/ / The image of Pugachev in the story "Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin

The image of Pugachev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin

The events described by Alexander SergeevichPushkin in one of his most famous works - this is the story of a large-scale peasant uprising (1773-1774). The image of Pugachev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" caused a lot of controversy and indignation at that time. For the first time the leader of the uprising appeared before the reader's eyes not in the role of a bloodthirsty murderer, as portrayed by his historians of that era, but by a brave, talented leader of the people.

image of the Pugachev in the story captain's daughter

Smartness, intelligence, inexhaustible energy and outstandingthe ability of the leader's personality allowed him to lead one of the most vivid peasant uprisings. The image of Pugachev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is an image of a man who managed to gather people around him from around the country. Among them were Bashkirs, Belorussian Cossacks, Chuvashs, Tatars, and workers from the Urals plants.

Pugachev also brutally dealt with all those who, according tohis opinion, oppressed ordinary people, peasants. In the face of the nobles, he saw only enemies, and good representatives of power and landowners did not exist for him at all. It is for this reason that he is so cruel to Captain Mironov, as well as his subordinates.

A person who remembers kindness

Nevertheless, the image of Pugachev in the story"Captain's daughter" is a person who does not forget about the good that has ever been made for him. So, he preserves life Grinevu for a glass of vodka and hare sheepskin, which he once shared with the "leader" during the storm. Pyotr Grinyov experienced fate three times, and Pugachev mercilessly treated him three times. The magnanimity of the leader of the uprising is also indicated by the fact that it was he who rescued Masha from the hands of Shvabrin, despite the fact that she is the daughter of the captain, and it was he who released Grinev with her. At the same time he punishes Shvabrin.

View from the outside

The image of Pugachev in the story "The Captain's Daughter"It is also revealed through the prism of Peter Grinev's perception. He repeatedly had the opportunity to make sure that this man is not so terrible as the tsar's authorities described him.

During their first meeting, Pugachev speaks inrole of "leader". Grinev at that time was extremely impressed by the coolness and prudence of the new acquaintance. "Leader" leaves the impression of a simple man, whose external appearance, regardless of anything, seems remarkable. Thin build, broad shoulders, medium height, a gray beard with graying and big, lively eyes - these are the features that attracted the attention of Grinev. As he himself describes the appearance of the hero, "... his face had a rather pleasant expression, but a picaresque."

captain's story
Simple Cossack

The description of Pugachev in the "Captain's Daughter" is notOnly the image of the leader of the uprising, but also the mere sight of a simple Cossack. In Yemelyan's speech there are folk proverbs, sayings, suggestions, various allegories, which for people from a different environment seem to be incomprehensible. So, he forces to call himself "king-father," explaining this by the fact that in Russia there always lived and will live "faith in a good king." His relations with his subordinates are built on democracy, they lack any rank-of-worship, and every person has every right to disagree with the opinion of his "sovereign".

Closer to the finale of the work Pugachev beginsit is acute to feel that he is only an impostor, becomes face to face with the sense of doom and continues to live only as a hope for a brighter future. "At the first failure, they [their subordinates and associates] will redeem their necks with my head," such words break from his lips in a moment of frankness.

Be an eagle and die with dignity

However, the main features of the image of Pugachevremain his heroism and greatness. This is found in the symbolic tale of a crow and an eagle. The hero believes that it is better to live a short, but worthy life, rather than to live for many years and "eat carrion." Pugachev compares himself with the eagle that he lives only 33 years, but "drinks living blood."

description of the Pugacheva in the Captain's Daughter
The story "The Captain's Daughter", the image of Pugachev inwhich is one of the main, allowed to look at the historical figure from a completely unusual perspective. Emphasizing the mind, wit, heroism and courage in his hero, Pushkin makes it a collective image of the entire Russian people and their best qualities.

Nevertheless, the author himself is of the opinion thatreform is always better than a bloody revolution, and more than once reminds of this in his work. In particular, it is in the "Captain's daughter" that words that later became widely known - "Do not lead God to see a Russian rebellion, meaningless and merciless!" However Pushkin did not set out to portray Pugachev and his companions as villains and criminals. He sought to depict in his narrative the history of the insurrection and the personality of the peasant leader. And he managed it really masterfully.

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