/ Who wrote "The Game of Thrones"? George Martin - the creator of a cult work

Who wrote the "Game of Thrones"? George Martin - the creator of a cult work

We all love the famous TV series dedicated tothe struggle for power in the fictional Seven Kingdoms, but only a few know who wrote the "Game of Thrones". Its creator is George Martin - a popular American writer, winner of many prestigious literary awards, producer and screenwriter.

early years

The creator of the "Game of Thrones" was born in the distant 1948year in the state of New Jersey, USA. His parents were typical representatives of the middle class. My father was working as a loader at the port, and my mother was engaged in children. According to George Martin himself, he began to create from an early age. In his youth, Martin wrote short terrible stories, and then sold them to other children. I bought something tasty for my money.

who wrote the game of thrones

Since childhood, the one who wrote the "Game of Thrones",is a fan of another iconic science fiction writer - John Tolkien. Martin himself does not deny that in many ways he was inspired by his works. And the most attentive readers even find a lot of references from the world of Middle-earth. Also, Martin is fond of comics and science fiction.

The first successes in literature

His first story George Martin published in1971 in the journal devoted to science fiction. At the same time, because of his own convictions, he refuses to serve in Vietnam (in those years the US waged war in this country), replaces it with alternative civilian employment.

He graduated from the faculty of journalism, for some time he taught in this specialty.

In 1975 he received the first seriousliterary award - the Hugo Award for "The Song of Leah" - a story dedicated to the first mutual love. Martin's stories are a success: they often receive nominations for literary awards. In 1977 he published his first novel, entitled "Dying Light".

By the end of the 1970s, Martin received a largeFame as a science fiction writer. Having published his best works in this genre, the writer switched to horror. The first work written in this genre was the novel about the vampires "Dreams Fevra." He received enthusiastic reviews of critics, a warm appreciation of readers, but his sales were not too great.

Creative failures

George Martin - the one who wrote "GameThrone of Armageddon ", whose failure nearly destroyed the writer's career in 1984. The sales were so low that many publishers refused to publish Martin's next novel," Everything is black, white and red. "As a result, this work was never published.

who wrote music for the game of thrones

After a failure in the writer's work, the author drawshis attention to Hollywood. The fan of the failed "Armageddon Noise" buys from the writer the right to film the work and invites Martin to work on the script. The film never came out, but the writer was able to acquire useful links in the film industry. Working as a screenwriter, he was able to take part in the projects "Twilight Zone", "Beauty and the Beast", "Portals".

"Song of ice and flame" - the most popular work of the writer

To the creation of the cycle "Songs of ice and flame" GeorgeMartin started in early 1991. To writing, he returned after the failure of the series "Portals", in which Martin worked not only as a screenwriter, but also as a producer. Already in 1993 he gave the publisher a short story of all the books, as well as several ready-to-publish chapters. Three years later, in 1996, the first book of the cycle "The Game of Thrones" was published.

Who wrote the book? This is the first question that arose among readers, because it was amazing. A realistic plot, prescribed heroes, unexpected twists in the narrative made it popular not only in America, but all over the world. Together with the product, George Martin himself became famous. Over the next few years, the following books of the cycle are published: "The Battle of Kings" and "The Storm of Swords".

In 2007, George Martinadaptation of his brainchild. The screenwriters David Benioff and Dan Weiss became those who wrote the "Game of Thrones" for the TV screen. The writer himself also took an active part in the development of the series and even wrote a script for several series.

game of thrones who wrote a book

The series itself started in 2011, at the same time it waspublished a new book of the cycle "Dance with the Dragons", which broke all records of sales. Martin himself became popular again. He not only helps in the work on the series, but also attends various conventions for fans of the series and books.

The series was a huge success, becoming one of the bestadaptations of fantasy in the history of television. In addition to camera work and acting, high-quality sound is also singled out. Who wrote the music for "The Game of Thrones"? This question is often of interest to fans. The title theme of the series, written by Ramin Javadi, became the most recognizable soundtrack.

Modern period

Now George Martin is working on the "Windswinter "- the penultimate book of the cycle" Song of Ice and Flame ". Her publication was expected back in 2014, but the writer never finished work on it. For the speedy publication of the book, he stopped writing scripts for TV series, and also attended most of the social events. In addition to writing, Martin's only hobby is a small cinema that he bought out to show retro films there.

who wrote the game of thrones author

"The Game of Thrones" moves to its logicalcompletion. Next year, the premiere of the penultimate season is expected. However, the screen version has long ceased to be a copy of the book. "Winter Winds" did not come out on time, so the screenwriters of the series were forced to think out and close the story lines themselves. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question who wrote the "Game of Thrones". The author of the original work is not against such amateur performance, he claims that the book and the series will all end equally.

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