/ / Movies about Catherine the Great: List of the best

Movies about Catherine the Great: List of the best

More than one decade of Russian viewersinterested in movies about Catherine the Great. The list of films about this amazing woman you will find in our article. Catherine literally broke into world politics, having revised the map of the world. She managed to annex territories to the Russian Empire, which other rulers did not even dream of!

For more than one century, world directors have interpreted the way of life of the empress in their own way. Consider a list of feature films about Catherine the Great.


Domestic television series, the shooting of which began in 2014. Marina Alexandrova plays the role of Russian Empress. By 2017, they shot two seasons.

The first of them tells that the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna has no children, which means a serious question arises: "Who will be the heir of the Russian Empire?"

Elizabeth Petrovna thought it over. She married her nephew on the Prussian princess Sophia Frederick. The young lady leaves Prussia. In a new place she dreams of finding a woman's happiness, but on her way meets cruel intrigues, as well as chilling conspiracy.

movies about catherine great list

The spouse to the young woman is indifferent, and her mother-in-law decided to take away their son and independently grow the future emperor of the Russian Empire.

Time passes. Sofia Frederika changes her faith and becomes Catherine Alekseevna. More and more managerial affairs, it takes over. Saving her children from mortal danger, in 1762, Ekaterina Alexeevna occupies the throne of the Russian Empire!

The second season of the television movie "Catherine" is filled with amazing events both in the life of the empress and the Russian state.

And we continue to consider the feature films about Catherine the Great, whose list you will read later.

The Great

Another Russian television series, which was shot in 2014. The role of Catherine the Great is performed by Julia Snigir. The plot is similar to the television series, the description of which you read above.

The main feature of this series is the emphasis onpatriotic and pro-Russian monologues of the empress. Director Igor Zaitsev stressed that Catherine was born more a sovereign than a wife or mother.

feature films about Ekaterina great list

"Vivat, Midshipmen"

What else can you name the films about CatherineGreat? The list of the most reliable is supplemented by the tape "Vivat, Mardegariny" of 1991, directed by Svetlana Druzhinina. As the practice showed, the film does not enjoy great fame. However, it is included in the list of the most reliable paintings that tell about the life of the future Empress. But even here the filmmakers introduced fictional characters.

"The dissolute empress"

We continue the review of feature films aboutCatherine the Great. The list of tapes about the Russian imperial dynasty was supplemented with the picture "Rasputnaya Empress", which belongs to the director Joseph von Sternberg. In terms of scenery and costumes, the film is considered stunning.

In general, the plot of the tape is uncomplicated. This opus of cinematography about Catherine the Great is considered the most successful, shot in the United States.

feature films about Catherine the Great List

Movies about Catherine the Great: List

We present to your attention the list of tapes, where the personality of Catherine is presented both on the first and the second plan:

  • "The Royal Scandal" (1945).
  • "Admiral Ushakov" (1953).
  • "Mikhailo Lomonosov" (1986).
  • "The Tsar's Hunt" (1990).
  • "Musketeers of Catherine" (2007).
  • "Pen and Sword" (2007).
  • "The Empress and the Robber" (2009).
  • "The Romanovs" (Film №5 2013).

Dear reader, we are not represented by farfull list of feature films about Empress Catherine the Great. More recently fans Angelina Jolie found out that the actress bought the rights to shoot an unknown novel about the life of the Prussian princess. It is worth noting that the director's work Jolie leaves much to be desired. Let's hope that the Hollywood film star will give up the director's chair to a more talented person.

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