/ / TV series "The Light of Your Love": actors and roles

The series "The Light of Your Love": actors and roles

The series "The Light of Your Love," the actors and roles of whichpresented in this article, tells the story of a modern Indian girl who tries to realize her dream and finds support in the person of those whom it least expected.

This multi-series film became the debut foractress Deepika Singh (Sandayya). The actor of the series "The Light of Your Love" Anas Rashid (Suray) has won many fans thanks to not only an excellent game, but also a bewitching voice. Also in the series, the famous Indian actress Neilu Vajila took part, playing the role of Santoshi Rati, the mother of the protagonist. In addition to Russia, the multi-part film "The Light of Your Love", the cast of which is fully represented below, is very popular in Romania, France, Bulgaria, Thailand, Lithuania and many other countries.

actors light of your love


The main heroine of the Indian film (Sandaya)wants to become a police officer. A girl since childhood dreamed about it. But it is almost impossible to implement her plans because her family is poor. However, Sandayya does not despair and continues to hope that someday she will be able to go beyond the limits by which her social status limits her.

After the death of the parents, the girl takesthe proposal to marry Surai, the owner of a small bench and the beloved son of his powerful mother Santoshi Rati. The family of the spouse lives rather modestly, as the store brings very little income and constantly lacks additional funds.

Suray is fairly conservativeman, but supports the desire of Sandayi to work in the police and gives her money to study in college, denying herself everything. At some point, she decides to leave the school, seeing how hard her husband is. Suray is an uneducated guy, while Sanday is a competent and well-read girl. In spite of everything, they are connected by true and true love to each other. But only her mother-in-law Sandayi is not very happy with her daughter-in-law and constantly tries to quarrel her with Suray.

actors of the series light of your love

Actors: "The light of your love"

The main roles, as already mentioned, were performed by Deepika Singh and Anas Rashid. Other actors ("The Light of Your Love"): Gautam Gulati, Kanika Maheshwari, Salman Khan, Surendra Pal.

Kanika Maheshwari

The actress played a negative role in the series. Kanika was born in 1981 in the Algarh. In her homeland, she is today one of the most popular actresses of serials. In 2013, for the role in the film "The Light of Your Love," Maheshwari was awarded a prestigious film award. She did not dream about acting career since childhood. After graduation she studied art history and painting. The debut in the movie took place in 2006.

It is worth mentioning about the performer of the main male role in the film "The Light of Your Love".

light of your love actors and roles

Actor Anas Rashid

As for the performer of the main female role,for this actor work on the series "The Light of Your Love" became the debut in the movie. After the release of the series, Anas Rashid instantly became famous. In addition, he was awarded the prestigious award in India. Rashid also played in the multi-part film "When We Met." Here, his partner on the set was Rati Pandey. Soon the press appeared information about the novel between Anas Rashid and this actress.

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