/ / The film "Illusion of flight": reviews of film critics

The film "Illusion of flight": reviews of film critics

About twelve years ago in the USrolled a film directed by Robert Shventke, immediately fell into the list of film projects, which received the most contradictory reviews. "The illusion of flight" - this is a psychological thriller with Jodie Foster in the title role.

What do film critics say

For some experts who have left their feedback, the "Illusion of Flight" is yet another proof of the creative impasse in which the industrious but self-motivated Jodie Foster has driven herself.

Everyone knows the selectivity with whichOscar-winning actress approaches the choice of roles. Nevertheless, two times in a row, Jody embodied almost the same image, and this fact led some to assume that the role of a frightened woman who does not let go of a child by herself can in the future damage the actress - scare off many directors from her.

For many film critics, the film "Illusion of Flight"a very interesting and unpredictable thriller thriller, during the viewing of which literally "explodes" the brain. Looking at her mother, balancing on the verge of sanity, proving to the crew that she really boarded the plane accompanied by her daughter, one can not help but admire the talent of Foster.

It is also worth mentioning that the game of the inimitable Jodie Foster, who managed to convey every emotion of her character to the viewer, was impressed by the majority of reviewers.

The film "Illusion of the Flight": a description of the plot and a tribute to the enterprise of Shventke

flight illusion reviews
Almost all scenes of the film are shot inside a hugepassenger "Boeing", equipped in accordance with the latest developments of leading aircraft designers. Caught on board this ultra-modern airliner, the widow Pratt (the main character of the picture) took a nap, and woke up, found that her young daughter is not around. The girl's things also disappeared without a trace, and the passengers and crew tried to convince the woman who had fled to search that her child did not go aboard.

After these frames, the usual everyday situationturned into a psychological collapse in the style of Alfred Hitchcock ... Probably, therefore, the highest rating was received by the American reviewers who "grew up" on film projects, surprisingly similar to each other and to the film "The Illusion of Flight." Comments of film critics sympathizing with Robert Schwentke are no less enthusiastic: the ingenuity with which Schwentke has furnished his "flying maze of fear" with high-quality technical equipment, really makes an impression.

film illusion of flight
Not finding a daughter in the passenger sector, the motherbegins to methodically rummage through all sections of the aircraft: huge salons, toilets, a bar, technical compartments and even ... captain's cabin. Having completed the search, the widow with horror sums up that her child may no longer be alive ...

Foster is on top again!

illusion of flight reviews of the movie
Of course, the insidious kidnapper committed fatala mistake - I forgot at the crime scene a teddy bear belonging to a girl stolen by him. Now, people around must believe a desperate mother. Shocking "evidence", Jody rushes around the compartments, gives commands to flight attendants and even briefly de-energizes the aircraft.

The film, about one and a half hours holding spectators involtage, ends with a "happy ending": everything that happened on the screen is not at all an illusion of flight. Reviews of the film provide an opportunity to judge what percentage of viewers watched it to the end. And the end is this: the kidnapper betrays himself, and the heroine of Jodi Foster understands that the death of her husband is not an accident. The girl is found, and her mother, who was recently considered crazy, becomes an object of admiration.

The regulars of online cinemas who watched this film and shared their impressions of what they saw can be conditionally divided into two groups.

"Simply chic!"

illusion of flight reviews description
"A smart movie!"," Wonderful cast of actors! "," Heavy film, but interesting ". So, in most cases, there are positive reviews. "The illusion of the flight", apparently, liked many positive viewers, although it did not become for them a source of inspiration: buying up the approving phrase - all that was enough for them.

Among the authors of the comments were also people who were loyal, but not stingy for praise and described the plot of the film as "... intriguing, though not devoid of slips."

Not less attention was given to the scenery in the form ofinternal equipment of the aircraft, which abounds in the picture "Illusion of flight." Reviews of the film, through which users of the global network discuss the equipment of the aircraft, show that modern technology is one of the reasons that compel the viewer to click on Play.

"An interesting thriller suddenly turns into a mediocre action movie ..."

Approximately so appreciated the movie film fans who leftnegative reviews: "The illusion of flight" reaches a psychological thriller by only a third. When the viewer thinks that, now, the real movie will begin, the villain is exposed and the next two thirds of the picture resembles a hellish agony ... "

But not all visitors to virtual cinemas are so categorical. Some authors of negative comments characterize the film as not entirely bad, but also not exemplary.

"Illusion of flight": reviews, description of the character of the main character

A woman embodied on the screen by actress Foster -loving mother and a successful designer of ultra-modern aerodromes. This role, in the opinion of independent reviewers, proves once again how the actress looks like the image of a fanatical mother who alone brings up a child and is ready to tear to pieces anyone who accidentally met her beloved child, did not catch him in order to return to his mother's embrace.

film illusion of flight description of the plot
Some reviewers are sure that the film "Illusionflight "would not have lost anything if only Jodie Foster was in it, and it seemed to them that the actress's game was so convincing. However, some people noticed the "bad guy" Sean Bean, occasionally flashed against the background of Foster ... All the others eclipsed Jody - the actress managed to be convincing even in those moments when her character herself began to doubt the reality of what was happening.

A huge "fly in the ointment" in this crowdedemotions "kick" were comments of skeptics who noted that fans of psychological thrillers were attracted not by the names of talented actors, but by an intriguing correction introduced by Russian-speaking film distributors (the original name of the project is Flightplan) in order to raise the ratings of the picture.

Comments of random visitors to virtual theaters

Visitors to online cinemasshare their impressions of watching movies, were conditionally divided into two camps. Most of the users believe that the heroine Jodie Foster, who survived the death of her husband, was not at all distraught, and all her suspicions and actions can be explained by the aggravation of maternal intuition and the ability to think analytically. Representatives of this group consider the film a mega-masterpiece, second only to the "Shawshank Redemption".

film illusion of flight reviews of film critics
Their opponents, watching for no resultssearching the plane of a grief-stricken mother, suspected the heroine at least in inadequacy, but this did not stop both of them constantly admiring Foster's talent. In fact, the actress is so "merged" with the images of "cool" experts, that the audience has no doubts: this woman is really a specialist of the highest class!

Non-standard opinion

Among the guests of virtual cinemas there werevery original people who compared the plane from the movie "The illusion of flight", compared with a kind of a small model of modern society, where the atmosphere of misunderstanding and indifference is a habitual habitat, and a person in distress is forced to cope with the situation in proud solitude.

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