doing it

Drawing reptiles is very simple. The main thing is to choose the appropriate color and pay attention to the presence on the picture of all the characteristic signs of the animal. This article describes how to draw a lizard step by step. Want to get a classic look? Then take as a basis for the first instruction. Are you planning to teach the child the basics of drawing, while trying to convey your ability to embody unusual and new ideas? Choose the second option. In both cases, the addition of each new element in the image is shown in a different color. Therefore, using these walkthroughs on how to draw lizards, you can greatly simplify the whole process of creativity.

how to draw a lizard

Stage one - sketches of the basic contours

  1. Mark on the sheet two ovals - trunks and heads. Arrange them at some distance from each other and with a slight slope.
  2. Draw the neck lines, connecting the head and trunk.
  3. Draw a forelimb consisting of threeparts - a small oval (located almost horizontally in the upper part of the trunk), an ulnar region in the form of a rectangle (perpendicular to the shoulder), and small tentacles.
  4. Almost like the front draw one of thehind limbs. The difference is in the middle part of the leg. It should be represented in the form of a small oval and placed almost vertically. A tentacle should be directed in one direction - forward.

After obtaining the approximate contours of the lizard, proceed to the next stage - the final stage.

how to draw a lizard in pencil step by step

How to draw a lizard on a stone? Full decoration of the picture

Determined with the size of the trunk and itsproportions, bring the work to an end. The final stage will be drawing the tail, as well as the zone on which the lizard (stone) is located. The length of the "fifth" limb will be approximately equal to the total length of the body and head. The main thing - do not make the tail short, it's better, if it turns out even slightly longer than the norm. Make it in the form of a smooth continuation of the trunk, gradually narrowing to the end. Also pay attention to the curvature and "liveliness" of this animal reference point. Draw a second hind limb, slightly protruding from behind the trunk. Make a face, drawing eyes and mouth. Performing all the steps of the instruction on how to draw the lizards, complete the zone of the earth with the stone. Since the animal was originally drawn with some inclination upwards, it will be clear from the finished drawing that it seems to creep uphill. Therefore, outlining along the edges of the border of the stone, designate also the irregularities for which the lizard clings its paws and tail. And after changing the color solution, the drawing will, undoubtedly, be even more believable.

how to draw a lizard step by step

How to draw lizards "cartoon"?

Figures in children's cartoons have always been differentoriginality and some change in the original image. Lizards are no exception. The proposed drawing can easily be performed even by the kid, following the stages of the picture. It is not so important to maintain proportions, the main thing is to show the presence of distinctive details (long tail, tentacles, large eyes, corresponding color). In this case, you can make your own fantasy changes, for example, by slightly increasing your face or making it not elongated, but a rounded shape. Therefore, there are many options how to draw lizards that look like multteroirs. Let us analyze the simplest.

how to draw a lizard on a stone

Step-by-step execution of work

  1. Mark the muzzle of the lizard on the sheet in the formpointed on one side of the oval. Lines on the other side do not bring to the place of closing, but point in different directions, drawing the forelimbs of the animal.
  2. Continue the drawing, drawing an oval trunk, similar in size and shape to the head. Hind legs perform the same as the front.
  3. All the lizard's legs make in the form of tentacles of the same size and shape.
  4. Draw a long, spirally twisted tail, tapering gently to the end.
  5. "Refresh" the lizard with an ornament in the form of circles and zigzags. Draw large eyes.
  6. Give the model a yellowish-greenish shade.

Agree that the proposed instructions on how,How to draw a lizard in pencil in stages, quite simple in execution. Having mastered the basics with these options, you can then proceed to more complex work.

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