/ / Varvara ("Thunderstorm"): characterization of the image

Varvara ("Thunderstorm"): characterization of the image

One of the most famous works of Ostrovskyis the play "Thunderstorm". There are unforgettable female images in it - a formidable Kabanikha, sincere Katerina, artful Varvara. All these characters deserve special attention, because each of them is unique in its own way. But in this article we will talk about the most little known of them - Varvara.

thunderstorm island barbarian

Varvara and Katerina

Varvara ("Thunderstorm"), the characteristic of which will beis described below, does not occupy a leading position in the system of images of the play. However, this character also plays a significant role in the work. In "The Storm" her image constantly shades the sincerity and spiritual beauty of the other main character. After all, in this play, Varvara is most easily compared with Katerina. Both girls live in the same house and, apparently, are of the same age. They spend a lot of time together, it's with Varvara Katerina sharing her memories and emotional experiences. In both girls there is something sincere and alive. However, Varvara is sensible about life. "I'm worse than you," she says frankly to Katerina. The girl does not flatter herself at all, and this speaks of her keen mind and sober self-esteem. But why is it worse than the main character?

barbaric storm characteristic

Varvara in love

Varvara ("Thunderstorm"), whose characteristicsdeserves special attention, just like Katerina, in love. However, even to the subject of her feelings - Curly - she discovers some indifference. There is no fiery passion in her, and this is clearly manifested in the scene of her meeting with her lover. Instead of deep emotional experiences peculiar to Katerina, Varvara demonstrates coldness and indifference. However, her lover also does not suffer from heart experiences. Ostrovsky often points to this in his remarks: "The Barbarian is adjacent to Kudryash's shoulder, which, without paying attention, quietly plays." During conversations with his beloved Varvara is constantly yawning. Everything in the relationship with Kudryashom seems to her familiar and ordinary. But, maybe, this pretended indifference, and the girl just hides her true feelings?

Life philosophy of the heroine

The fact is that Varvara ("Storm"), a characteristicwhich is of great importance for the disclosure of the main idea of ​​the work, has a different type of consciousness than Katerina. She submissively accepts the conditions of her life and passively adapts to them. The girl does not like unnecessary conversations, and all her thoughts are focused on the level of everyday problems, everyday relationships and rules adopted in her environment. The image of Barbara ("Thunderstorm") is the personification of a person who does not need creative enlightenment and love torments. The girl even laughs at all these irrational spiritual impulses. "A wise one," she says of Katerina, and does not understand her at all. Her ordinary consciousness is guided by common sense, and she regards the dreaminess of the main character as a kind of weakness. Even if Barbara had wings, she would not have let them go without a good reason. "Wind in the clouds" is absolutely not peculiar to it. Therefore, love for her is just an everyday duty, colored with seductive adventurism.

the image of the barbarian storm

Relationship with mother

Kabanov Varvara in the play "Storm" is a sisterTikhon and the daughter of Kabaniha. In principle, it can also be called a victim of the "dark kingdom", because the upbringing of the domineering mother in the house has finally crippled her morally. Internally Varvara foreign patriarchal laws are alien to her, which she is imposed from childhood, but life has taught her to hide genuine feelings. The girl has a strong character, and she could openly defend her convictions, but she does not want to do it. It is much easier for her to exist on the principle: act as you want, but so that no one will know about it. Probably, the upbringing of the despotic Kabanikha could not have led to another result. Smart and cunning Varvara is able to adapt to the generally accepted order: she easily deceives, masterfully pretends and, in the end, does everything in her own way. The hypocritical behavior of the mother taught her that it is impossible to live otherwise. Everyone is lying around, so why should it be sincere? Only when the girl was put under house arrest, she decided to run away from home. Thus, she dealt a crushing blow to her mother.

The uniqueness of the heroine

Varvara ("Thunderstorm"), the characteristic of which is notcan be unique, in its own way unique. She is far from stupid, witty, has a strong character and causes readers a certain sympathy. For example, unlike the quivering Catherine, she is not at all afraid of a thunderstorm. In addition, she does not consider it obligatory to observe the patriarchal customs accepted in her environment. Despite her upbringing, she knows how to distinguish between good and bad, and she sympathizes with Katerina. But she does not want to share her tragic fate. Varvara has only one hope - to find a suitable husband and escape from the captivity of the "dark kingdom". She leaves the house when she realizes that her plans may fail. This girl, no doubt, is a type of strong personality, able to independently think and make decisions.

barbarian in a play of thunder

Now you know that not only Katerina cancause interest in the play "Storm" (Ostrovsky). Varvara - no less vivid character, which, however, is constantly in the shadow of the main character. But her image embodies the birth of a new type of Russian woman - free from the gloomy prejudices of antiquity and able to defend its own independence.

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